the fruit is drefied *. On another fide of the altar is a man armed
with a helmet and cloathed with a fagum claufum, or clofed frock
'teaching only to his knees. In one hand is a thick pole ; the other
refting on a wheel, probably denoting his having fucbeeded ia
opening fome great road.
In No. 70, are feen the two victories fupporting a triumphal
crown, the viftoriie augujli. •
T h e local goddefs Setlocenia, with long flowing hair, with a
veflel in her hand, fills the front o f one ftotte: and an altar infcrib-
ed to her is lodged in one o f the garden walls.
No. 74 is near the goddefs, a moft rude figure of a cavalier
on his fteed.
In the fame wall with 'her altar is No. 64, a monumental mu-
tilated infcription, fuppofed in honor of AntorAms Pius.
No. 71 the next monument notes the premature death o f Julia
Mamertitia, at the age of twenty years and three months. A rude
head exprefles the lady and a fetting fun, the funereal fubject.
A female expreffing modefty with one hand ; the other lifted
to her head, Hands beneath an arch, as if about to bathe, and
is marked in Horfely, No. 73.
In a garden houfe is No. 62, an altar to Jupiter, by the firlt
cohort of the Spanijh, whofe tribune was Marcus Menius Agrippa.
Another, No. 66, to Mars Militaris, devoted by the firft cohort
of the Belgic Gauls, commanded by Julius Tutor.
And a third, No. 67, to Jupiter, by Caius Caballus Prifcus, a
tribune; but no mention is made of the cohort.
* Mottfmm, Antiq. 1. tab. civ. f. 7.