low, forming an ample pediment ; feme o f thefe above 60 feet
in thkknefs, from the bafe to the point, formed by the doping o f
thehiU o n each fide, almoft into the ihape o f thofe ufed in architecture.
“ Compared to this what are the cathedrals or the palaces built
by men ! mere m o d e ls or playthings, imitations as diminutive as
Ibis works w ill always be when compared to thofe o f nature.
Where is now the boaft o f the architeft ! regularity the only part -
jin which he fancied h im fe lf to exceed his miftreis, Nature, is here
I found in her poffeffion, -and here it-has -been for ages undeferibed j g
IB not this the fchool where the art was originally ftudied, and
I what has been added to this b y the whole Grecian fchool ? a c.a-
Ipital to ornament the column o f nature, o f which they could ex- I ecute only a m o d e l; and for' that very capital they were obliged >
■to a bulh o f A ca n th u s : h o w am p ly d o e s n a tu r e r e p a y , th o fe w h o -
Iftudy.her w o n d e r fu l w o r k s M
I “ With our minds fu ll o f Tuch refeftions w e proceeded along the '
Idiore, treading upon another G ia n t's Caufeway, ev ery ftone being ,
I regularly formed into a certain number o f fides an d angles, till
I in a lh o r t time we arrived a t the mouth o f a cave, the moil mag- ,
luificent, I fupppfe, th a t has ever been defcribed by traveller? M
I “ T h e mind can hardly form an idea more m a gn ifk “ I tk . fuch Cave op Fikoau
I afpace, fupported on each fide b y ranges o f c'plu>--uis ; and roofed
I * Staffa is taken notice of by Buchanan, bat in the flighteit manner; and among
I the thoufands who have navigated .thefe Teas*.none have paid the left attention to its
I grand and (hiking chara&eriftic, till this prefent year.
I This iiland is the property of Mr. Lauchlan Mac*^uaire, of Ulva, and is now to
I bedifpofed-ofo •
b y y