
At Holker are feveral good pictures : among the portraits, the
beautiful, abandoned, vindi&ive, violent Dutchefs of Cleveland.,
miftrefs to Ch. II. by Lely.
' A Mrs. Lowther, by the fame.
Admiral Pern, dreffed in black, with a cravat and fafh, long
hair, and of a good honeft countenance. He rofe very early in life
to the higheft naval commands ; was a captain at twenty one, rear
admiral of Ireland at twenty-three, general in the firft Butch war
at thirty-two; difgraced and imprifoned by Cromwel, for his unfuc-
cel'sful attempt on St. Domingo, though he added, in that very expedition,
Jamaica to the kingdom of Great Britain ? on the reftoration,
commanded under the Duke of York in the fame ihip, at the great
fea fight of 1665, when the laurels o f the firft day were blafted
by the myftic inactivity o f the fecond ; for where princes are
concerned, the truth o f mifcarriages feldom appears. He foon
after retired from the fervice,, and died, at the early age o f forty-
The late Sir James Lowther; a character too well known to be
The head of Yhomas JVriotheJly, Earl of Southampton, the friend o f
Clarendon, and virtuous treafurer of the firft years after the reftoration.
His lady, leaning on a globe.
A very fine head of a Prefion? in. black,, a ruff, lhort grey, hair,,
round beard.
A head called that o f an Earl Douglas, with this infcription :
Novi( paucos fecura quies, at.fuie. xxii. A. M. D. xi. On the head a.
black bonnet, countenance good, beard brown, drefs black.
A fine head of Yandyck, when young, leaning: by himfelf.
An old man reading, and a boy, on wood, marked j. w. Stap.
Two boys at dice, and a woman looking on : a fine piece by
St. Francis d’AJfize,. kneeling, very fine. And variety o f other
good paintings.
Crofs another traCt of fands, three miles in breadth, and am con--
dufted thro* the ford by another Carter. This officer was originally-
maintained by the priory o f Conijhed-, but at the dlffolution the
King charged himfelf and his fucceffors with the payment; fince
that time it is held by patent of the dutchy of Lancajler, and the
falary is paid by the receiver-general- Reach
Ulverfim,. a town of about three thoufand fouls, feated near the
water fide, and is approachable at high water by veffels of a hundred
and fifty tuns ; has a good trade in iron ore, pig and bar iron, bark,-
lime-ftone, oats and barley, and much beans, which laft are fent
to Leverpool, for the food o f the poor enilaved negroes in the Guinea
trade. Numbers of cattle are alfo fold out o f the neighborhood, but
the commerce in general declines ; at prelent there are not above'
fixty veflels belonging to the place I formerly about a hundred and
fifty moftly let out to freight; but both mailer and failors go now
to Leverpool for employ.
Quantities o f potatoes are. raifed here ; and fuch is the increaie
that 450 buffiels have been got from a fingle acre o f ground. Some
wheat is raifed in low Furnefs, near the fea, ,and in theiile o f Walney :
but the inhabitants of thefe parts have but recently applied them-
felves to hufbandry. Among the manures fea-fand and live muf-
eles are frequently ufed; but till within thefe twenty years even the-’
ufe of dung was fcarcely known to them,
U l v e r s t o n ,