Dutch fervice, Scotch regiments
Duttons, their fingular jurifdic-
tion, 7
Eagles, . 40
Eider ducks,. 271
Ellen-borough, vide Mary-port.
EJk, its great. clearnefs, ' 88
Eufdale, one of the flate Hlands. 410
Fairies of the mine, , ee
Fairy-flag, 338
FingaVs cave, in Arran, ' 206
. — in Staff a, 302
Fiihing banks, ^85
Flower dale,. ^ 4
Fox, George, the quaker, 32
Frodejham, in ftances of longevity
there, 6
* rog> gigantic, i 94.
Furnefs abby, or
Gair-locb, 38,
Garjiang, noted for fine cattle, 22
Gigha, moft Eaifern of the He-
Kjlain-naidr, - 224
Glas-lich, the fpeftre, 307
Glafgow, 144 to 158
Glen-Jheil, battle of, '
Goats might be ufefully introduced
into the Hebrides, 358
Gold, where fodnd, ¡33
Graddan, or parched corn, 321
Graining, a rare fiih,- X2
Granite, red, 291
■ r a g e
«3 247
Gratna green,
Grene-baugh caftle,
Gull, Arctic,
Heebuda: of¡§&|ithe longifland,231
Halton caii le 3
Hamilton, pictures there, j
Hknd-fifting,. a curious old
cuftom, . 01
Harfager, Harold,.conquers the
Hebrides, ' . 2
Harrington and his lady, their
monument, • ‘ %
Hawkjhead, a fmall town ol
Hebrides, brief hillory of, 228
Henderfon, Alexander, his portrait
and character, - j , 2
Herrings and herring-iiihery,
HfMam caftle, antiquities3there, i l l
Hotter houfe, pi&ures there, oR
Holland priory,
FT ¡SFfPWiPil Howard, Lord William, his pic-
, ture,
Huddlejlou', father, his picture, 68
Ilay, ifleof, ,
jorrams, the marine fongs.of the
Inch-Marnoc, ,oZ
Jona, iile of, ^
Iron mines in Lancajhire, i 0
. Furnaces, • ■ qi
Irvine, fair Ellin, her tragical
j<uy raft,o ^lil’a nIdof f, - - ■ I io i
*fura, Paps of, . 247
Small ifles of, harbour, 242
Jurn, Loch, 4 395
Kefwick, Druidical temple near, 43
Charming lake, 45
Kings, the tombs, of, at Jona, 284
Kirkonnel, battle of, 100
Kirk-Patric, end of the Roman
wall there, 59 Kilkerran, now Campbeltown', 222
Killarow, in Hay, tombs there, 251
Kintail, 387
Knodyart5 396
Kul-ri, 024.
Lamlajh, fine harbour, 213
Lancajhire, beauty of its females, 21
Lancajler, - 23
Lanerk, 13,^
Langholm*, 90
Lead, black, where found, 48
Lead-Hills, their wealth, 129
Library, antient, in Jona, 296
LiddeVs ftrength 85
Liddefdale^ 86
Lincluden abby 119
Lifmore iile, 413
Lockermofs, 100
Loch-Lomond, 174, 177
Longevity, inftances of, 5,130,245
Loppings of trees food for cattle, 33
Lords of the ifles firft aflert an
independency, 237
Luagh, what,. 327
Machrai-Jhanais, a dangerous
bay, | 224
Mac-kinnaris caftle, 325
Magnus, the barefooted, conquers
the Hebrides, 235^
Marble, - 327
..Maree, Loch, a fine lake, 381
Marriages, Scotch, fugitive, 94
antiently made by the
. chieftains, 347.
Mary-Port, antiquities near, - 59
Maxwells, their feuds, 114
Meal magazines, the necefiity
of, among the Hebrides, 311.
Midwives, wonderful power of, 91.,
M-inifter’s ftipend in Cumberland
formerly, 47-
Molucca beans, feeds fo 'called,
caft on ihore, - 265
Monaftery in Jona, 291
Monoxyla,orcanoes,where found, 107
Montrofe, Marquis of, his portrait^
Moricambe of Ptolemy, 25
Mull iile,. fome account of, 40<‘
Natholocus, King, confults a
witch in Jona, 286
Nereids, ,no£ti luco us, 39^
Netherby, fine collection of antiquities
there, 73
Nether-hall, antiquities there, 60
Newby, or fweet-hea-rt abby, 114
Nithefdale, 121
Norton priory, 8
Nunnery in Jona, 281
Oran, St. 285
Oranfay, iile . , 269
Monaftery there, ibid.
Orford hall, fine botanic garden
there, 12