
B a t t l e o f
G l s n s h b i l .
B e r n e r a
North-Britain> like Polypes, multiply the more exceedingly, by cuts
and wounds.
Leave to the Eaft the entrance into Loch-Lmg and Loch-Duacb-
two miles from the South fide of the laft are the dangerous pafles
o f Glen-fheil and Stracbell-, where, on June the 10th, 1719, a petty
rebellion, projeited by Cardinal Alberoni, and to have been fup„
ported, by. the Spaniards, was fuppreffed. A tempeft difperfed. the
hoftile fquadron, and only about three hundred forces arrived.
The highlanders made a poor ftand at Stracbell-, but were quickly
put to flight, when they had opportunity of deftroying the king’s
forces , by rolling down, ftones from the heights. I muft not omit
that among the clans that appeared in arms, was a large body lent
by a neighboring chieftain, merely for the battle o f that one day;
and win or lofe was to return home that night.
Pais through the Ktl-ru, buifetted ieverely on the way by violent
fqualls. Land on. the eaft fide in the pariih o f Glen-elg, in the
county of-
I" N V' E r n e s s~.;
The veflel anchors three miles diftant on the oppofite fide o f the bay,,
under Skie.
Walk up to the church; and obferve near it a Angular tree,, I
whofe boughs had bent to the grounds, and taking root’formed a I
ft range arbour. Pals by the barracks o f Bernera, built in 1722, I
handfome and capacious, defigned to hold two hundred men: at I
prefent occupied only by a corporal and fix foldiers. The country I
lament, this- negledt, They are. now quite fenfible o f■ the good; I
effefts I
effefts of the military, by introducing peace and fecurity: they
fear leaft the evil days ihould return, and the antient thefts be renewed,
as foon as the Banditti find this prote&ion of the people
Walk up the valley o f Glen-Elg, or the vale of Deer : vifit Mr.
Macleod, the minifter, and receive all the welcome that the Res an-
gufia Domus would permit. He ihewed us, at a fmall diftance from
his houfe,. the remains of a mine of black lead, neglefted on account
of the poverty of what the adventurers found near the furface; but
it is highly probable, that at a proper depth it may be- found to
equal , that of Cumberland. A poor kind of-bog iron ore is alfo’
found here.-.
Above the manie, on the top o f & hill, is a. Bvitijh fortreis, diked
fouT)d with ftone, and in the middle is the veftige o f a circular in-
clofure, perhaps of a building, the ihelter of the officers. Withiiv
fight is another of thefe retreats,, which .are called inthe Erfe, Bd-
dhun, or, the place of refuge.
This, valley, is the property of, Mr. Macleod, o f Dmvegan, acquired
by a marriage of an anceftor with a daughter of Lord Bif-
fit The parifh is o f vaft extent, and comprehends Knodiart and;
North Morar.: Glenelg has near feven hundred inhabitants, all
proteftants •, the other two diftrifts are almoft entirely o f the
popiih perfuafion. The reader, who has the curiofity, to know the
number of Roman Catholics in thefe. parts of North Britain, may
fatisfy his curiofity in the Appendix,. from an abilract; taken from
the R e p o r t made by the gentlemen appointed by the G e n e r a l
A s s e m b l y , in 176 0 , to vifit thefe remote highlands, and the Hebrides, ,