J u l y 9,
S o u n d op J o n a .
in front: the eaftern views were Bay, Jura, Scar&a, and the' enl
trance of the gulph o f Corryvrekan, beyond lies Lorn, and at a difJ
tance ibars the high hill o f Crouachan.
Steer to the North Weft ; but our courfe greatly delayed bJ
calms : take numbers o f grey gurnards in all depths of water andl
find young herrings in their ftomachs.
Towards evening arrive within fight of Jona, and a tretnendoJ
chain o f rocks, lying to the South of it, rendered more horrible b l
the perpetual noife of breakers. Defer our entrance into the SrniM
till day-light.
About eight o f the clock in the morning, very narrowly efcapJ
ftriking on the rock Bonirevor, apparent at this time by the break-1
ing o f a wave : our mafter was at fome diftance in his boat, in fearchl
of fea fowl, but alarmed with the danger of his veffel, was haftenin ig I
to its relief; but the the tide conveyed us out of reach of the rockj
and laved him the trouble of landing us ; for the weather was fofl
calm as to free us from any apprehenfions about our lives. After!
tiding for three hours, anchor in the found of Jona, in three fathom!
•water, on a white fandy bottom; but the fafeft anchorage is 0 !
the Eaftfide, between a little ifle and that o f Mull: this found!
is three miles long and one broad, fhallow, and in fome part!
dty at the ebb o f fpring tides : it is bounded on. the Eaft by the!
ifland o f Mutt-, on the Weft, by that o f Jona,. the- moft celebrated of!
the Hebrides.
Multitudes o f gannets were now ffihing here they precipitated*
themfelves from a vaft height, plunged on their prey at left two fa-1
thorn deep, and took to the air again as foon as they emerged. I
Their ienie ofleeing m12ft.be extpuifite; but.they are often deceived!
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