
have chofen this remote place for the fake o f quiet in thofe turbulent
Potatoes are raifed here on the very peat-moors, without anyl
other drains than the trenches between the beds. The potatoes
are kiln-dried for prefervation.
It is to be hoped that a town will form itfelf here, as it is the I
Ration of a govern ment-packet, that fails regularly from hence I
to Stornaway, in Lewis, a place now growing confiderable, by the I
encouragement of Lord Seaforth, the proprietor. This is afpM|
of much concourfe: for here terminates the military road, which I
crofles from the Eaft to the Weft fea, commencing at Inver mis 1
and pailing. by Fair-bum and Strath-braan to this place. Yet I be-1
lieve the beft inn on the laft thirty miles is that of Mr. RoderhlM
..Mnc-domld, our landlord the laft night but one.
G a i r - l o c k . Ride above fix miles South, and reach Gair-loch; confifling ofl
a few fcatttered houfes, on a fine bay o f the fame name. Break-1
fait at Flowerdde; a good houfe, beautifully feated beneath hills I
finely wooded. • This is the feat o f Sir HeUor Mackenzie, whofel
anceitor received a writ o f fire and fword againfl the antient rebel-1
lious owners: he fucceeded in this commiffion, and received theirl
lands for his pains.
The pariih o f Gair-lock is very extenfive, and the number of
inhabitants evidently encreafe, owing to the fimple method of
life, and the conveniency they have o f drawing a fupport from
the fiihery. I f a young man is pofieffed of a herring-net, a hand.-
line, and three or four cows, he immediately thinks himfelf able '
to fupport a family, and marries. The prefeot number of fouls
are about two thoufand eight hundred.
Herrings offer themfelves in Ihoals from June to January; cod-
fiih abound on the great fand-bank, one corner o f which reaches to S a n d - b a n k s f o r
this bay, and is fuppofed to extend as far as Cape-Wrath •, and
South, as low as Rona, off Skie ; with various branches, all fwarm-
ing with cod and ling. The fiihery is carried on with long-lines,
begins In February, and ends in April. The annual capture is uncertain,
from five to twenty-feven thoufand. The natives labor
under fome oppreffions, which might be eafily removed, to the
great advancement of this commerce. A t prefeot the fiih are fold
to fome merchants from Campbeltown, who contrail for them with
the laird, at two-pence half-penny a-piece, after being cured and
dried in the fun. The merchants take only thofe that meafure
eighteen inches from the gills to the fetting on of the tail; and oblige
the people to let them have two for one of all that are beneath
that length. The fiih are fent to Bilboa: ling has alfo been carried
there, but was rejefted by the Spaniards. This trade is far from
being pufhed to its full extent; is monopolized, and the poor fifhers
cruelly forced to fell their fiih for three-half-pence a piece to thofe
who fell it to the merchants.
The want of a town is very fenfibly felt in all thofe parts : there
is no one commodity, no one article o f life, or implement of
fifhery but what is gotten with difficulty, and at a great price,
brought from a diftance by thofe who are to make advantage o f
the neceffities of the people. It is much to be lamented that
after the example of the earl of Seaforth, they do not col left a
number of inhabitants by feuing their lands, or granting leafes
for a length o f years for building : but flill fo much of the fpirit
of the chieftain remains, that they dread giving an independency
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