
$ U N D E R . L A N D ,
£• B.
Total in money, 332/. 18 B. 6. 332181
Meal, 3061 ft. three-quarters, 2 pt. at 2 B. 366 2 «
Malt, 30 chal. 8 bolls, 2 fir. at 5 B. .122 2 \
Marts, 356, at 2 marks, 33, 5 j
Mutton, 595, -at 2 B. 45 m j
Gheefe, : ■ .5 237 2 J
Geefe, 301, at ^d. : , 6 0 J
(Poultry, 301, at 2d.)
In Scotch money, 1666 211
Obferve, near this place, atradt quite covered with clover, fownln
nature. Proceed Weft, and am conduced to ¿Sunderland*, thefts)
o f ---------- Campbel, Efq. The improvements o f his lands areexJ
cellent, and the grafs fo good, and the fields fo clean, as to vie witl
any place. Near the houfe, in a well-lheltered nook, is an apple-oil
chard, which bore plentifully : thefe, with ftrawberries, are the froitij
o f .thefe remote iflands ; the climate denies other luxuries of tlia
nature : and even in thefe articles, Pomona fmiles but where ihefinda
a warm proteftion.
About a mile from the houfe, on the coaft, feparated from thelaoifl
by a deep but dry chafm, is a large rock, with a pretty large area]
on the top : on it are veftiges of various habitations, the retreat of]
the antient natives in times of irrefiftible invafion : here they were)
fecure, for the afcent is as difficult and hazardous as moft I have un-j
dertaken. The place is called Burg-coul, and by the name refers»
JFingal, or Fin-mac-cuil.
* Near this place is the dangerous bay of Salkga,
I Sat up late, which gave me opportunity of knowing the light-
i f s o f the night in the ifland at this feafon: for at half an hour
i f t one in the morning, I could read the fmall print of a news-
■ Vifit Loch-guirm, about two miles diftant from Sunderland; a
later of four miles in circumference, ihallow, but- abounding
with trout. It- is moft remarkable for a regular fort o f the Mac,
JLmUX placed in a fmall ifland, but now in ruins: the form is
■mar e , 'with a round baftion at each corner; and in the middle
Ire fome walls, the remains of. the buildings, that ffieltered the
■arrifon: beneath one fide, between the two baftions, was the
■lace where Mac-donald fecured his boats: they were drawn be-
S ie a th the proteftion of. the wall of the fort, and had another on
■heir outfide, built in the water, as an additional fecurity. The
K » of the ifles fays,, that in. his time, this caftle was ufurped by
WMac-kiUayne,, of Doward.
■ Dine at Mr. Campbel’s, of Balnabbi, His land is quite riante;
ijiis paftures in good order.; and his people bufily employed in
Biay-making: obferved one piece of good grafs ground, which he
Klfured me was very lately- covered with heath, now quite deftroyed
hy the ufe of ihell-fand. Perhaps it may feem trifling to
Rnention, that fome excellent new potatoes were ferved up at din-
Bner; but this circumftance, with the forwardnefs o f the hay har-
veft, (hews what may be effedted by culture in this iiland, when
Rr the tenure is iecure, for both Sunderland and Balnabbi are proprie-
See, near the houfe, three upright ftones, of
J u l y 4 .
L o c h -G u ir m ,