wire ring through the orifice, which gives reafon to fufpecl that
they were ftrung together like beads.
I The numbers X. XI. XIII. and XIV. are engraven in the eighteenth
plate of the quarto edition o f the Tour o f 1769. The remainder
in the Illd. Vlth. and V llth . o f this volume. I Take a ride to Liddefs Strength, or thé Mote. A ftrong en- J u n e n
trenchmertt two miles S. W. o f Netber.hy,. on a itêep. and lofty
elay cliff, above the river Liddel,.. commanding, a vail extent o f
view : has at one end a very high mount,, from whence the country L i d d e l s
1 ■ « * 1 1 1 * * i ' STRENGTH*
might be explored to very great advantage : in the middle is the
foundation o f a fquare building, perhaps the proetoriim?, This
place is fmall,, rather of a circular form, ftrongly entrenched on
the weak fide ; has before it a fort of half moon, with a vaft fofs
and dike as a fecurity. From this place to Netherly. is the veftige
of a road. That this fortrefs had been originally Roman is, probable,
but fince their time has been applied'to the fame ufe by other
warders. ■ It was, fays Leland, the moted place o f a gentilman
£‘ cawled Syr Water Seleby, the which was killyd there and the place
deilroyed yn King Edward the thyrde when the Scott es whent to
‘ Dyrham*.’
M It was taken by fiorm by David the lid. The Governor,.. Sir
Walter, would have compounded for his life by ranfome,. but the
tyrant, after cauiing his- two fons to be ftrangled before his face,
ordered the head of the father, diftrafted with grief, to be ftruck
S Defcend the hill, and, croffing the Liddel, enter
* Lelandltin, Vli. 55.- i Stow’j Chronicle, 243.
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