
S c o t c h
(to whom it was granted by Queen Elizabeth) a leafe of this trail
bought it from the needy monarch, and had intereft enough to oJ
it united to the county of Cumberland, it being indifferent to
James,, then in poffeffion of both kingdoms, to which o f them it was
Ride by the fide of the Roman road, that communicated betweea
Netherby and the camp at Burrens. Crofs a fmall bridge over the
Sark, and again enter
S C O T I , A N D.
On the banks of this rivulet, the Englijh under the command of I
the Earl of IV'orthumberland, and Jbdagnus with a red main, received a I
great defeat from the Scots, under Douglas duke of Ormond, and Wei-
lace of Craigie. Numbers of the former were'drowned in their flight
in Solway firth ; and lord Piercy taken prifoner, a misfortune owing
to his filial piety, in helping his father to a horfe, to enable him * to
A t a little diftance from the bridge, flop at the little village of
Gratna, the refort o f all amorous couples, whofe union the prudence
of parents or guardians prohibits: here the young pair may be
inftantly united by a fifherman, a joiner, or a blackfmith, who marry
from two guineas a job, to a dram o f whiiky : but the price is generally
adjufted by the information of the poftilions from Carlile, who
are in pay o f one or other of the above worthies; but even the
* Hill. o f Douglas's, p. 179.
drivers,, in cafe o f neceffity, have been known to undertake the
faeerdotal office. I f the purfuit of friends proves very h o t; and
there is not time for the ceremony, the frightened pair are adviied
to flip into bed ; are ihewn to the purifiers, who imagining that they
are irrecoverably united, retire, and leave them to
confummate their unfi-nilhed loves.
This place is diftinguiihed from afar by a fmall plantation o f firs,-
the Cyprian grove of the place; a fort of land-mark for fugitive-
lovers. As I had a great defire to fee the high-prieflr, by ftratagem
I fucceeded : he appeared jn form o f a fifherman; a ilout fellow, in a :
blue coat, rolling round his folemn chops a quid o f tobacco of no
common fize. One of our party was fuppofedl to come to explore
the coaft : we queftioned him about his price; which, after eyeing
us. attentively, he left to our honor. The church o f Scotland does
what it can to prevent thefe clandeftine matches ; but in vain, for
thofe infamous couplers defpife the fulmination of the kirk, and ex-
communication is the only penalty it can infliit.
Continue my journey over awoodlefs flat trail, al moil hedgelefs,.
but produitive of excellent oats and barley. Bafs by Rig, a little
hamlet,.a fort of chapel of-eafe to Gratna', in the run-away nuptials.
The performer here is an alehoufe-keeper.
On the left is Solway-firth, and a view o f Refwick-fells, between
which and' Burnfwork hill in Scotland^ is a flat o f forty miles,
and of a great:extent in length; The country grows now very uncultivated,
and confifts of large commons. Reach
. Annan, in Annandale, another divifion of Dumfriesjhire, a town of
four or five hundred inhabitants, feated on the river o f the fame name.
Y e fie ls