[171.] 1. P h a l a r o p c s W il s o n ii. (Sabine.) Wilsons Phalarope.
P h^opS w U sonii {American Phalarope). Sab. £»“” *■ > V- 691’
“ Phalaropus lobatns. Obd, Wile. Om., E i. no».’ Frde Bosap.
Phalaropus frenatus. Vie il . Gal., pi. 27l -
Phalarope lissere (Ph. fimbriatus). Temm. c^ vP ^ 3^ T -
Phalaropus (Holopodius) Wilsonii. Bohap. Eye- N.Yorh, 1 P' 169 ’ ^ ?
Lobipes incauus. J am). & Selby, 1U. of Or». ,• young.
P late lxix.
This elegant Phalerope breeds on the Saskatchewan; but was not seen by us
beyond the fifty-fifth parallel, nor on the coast of Hudsons Bay. It is not
uncommon on tie borders of the lakes adjoining the city of Mexico from whence
Mr Swainson has received both young and adult spec,mens. It lays two or
ft ee e L among the grass on the margins of small lakes: they are very obtuse
M taper much at the other, and have a colour mtermediate between
yellowish-grey and cream-yellow, interspersed with small roundishspotsand a
r„ 11. U W H i g B H M “5 » ‘.p -
moaches nearest Tphalaropus RH in the form of its bill. Its legs and
toes however, are longer; and the latter are more narrowly bordered and connected
by shorter webs ; the hind toe, likewise, is longer; and all the nails
longer and more pointed ^peculiarities of structure which seem to fit it more
for§walking on the surface of marshes filled with sphagna, than for exercising
fte m PO-rs of natation possessed by the Ph. hyperboreus
chm It has however, the compact and thick under plumage of these Phale-
ropes which distinguishes them so readily from the Tnngie.Z We, un or unae y, no opportunity of studying the habits of this interesting speces, and of
contrasting them with those of its congeners.
Of a female,killed ou the Saskatchewan, 21 JuAe, 1827. - n - g ■ a H H h |
Z Z t e . «u ,l” E E
. The Prince ef Musiguauo refers also t0 l u I S y ^ p t l e d ^ r m pfttWly luiZ eU d notes
^ ^ H | | | j g quoted, notwithstanding .ha, the specimen from which they were
taken proves on examination to be this species. ■ S E the MIM of this species, long before consecrated to the
+ We know not for what reason M. Temm 7 the M Col- is ™ 7 incorrett: the bill is represented as
memory of the great American