found here. The whole ifle lies on a lime-ftone rock, which in
•many places peeps above ground, forming long feries of low iharp
ridges. No ufe can be made of this as a manure for want o f fuel to
burn it. The peat here is very bad, being mixed with earth; it
mull firft be trampled with the feet into a confiftence ; is then
formed into fmall flat cakes, and muft afterwards be expofed on the
ground to dry.
About a hundred head of cattle are annually exported, which are
at prefent remarkably fmall: they feem to have degenerated, for I
flaw, at Ard-muchnage, the fcull of an ox, dug up in this ifland, that
was of much larger dimenfions than of any now living in Great
Horfes are in this ifland very ihort-lived. They are ufed when
about two or three years old : and are obferved foon to lofe all their
teeth. Both they and the cows -are honied during winter* and
fed on ftraw.
Otters are found here: but neither foxes, hares, nor rats. Mice
are plentiful, and very deftrudtive.
There are three fmall lakes. Two abound with fine trout: the
third only with eels. Variety o f the duck kind frequent thefe
waters during winter.
Walk up to a Danijh fo r t: at prefent the height is feventeen feet:
within the wall is a gallery, and round the area a feat, as in that de-
fcribed in Ilay.
Vifit the church, now a mean modern building. In the churchyard
are two or three old tombs, with clymores engraven on them :
■here is alfo a remarkable tomb, confifting of nothing more than a
thick log o f oak. This fubftitute for a grave-ftone muft have been
3 in
in this country of great antiquity, there being no word in the Erfc
language to exprefs the laft, it not being ftyled Leichd litbidh, a grave
ftone, but Darag lithidh, or a grave log. On a live rock are cut the
radii o f a dial, but the index is loft. On another rock is a fmall'excavated
bafon, perhaps one o f the rock bafonsof Dr. Borlafe, in times
of Druidifm ufed for religious purpofes.
This ifland had been the fite of the bilhop of Argyle: the fee was •
disjoined from that o f Drnkeld about the year 1200, at the requeft
of John the Englijhman bilhop o f that diocefe. There are no reliques
of the cathedral or the bilhop’s houfe, whofe refidence was fuppofed
to have been latterly in the caftle o f Achanduin, on the Weft fide of.
the ifle, oppofite to Duart in Mull.
The inhabitants in general are poor, are much troubled with fore
eyes ; and in the fpring are afflidted with a coftivenefs that often
proves fatal. A t that feafon all their provifions are generally con-
fumed ; and'they are forced to live on Iheeps milk boiled, to which
the diftemper is attributed.
The ifle of Lifmore forms but a fmall part o f the. parilh. The
extent is not to be comprehended by an Englijhman. From the
point of Lifmore to the extremity of Kinloch-heg is 42 computed
miles, befxdes 9 in Linger loch. It comprehends this ifle, Ap-
pin Duror, Glenco, Glencreran and Kingerloch, and contains 3000
examinable perfons, under the care o f one. minifter and two
Get on board, and have in mid-channel,. a moft delightful.
view,: the woods of Loch-nell; the houfe o f Airds * beyond is the
caftle of Ellenftalker, feated in a little ifle ; the country of Appin ; E i u e n s t a l x j e .
the, vaft mountains of Lochahr \ Dunolly, Lifmore, and various