Sandpiper, Schinz’s . . 384
„• semipalmated
Sandpiper, spotted
■ ■ „ Swiss. . .
Sanderling .
— „ variable .
Sarcoramphus Californtanus
Sarcoramphus Californianus
Sashem peekew .
Sassasees . . .
. - 390
Sassasshew ■ .
. -466
133, 149 ,484
Saxicola . .
,, - orientahs
. 483 „ sialis
Saxicolinee 199,200,201,202,203,206,488
Say’s tyrant flycatcher . . 142
Say's tyrant flycatcher ...___ . 142
Scansob.es .. . 298
Scansores, 134,136, 163, 166, 167, 198,
199, 202, .203, 205, 207,208, 228, 242,
243, 288, 298, 299, 300,301,302,321,
326, 327, 328
Scansorial creepers, 159, 205, 208, 322
„ . Rkampkastidce , 327
->vii it- sab-genera . 342
,, sub-genus
» type
„ types
. 289
275, 278,495
lii, 228, 266
274, 285, 286
Scaphidurus .
Scarlet black-winged tanager
Scarlet sparrow.
. „ tanager .
Scaup duck
Scaup, duck . . . . ■
Scolecop.hagus . . . 286
Scolecophagus ferrugineus xxvi, xxxvi,494
Scolopax . . 398,300,401
■ borealis , . 378
SbonoPAx B rasiliensis . 400
'. „ Douglasii . 400
Scolopax Douglasii . . . 400
Scolopax Drummondh . 400
Scolopax Drummondii xxx, 401, 501
„ • gallinago . xxxviii, 400, 401
V n . gallvnula . ; 400
l .» grisea . . . 398
. )) . Hudsonica . . 390
„ Lapponicq . xxxviii
Scolopax leucurus . 501
Scolopax (Macroramphus) grisea 398
„ major § . 400
Scolopax N ovoboracensxs . 398
Scolopax Novoboracensis, xxx, xxxvii, xl,
,, Paykullii ■ . 398
,, totanus . m 389
Scolopax W ilsonii ■ . 401
Scolopax Wilsonii x> i, xxxvi, 401, 501
Scotch ptarmigan . 350
Scoter, American . . 450
Scoter, duck . . . 450
Sea-ducks ■ . 437
Sea-eagle . .
Seek . . . .
Séekee araksioo
Seekeep -. .
Seiurus • .
. 278
V- 461
- . 383
. - 411
. 269
203, 227, 230
Seiurus aquatictts. . . .. 229
Seiurus aquaticus, xxiv, xxxvii, 203, 228
Sbiurtts aurogapellus . - 227
Seiurus aurocapillus . xxiv, xxxvi, 203,
223, 230
„ . tenuirostris . . 229
Selasphorus - . . 496
Sélasphorus rufus . . 496
Semipalmated sandpiper . 381
Semipalmated snipe , . 388
„ taller . 388
Sericulus -. ...... 155,157
„ chrysocephalus . 155
Setophaga .. . . 206
Setophaga203, 206, 207, 218, 219, 223,
224, 225, 489
Setophaga . . . \ 218,225.
,, typical . —?■ li, 206, 225
Setophaga (Erythrosoma) miniata 201
Setophaga (Erythrosoma) picta . 2Ö1
Setophaga B onapartii . 225
Setophaga Bonapartii
: mi trat a .
;; „ rubra
S etophaga ruticilla
xxiv, xxxvii
... 225.
. 204
Setophaga.ruticilla ..
Sharp-tailed grouse
.,, rice-bird
Sheegun peethees .
Sheesheewina peeshoo
Sheepecun memewuck
.Shinkee ’pees
Shinz’s sandpiper . .
Shipomosish ■.
Shoestring .duck
Shore lark . .
Shore lark
Shore larks . .
Short-billed jay
,, mew-gull .
Short-eared owl
xxiv, xxxvi, 201
, 361
. 278
. 333
. 4Ï1
.- 94
. 245
xvii, 296
. 422
- 75
Short-eared owl. ..
„ footed perching birds
„ legged glaucopina
Short-legged orioles . 155
Short-legged peewit . 146
Short-legged thrushes , 164
Short-tailed thrushes . 124
Shoveller .. . •V 439
'Shoveller . 440,445
'Shoveller duck . . .439
v cV , - , true . . . . 445
Shrike . . . 166
Shrike, American grey. . 116
Shrike, black-crowned .. . 119
,, . cinereous . . 165
• frontal . . ,134
f „ , great American . . I ll, -116
Shrike, greater northern . I ll
Shrike, grey . . . 119
loggerhead. . 11.6
. ,, . northern 112
red-backed. . 165
Shrike, white-winged 1 122
Shrikes . . 31, 149,150, 168,199
bush . 124, 149 „ . drongo . . 150, 166, 289
£; „ insectivorous 136
■ . of Madagascar . 128
» PV9my . . 125
Shrikes, thrush-billed . 151
Shrikes, true . 124,130, 149, 164
. ,j tyrant . . Ï32
Sialia 209, 210, .488, 499
.5, arctica . i 202,210
' o Ej j, - Mexican a • 202
„ . Wilsonii . 202, 210
Siggeeareearioo . 382
Silent, thrush . . 186
Siskin, New York . . 266
Sitta Carolinensis. . xxxvii
Skunk bird . . - 278, 279
Slate-coloured hawk 44
Slate-coloured hawk . . 44
Small American redstart . 223
■ „ black and white diver . 479
„ . grey goose 47I
„ North American thrushes . 180
I r„ . yellow bird .. 211
Snake huiittr . 55
Snipe • . 401
. ,, black - . . . xyi
Snipe, Brazil 400
Sniper brown . . 398
Snipe, Douglas’s . 400
Drummond’s . 400
Snipe, red-breasted 398
„ . semipalmated . 338
„ spotted . . 389
,,' tell-t.ale . , . 339
„ . yellow-shanks 390
Snipe, white-tailed . . 501
„ . Wilsonfs . 401
Snipes, European . • 400
Sno rissa . . . . 355
Stiow. bird . . 259
Snow bunting . - . . 246
Snow-buntling 246
1 „ . góosè . • . 467
Snow goose ■ . . 466,467
„ owl ■ . • . 88
Snowy owl . . 27, 77, 88
Solitary sandpiper . 393
Somateria . . 437, 447, 448, 497
Somateria mol/issima . xxxh, xxxiv, 437
Somateria speotabilis 447
Somateria spectabilis . xxxii, xxxiv, 437
Song thrush . . 150
Song thrushes . 162
Sooty owl . . 77
Sparactes • 128
Sparrow, fox-coloured . 275
„ house . . xix
„ -like flnehes 244
■.’ j, ' mountain 252
„ scarlet . 273
„ > tree . . • 252
white-throated . 256
Sparrows . XX, 243
true1 . | . 260
Speckled diver . ' 475
-Pit „1 partridge hawk . . 27
Spheenura . - . 157
Sphecotheres . 130 151, 168, 483
Spirit duck - . ■ . 458
Spirit duck . 458
,, ducks ■ . 437
Spotted Greenland dove . 478
grosbeak . 271
Spotted grouse . 346
Spotted grouse 346
■ ■„ hawk • . 23
Spotted owl 99
Spotted plover- . 369
' ,, sandpiper 394
„ snipe ■ 389
„ tatler . 394
,, . thrush . 187
„ tringa . 394
Spruce partridge • 344
Spur-winged plovers . 498
Statelet, crescent . 282
Starling ■ 283
,', common 184, 278
„ red-winged .V -280
Starlings •274
Starlings, American ' -274
' hang-nest . . 289
„ true■ • 276,-278,283
Steller's crow * xvi,294
' » j°y . 294
Steller’s jay ' ^ . ,294
Stercoraire pomarine . 429
Stercorarius cepphus . 432
Sterna . 412,414,415
Sterna arctica . 414
Sterna arctica . xxx, xxxvi, xxxviii, 414
Sterna hirundo 412
Sterna hinindo, xxx, xxxvii, xxxviii, xl,
412, 413, 414 ■ minuta xxxvii
Sterna nigra 415
Sterna nigra xxx, xxxvi, xl
plumbea . . . . 415
Stone chat . 199
r „ curlew 389
Streaked falcon .. -66
Strepsilas •. •• . > • » 371
t ' .collaris • ■ xxxviii, 371
Strepsilas interpres . ’ 371
Strepsilas interpres, xxviii, xxxvii, xxxviii
Strigid^ . 71
Strigidce, xxii, xxxiv^ xxxv xxxvi, xxxvii,
xxxviii, xxxix
Strix Acadica . . .. 97
Slrix Acadica xxi , xxxiv, 95,97
,, Acadiensis . . 97
„ arctica . . xl
,, asio xxxvii, 99
Strix brachyota . . ' 75
Strix brachyota, xxii, xxxvi xxxix, 78, 82
j, brachyotos . 75
Strix (Bubo) arctica 86.'
Strix QMubo) arctica . . xxii, xxxiv
Strix (B ubo) Virginiana . 78j 82
Strix (Bubo), Virginiana, xxii, xxxiv, xxxv
,y Candida . . 5: f4: .88
Strix cinerea 77
Strix cinerea xxii, xxxiv, 77
j ■ „ cunicularia 99
„ dasypus 94 „ flammea 75)09
i ,, fuliginosa • 77
Strix funerea ■ . - 92
Strix funerea, xxii, xxxiv xxxv, xxxix,
„ Magellanica 82
Strix nebulosa ' . 1 81
Strix nebulosa, xxii, xxxiv, xxxv, xxxix, 81
\ „ / (Ndctua) Acadica 97
Strix nyctea 88
Strix nyctea . xxii, xxxiv xxxv, xxxviii,
xxxix 27, 82} 86j 88
Strix otus 72
Strix otus . xxii, xxxiv, xxxv, xxxix, 82
„ passeriha 94) 95, 97
„ Scandiaca 86
Strix- T engmalmi 94
Strix Tengmalmi, xxii, xxxiv, xxxix, 94,
„ Virginiana 86)94
Slruthionidee 199
Sturnella . 275, 282
„ collaris . 282
Sturnella L udoviciana 282
Sturnella Ludoviciana . xxvi, xxxv
Sturnidæ 274
Sturnidce . xxi, xxvi, xxxv, xxxvi, xxxvii
241, 242, 274, 275, 278, 494
Sturnidce American 286
Sturninje . 278
Sturninee . 274
Stumus . 274
„ Ludovicianus . 282
„ junceti • . 277
„ preedatonus 280»
Suiriri.s . • 135
Summer duck » 446
Summer duck . - . 446
Surf duck • ^ 449
Swallow, American . 328
Swallow, bank . 333
Swallow, barn . 328
S■ wallow, bam . 328 „ -> chimney 328
Swallow, cliff . 331
Swallow, cliff . . 331
„ sand . 333
„ -tailed ducks 460
„ ■!J „•falcon 66
' j, ,, tyrants 132
Swallow, white-fronted . 331
Swallows ■ . xx, 310, 326, 337
Swamp partridge 346
Swan, Bewick’s 465
l: „ * trumpeter . 464
Swans ■ . . 435)438
Swift, purple 335
Swiss sandpiper . 370
Sylvia . 201 202; 207, 208
, ,, 1estiva 211,213
„ aurocapilla 227
! it ,, aulumnalis■ xxxvii
\ azurea . xxxvii
„ b icolo r • . 221
„ Blackburnice . xxxvii
„ Canadensis xxxvii
? ■> castanea xxxvii
„ chrysoptera ■ xxxvii
l „,, cincta 216 coronata 213, 216
■ furva 317 ,„, kippolais . 201 icterocephala xxxvii
Javanica 205
' „ magnolia . 213
,, maculosa 213, ‘217, 219
, maritima xxxvii
,, melodia . • 234,236
• mitrata xxxvii, 489
• „,,„ Novceboraeensis xxxvii, 229
„ ofivacca 234 palmarum . xxxvii pardalina xxxvii, 225
„ pensilis • xxxvii
1M peregrina 221
„ petechia 215
■ ,,' pinguis . 216
,,„,, rubecula . 488
i rubricapilla 220 ruficapilla . 220