
J ume i i .
in Britain, probably becaufe they were in plenty in our forefe
Both thefe are in honor of the Emperor Antoninus Pius.
None is more inftrudtive than that engraven in plate III, 0-
which appears a Vidtory about to crown a Roman horfeman, armed
with a fpear and ihield. Beneath him are two Caledonian cap.
tives, naked, and bound, with their little daggers, like the modern
dirks, by them. On another compartment o f the ftone is
an eagle and fea-goat, to denote fome vidtory gained in the court
of their work near the fea : for it was devoted by a party of the
Legio Jecunda Augufta, on building a certain portion of the wall.
The XYIth is monumental: the figure is very elegant, repre-
fenting one gracefully recumbent, dreffed in a loofe robe: beneatl
is a wheel, denoting, that at the time o f his death he was ea-
gaged with a party on the road: and by him is an animal, re-
fembling the Mujimon or Siberian goat.
In this fir ret is the houie where Henry Jdarnly lodged, confined
by a dangerous illnefs, fufpedted to arife from poifon, admmfi
ftered at the mitigation o f Bothwel. Here the unhappy prince
received a vifit from Mary Stuart, and took the fatal refolutioa
■of removing to Edinburgh. This fudden return o f her afiedtion,
her blandiihments to enveigle him from his father and friends,
and his confequential murder, are circumftances unfavorable to
the memory o f this unfortunate princefs.
Take boat at the quay ; and after a pafiage o f four miles down
the Clyde, reach the little flying houfe of Mr. Golborne, now fixed
on the Northern bank, commanding a moil elegant view of part
of the county of Renfrew, the oppofite ihore. After breakfaft
furvey the machines for deepening the river, which were then at
work: they are called ploughs, are large hollow cafes, the back
is of cait iron, the two ends o f wood ; the other fide open. Thefe
are drawn crofs the river by means o f capftons, placed on long
looden frames or flats-, and oppofite to each other near'the
banks of the river. Are drawn over empty, returned with the
iron fide downwards, which fcrapes the bottom, and brings up at
every return half a ton of gravel, depofiting it on the bank : and-
thus twelve hundred tuns are cleared every day. Where the river
is too wide, the ihores are contradted by jetties.
■ Proceed down the river: on the left the water o f Inchiman-
opens to view the profpedt up the molt elegant and the fofteft
of any in North Britain: the expanfe is wide and gentle-, the one
bank bare, the other adorned with a fmall open grove. A little
ifle tufted with trees divides the water beyond the fine bridge of
Inchiman receiving- the united rivers of the white and black Cart,
and the town and fpire o f Paifly, backed by a long and fertile
lange of rifing land,.clofe the fcene.
I On the right is a chain of low hills, Camfey fells, running N.
W. and S. E. diverging N. E. and advancing to the water fide,
terminating -with the rock o f Eunbuc, that almoft reaches to the
I Pafs under Kirkpatric, where the river is about a quarter o f a-
mile broad: at this place is a confiderable manufadture of all
forts of huibandry tools, began about four years ago: but it is
far more celebrated for being the fuppofed termination of the
SRoman wall, or Graham's dike, built under the aufpices o f An-
mninus Pius. Not the left relique is to be feen here at prefent:
but about a mile, and a half to the eaftward on a rifing ground
K i r k p a t r i c *