mmfries, femgles a houfe o f the Maxwells, and a rich vale towards
tfe north. j
B v ifit the abby of Lincluden, about half a mile diftant, feated on
tlie water of the Cluden, which is another boundary o f Galloway
B t h a f j-lcjei This religious houfe is feated on a pleafant bank,
j» i j n a rich country : and was founded and filled with Benedibiins
I B in the time of Malcolm IV. * by Uthred, father to Roland,
iL d o f Galloway. Thefe were expelled by. the Earl o f Douglas
(fnown by the titles o f Archibald the black, or grim, and the
t e r r ib le ) probably, as Major infinuates, on account of the impurity
of their lives t , for the Earl was a man in piety Angular through his
life, and moil religious according to thofe times. He fixed in their
p l a c e s a provoftry, with twelve beadfmen, and changed the name to
tlat of the college.
¡■Part of the houfe and chancel, and iome o f the South wall o f the
church, are the foie remains of this antient ftrufture : in the
chancel’ is the elegant tomb o f Margaret, daughter o f Robert III,
and wife of Archibald Earl of Douglas, firft Duke of rTerouo.n, and
fon of Archibald the grim. Her effigy at full length, lay on the
ftone, her head reiting on two cufhions; but the figure is now
mutilated ; and her bones, till lately, were fcattered about in a
moil indecent manner by fome wretches who broke open the re-
pofitory in fearch of treafure. The tomb is in form of an arch,
with all parts moil beautifully carved : on the middle of the arch
is the heart, the Douglas's arms, guarded by three chalices, fet
* Hope’8 minor praftics. 511. Malcolm died 1165.
j t I'lcjcr de gell. Scot• 283. Archibald died A. D . 1400.
L in c l u d b k
A B B Y .