Oranfay, jg
Killoran, in Colonfay, ' 9
Port Olamfay, x
Jona, ig
Cannay, 63
Loch-Sgrioiàrt, in Rum, 12
Point of Slate, in Skie, 18
Mac-kinnon’s caille, 24
Sconfer, 10
Talyikir, 18
Loch-Bracadale, 4
Crofs the loch, 4
Dunvegan, 6.
K in g ib u rgh , I2
Dun-Tuilm, ¡r
Little Loch Broom, j r
Dundonnel, g
Loch-maree, the Eail end, 18
Loch-maree, theWeftend, ^
Pol-ewe 1 , Gairloch, 6, 7
Mac-innon’s caille, _
Glen-elg, !. ' „ 9
Glen-beg, and back to Glen-elg, • ■ 6
Loch-Jurn, extremity of, ■ 24
Arnifdale, ’ I0
Ifle Oranfay, I2
Ard-na-murchan point, 40
6 Tobir-