is very slightly emarginate; all the feathers being equal, except the central pair, which are
not above a line shorter. Hind claw shorter and less curved than in T. querula *, and but a
little larger than the middle one.
D imensions
Length from the tip of the bill to the end oIfn ch-es. Lm... Length of the bill, measured on the ridge .I nch0es. Li4n*es
the tail . . 5 0 „ öf-the''tarsus . . . . 0 „ of the tail . . . . 2 0 „ of the middle toe P . 0 4
,, of the longest quill feather 2 0 „ of its claw 0 2
,, of the folded wing' . . . 2 4* „ of the hind toe . . 0 2
,, of the bill, from the angle of the
,, of thé hind claw . . . 0 2*
mouth . . . 0 5*
[35.J 3. T yrannula R ichardsonii. (Swainson.) The Short-legged Pewit.
Ge n u s . Tyrannula. Sw a in so n .
C h . Sp . T y r a n n u l a R ic h a r d s o n ii, olivaceo-brunnescenti subtus pallidior, crista densa incumbenti, roslro nigra,
remige secunda quintam aquanti, tertid et quartd quoque cequalibus et reliquas superantibus, caud& leviter
forficatd, tarsis brevissimis.
Sp . Ch . The Sh o r t -l e g g e d P e w it , olive-brown above, pale beneath; head with a thick incumbent crest; bill
black ; the second and fifth quills equal, the third and fourth equal and longest; tail slightly forked ; tarsi
very short.—Sw.
The possession of several specimens of the three small Tyrannula; described by
Wilson, viz.—rapax, querula, and nunciola, killed this spring in the vicinity of
Philadelphia, induces us to believe that this species, as well as the last, are new
additions to the American Fauna; for such we must consider every bird whose
specific distinctions have not been pointed out. The present species appears, from
the skin, to be nearly of the same size as the nunciola of Wilson, which, in respect
to colour, it so closely resembles, that it may possibly on that account have been
* The following are the dimensions of a specimen of the Museicapa querula, W il s . ( Tyrannula Acadica, Sw ain s.)
killed this season in the neighbourhood of Philadelphia-
Inches. Lines. Total length . . . . . . . . . 5 3
Length of the tail . . . . . . . 2 3
,, of the longest quill feather . . . . . 2 10
,, of the bill on its ridge . . . . . 0 5 |
,, of the tarsus . . . . . . . 0 TV'BliN Jf IT H A,|||
Jh7avcMiia,vrxy,J5ookstllor to ifaJldMvraJfyjJbwzoa^JpiSZf.