
T om b s .
a compàriiôh of thé faitié, gerierotifly offered himfelf, and was! J
terfed accordingly : at thé end of three days St. Calutnba had J
curiofity to take a farewell look at his old friend, and caufed the]
earth to be removed. To the furprize of all beholders, Oran fbartedi
up-, and begà’n to revéal thé fëétets 'of his prifOn-houfe 5 and particularly
.declared, that all that had been faid o f hell Was a mere]
joke. This .dangerous impiety fo fhôcked OoluMa, that, with;
great policy, he ihftantly ordered the éarth to be flung in avà-itij
poor Oran was overwhelmed, and ati end for ever put to his]
prating. .His grave is near the door; diftinguiftiëd only by a
plain red ftone.
Boethius * gives us reafon to fuppofe, before this period, j J
to have been the habitation o f the Weird, fitters anà-CacodiemmA
for King Natholocus, like Saul of old, confulted in this Mandat
old witch, of uncommon famé: no wonder, therefore, that .the!
prince o f darknefs ihould be interefted in the overthrow of edifices
that were to put an end to his influencé.
In Oran s chapel are feveral tombs, and near it many more: within,'
beneath a recefs formed with three neat pointed arches, is a tbmlr-l
ftorie with a (hip and feveral ornaments. I forget whèther the fails
were furled : in that cafe the deceafèd was defcendèd from the ancient
kings of Man of the Norwegian f race, who ufed'thofe arms,
•Near the South end fs the tomb o f the abbot MacFifmotfs father,
infcribed, Hæc eft crux Lauchldni Me. Fingon et ejus filfi
Johannis Abbatis de Hv. faéiâ an. Horn. cccclXxxix.
Another o f Macdonald of Bay and Cantyre, commonly called
•* Jib. vi. p, go. + Doitor Macphirftm.
Sims, or Angus oig, the chief o f the name. He was a ftrong friend1
Lq Robert Bruce, and was with him at the battle of Bannockbourne.
B is infcription is, Hie jacet corpus Apgufiifilii Domini Angufti Me.
pmbnillde Bay.
In another place lies the grave-ftone of Ailean Nan Sop, a Ceathar-
iurch, or head o f a party, of the name of Macleane; from whom is
jdefcended.- the family of -forloifg. The. ftone is ornamented with-
[carving and a fhip.
I A Macleane, of Col, appears in armour,.with a fword in his left-
Bland. A Macleane, of Duart, with, armour, fhield and two-handed
Ifeord. And a third, o f the fame name of the family of Loch-
L ; bis right hand grafps a piftol, his left a-fword. Befides
[thefe, are numbers o f other antient heroes, whofe very names have
[jeriflied,. and they-deprived o f their expe&ed glory : their-lives
[were, like the path of an arrow, clofed up and loft as foon as paft .,.
land probably in thofe times of barbarifm, . as fatal to their fellow-
About ieventy.feet South of the chapel is a red unpoliihed ftone;
beneath which lies anamelefs -King of France. But the memory of
[the famous old-doftor of Mull has had a better fate, ,and is preferved
fin thefe words : Flic jacet Johannes Betonus Maclenorum favniliie,.
w l k u s , qui mortuus eft 19 Ndvembris 1657. Ait. 63, Donaldus-
‘Betonus.fecit. 1674,
E c c e cadit jaculo vifitricxs mortis iniquae
Qgitoties alios folverat ipfemalis.
Soli D e o Gloria.
A little North-Weft of the door is the pedeftal of a crofs : oarit