Presented to the Zoological Society by order of the Right Hon. the Secretary of State for the Colonies.
Aquila chrysaeta. Halieeetus leucocephalus. Circus cyaneus. Strix cinerea. Bubo Virginianus.
B. arcticus. Strix fiinerea. Strix Tengmalmi. Lanius borealis. L. excubitorides. Tyrannus intre-
pidus. Tyrannula Saya. Tyr. pusilla. Tyr. Kichardsonii. Cinclus Americana. Merula minor.
M. Wilsonii. M. solitaria. Orpheus meruloides. O. rufus. O. felivox. Sialia arctica. Sylvicola
aestiva. S. maculosa. S. petechia. S. striata. Vermivora rubricapilla. V. peregrina. Setophaga
Bonapartii. Parus atricapillus. Seiurus aurocapillus. S. aquaticus. Anthus aquaticus. Vireo
olivaceus. Bombycilla Americana. Alauda comuta. Plectrophanes Lapponica. P. picta. Embe-
riza pallida. Fringilla leucophrys. F. Pennsylvanica. F. iliaca. F. hyemalis. Pipilo arctica.
Loxia leucoptera. Fringilla purpurea. Linaria tephrocotis. L. minor. Agelaius xanthocephalus.
Scolecophagus ferrugineus. Garrulus brachyrhynchus. Picus tridactylus. P. arcticus. Troglodytes
aedon. Tr. hyemalis. Tr. palustris. Hirundo Americana. H. lunifrons. Tetrao obscurus. T.
Canadensis. T. Franklinii. T. saliceti. T. rupestris. T. leucurus. T. phasianellus. Strepsilas
interpres. Grus Canadensis. Ardea lentiginosa. Numenius Hudsonius. N. borealis. Tringa
Douglasii. T. alpina. T. Schinzii. Totanus semipalmatus. T. vociferus.. T. flavipes. T. Bar-
tramius. T. chloropygius. Limosa Hudsonica. Scolopax Novoboracensis. Sc. Drummondii.
Rallus Carolinus. Fulica Americana. Phalaropus Wilsonii.- Podiceps comutus. Sterna nigra.
Larus glaucus. L. zonorhynchus. L. brachyrhynchus. L. Franklinii. L. Bonapartii. Lestris
Richardsonii. Anas discors. Marec'a Americana. Oidemia perspicillata. O. fusca. FuligulaVallis-
neria. F.ferina. F. rufitorques. F.rubida. Clangula Barrovii. Cl. histrionica. Harelda glacialis.
Mergus cucullatus. Colymbus glacialis. C. septentrionalis. £In all 130 specimens.]
Presented to the Museum of the University of Edinburgh.
Accipiter palumbarius, male 8f fern. Buteo borealis. B. lagopus. Circus cyaneus, male, fern. 8f
young. Strix otus. S. brachyota. S. cinerea. ‘S. Virginiana. S. funerea. S. Tengmalmi. Tyrannus
intrepidus. Tyrannula Saya. Cinclus Americanus. Merula migratoria. M. Wilsonii. Sylvicola maculosa.
Setophaga ruticilla. Parus atricapillus. Anthus aquaticus. Bombycilla garrula. B. Americana.
Fringilla leucophrys. F. Pennsylvanica. F. graminea. Pipilo arctica. Dolichonyx oryzivorus. Agelaius
phceniceus, male fy fern. A. xanthocephalus. Stumella Ludoviciana. Icterus Baltimore. Quis-
calus versicolor, male fy fern. Scolecophagus ferrugineus, male fy fern. Corvus corone. C. pica. Picus
pileatus. P. villosus, male 8f fern. P. pubescens. P. varius. P. arcticus. P. tridactylus, male 8f
fern. Colaptes auratus, male fyfem. Caprimulgus Virginianus. Hirundo purpurea. Alcedo alcyon.
Tetrao umbellus, male 8f fern. T. obscurus. T. Canadensis, male, fern., 8$ young. T. saliceti, spring
and mint. T. leucurus, summer and vnnt. T. phasianellus. Charadrius vociferus. C. pluvialis.
Strepsilas interpres. Ardea lentiginosa. Tringa Douglasii. T. Schinzii. Totanus semipalmatus.
T. vociferus. T. flavipes. T, Bartramius, T. chloropygius. Limosa fedoa. L. Hudsonica. Rallus
Carolinus. Phalaropus Wilsonii. P. hyperboreus. Podiceps comutus. Sterna nigra. Larus
zonorhynchus. L. Franklinii. L. Bonapartii. Anas clypeata, male fyfem. A. strepera. A. crecca.
A. discors, fern. 8f young. Mareca Americana. Oidemia perspicillata, male 8f young. 0 . fusca.
Fuligula Vallisneria, male 8ffem. F. marila. F. rufitorques, male 8f fern. F. rubida. Clangula
vulgaris, male fy young. C. albeola, male fyfem. Harelda glacialis, male fy fem. Mergus merganser.
M. cucullatus.—86 species, in addition to 40 specimens collected on the first Expedition, and also
preserved in the Edinburgh Museum.
Twelve specimens were likewise sent to the Plymouth Museum, pursuant to his Majesty’s commands;
and between 70 and 80 species have been presented to Mr. Swainson, by permission of the Right Hon.
the Secretary of State for Colonial affairs*.
* Mr. Swainson has deposited specimens from his own collection, of the true Vireo olivaceus and Tyrannula rapax,
in the British and the Edinburgh Museums. To the former he has also sent Vireo Bartramii.
I ntroduction, by Dr. Richardson ix
List of Species that frequent the North-west Coast (note) xvi
Table of Temperatures (note) . xviii
Table of Species, with their Distribution, and references to the pages of the
Fauna in which they are described xxii
Lists of Birds resident in the Fur-countries (Tables II., III., IV.) xxxiv
Lists of migratory Birds that visit the Fur-countries (Tables V., VI., VIL, VIII.) XXXV
List of Pennsylvanian Birds supposed to visit the Fur-countries, but not seen by
the Expedition (note) xxxvii
List of resident Pennsylvanian Birds that do not reach the Fur-countries (note) xxxvii
List of the Birds of the North Georgian Islands (Table IX.) . xxxviii
List of Greenland Birds (note) xxxviii
Comparative Table xxxix
List of Species common to the northern parts of the New and Old Continents xxxix
I ntroductory Observations on the N atural System, by Mr. Swainson xli
P reface, by Mr. Swainson lvii
L ist of Authors . . lxv
V ülturid® . l PlCID® . . 299
F alconid® 8 Gerthiadæ . 318
Strigid® 71 TENUIROSTRES 321
INSESSORES . 100 T ro c h il id® 322
L aniad® 105 H irundinidæ 328
M erulid® . 149 Caprimulgidæ . 336
Sylviad® 200 H alcyonidæ 339
Ampelid® . 232 RASORES 341
CONIROSTRES . . 241 T etraonidæ 341
F r in ’g il lid ® . . . 244 CoLUMBlDÆ 363
Sturnid® . 274 GRALLATORES . . 367
C orvid® . 288 NATATORES 410
CURTIPEDES . 298 Anatidæ 435
A ppendices, Nos. I. & II. 481
I ndex 503
N. B.- -For a systematic List of the Species, with reference to the pages, see Table I.,
Introduction, p. xxii.