P8ag6e, line 9, for “ P l a t e x xx ii.,” read “ P l a t e xxx.”
108, line 13, for “ Ceblepyrus,” read “ Cebtepyris.”
130, line 8, for “ Ceblepyrini” read “ Ceblepyrina.”
131, line 2 from the bottom of note, for “ R ip id u ra read “ Rhipidura
136, line 11, for “ Edolina”. read “ Edolianee.”
142, in the middle of the page, for “ Flycatcher,” read “ Tyrant Flycatcher
142, insert, above line 4 from the bottom of text, reference to “ P l a t e x lv .”
144, insert below line 7, reference to “ P l a t e x l v i.”
144, line 14, for “ phebe” read “ phcebe.” ■
144, 'line 15, for “ obscurus,” read li obscura.”
146, insert below line 19, reference to “ P l a t e x l v i.” -
153, line 7> for- “ Phillastrephus” read “ Phyllastrephus.”
159, line 5 from the bottom of note, for “ Tricophorus,”■ read “ Trichophorus."
169, line 19, for “ Fipa,” read “ Pipra.”
171, line 14, for “ Colurisoma,” read “ Collurisoma.”
179, insert above line 9 from the bottom, reference to “ P l a t e x x x v i.”
. 204, lowest line of text, for “ Diops” read “ D y o p s .
220, line 14, for “ No. 140,” read “ No. 141.”
233, line 13, for “ Parus I n d ic u s read “ Pams furcatus.”
233, line 8 from the bottom, for “ Lep,” read ■“ Sep.”
233, line 4 from the bottom, for “ F l y c a t c h e r ,” read “ Gr e e n l e t .”
235, line 10, for “ F l y c a t c h e r ,” read “ Gr e e n l e t :”
236, line 2, for “ olivacea,” read “ olivaceus.
236, lin e 2 from the bottom, for “ Lep” read “ Sep”
252, lines 13 and 17, for “ Schceniclus” read.. “ Schcenicla.”
265, line 4 from the bottom, for “ F in c h ,” read “ L in n e t .”
269, above line 8 from the bottom of text, insert reference to “ P l a t e l x v iii.”
270, line 7, for “ C lo r is read “ Ghloris■”
301, line 17, for “ Denbrobates” read “ Dendrobates.” •
303, line 4 from the bottom, for “ Plates” read “ Plantes.”
311, after line 19, insert reference to “ P l a t e l v i.”
363, line 1, for “ wrophasianelhus,” read “ urophasianus.”
398, line 2, for “ Limosa, B r is s .” read “ Scolopax, L in n .”
398, on note, for “ L imosa E d w a r d s ii>” read “ L im osa Ca n d id a , (Brigs.)”__
When this note was written, I did not advert to the bird having been previoaulbsaly.”
—naImnded. Obym B.,r iiis.s, opn. , and also by Latham, who terms it “ Recurvirostra 787.
436, line 19, for “ acuta” read caudacuta.”
454, line 3, from the bottom of note, for “ cmstata,” read « cristata.”