whom I had the pleafure o f addrefiing on this iu b je ft,
L ’ point out but a fingle inftance, o f a fimilar tower, and that
l Sualljberg, a mountain h a lf a Norwegian league diftant from
Imtbeim. But we may e xp e d further elucidations from a ik ilfu l
to a r y now on the tour o f the country. ,
About two miles farther, fee near the road-fide, two large co-
I Lid C airns: pafs near the end o f Loch-ca-roy, a branch o f the
I Mz Locb-Bracadale, and foon after reach the caftle o f
'Don-vegan, the feat o f M r . M acleod, a gentleman defcended D u n - v e g a n .
I L o n e o f the Norwegian v ice-roys, governors o f the illes while
I ky bore a foreign yoke. B u t the antiquity o f his defcent is an
I [cident that would convey little honor to h im ; had he not a
Lch more fubftantial c lam e ; for to all the milkinefs o f human
Lure ufually concomitant with his early age, is added, the
ife and firmnefs o f more advanced life. H e feels fo r the
irefies o f his people, and infenfible' o f his own, w ith uncommon
difintereftednefs has relieved his tenants from their^oppreffive
bits; has received inftead o f the trafh o f gold, the treafure o f
hrm aifeftions, and unfeigned prayer. H e will foon experience
L good effects o f his generofity; gratitude, the refult o f the
ability ftill exifting among thofe accuftomed to a feudal go -
ittnment, will Ihew itfelf in more than empty w o rd s ; and in
ime they will not fail exerting every nerve to give his virtue the
be reward. Feudal governments, lik e that o f unmixed monarchy,
1 as its conveniencies and its bleflings. T h e laft rarely occur
| tarn the imperfection o f human nature: One B e in g only .can
I | clame to th a t : therefore it is the bufmefs o f every honeft
1 fei to refill the very appearance o f undivided power in a prince,
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