eSff family had fome time its refidenee; and from this' lake took the
title of Derwentwater. The laft: ill-fated Earl loft his life and fortune
by the rebellion o f 1715 and his eftate, now amounting to
twenty thouiand.pounds per annum (the mines included)' is veiled-
in truftees for the fupport of Greenwich hofpital.
I f St. Herbert's iile was noted for the refidenee o f that faint, the
bofom friend of St. Cuthbert, who wiffied,. and obtained his wifh
of departing this life, on the fame day, hour and minute, with that-
holy man.
, The water o f Derwentwater is ■ fubjeit- to violent-agitations, and
often without any apparent caufe,.as was the cafe this day; the-
weather was calm, , yet the waves ran a great height, and the boat
was toiled violently with what is called a bottom wind,
TVent to Croffthwaite church ; obferved a monument o f Sir John
Ratcliff.\ and dame Alice his wife, with their, effigies onfmall brafs
plates : the infcription is in the ftyle of the times, O f your charity
ftray for the foule of Sir John Radcliff, knight, and fo r the foule of
dame Alice hit wife, which Sir John died the 2d day of February,.
A. D. 15.27, on whofe foule the Lord have mercy. Here are alfo two
recumbent alabafter figures of a man and a woman; he in a gown,.,
with a purfe at his girdle. >• •
This is the church to Kefwick, andh'as five chapels belonging to it;
The livings of this county have been o f late years much improved Livings,.
by Queen Anne's bounty,, and there, are none of lefs value than
thirty pounds a year. It is not very long fince the minifter’s flipend
was five pounds per annum, a gP-ffc-pffft-, or the right of commoning
hiis goofe;. a whittle^gait, or the-valuable privilege o f ufing his knife«
M*r 24.
C ro s s - t h w a i t s -