dark • lateral ones pale. Under plumage white ; breast and front of the neck streaked with
black. Bill and legs black. Wings and tail of the same length. The web between the
outer and middle toe reaches to the joint; that which connects the middle and inner toes
does not come set far. Total- length, 5 J inches ;, extent of wing, 10 inches ; weight, 14
drachms avoird.; length, of b i l l o f an inch*.”
[150.] 4. T r in g a m a r it im a . (Brunnich.) Purple Sandpiper.
Ge n u s » Tringa, B r is s . Beccasseau violet ( Tringa m aritim a\Tringa maritima (Purple Sandpiper), TSaebm. mG. riei.e} npl.. B61ir9d.s, p. 532■ ; Suppl. Parry's First Voy., p. cci.
R ic h a r d so n , Parry's Second Voy., p. 354. B on-a p ., Syn., No* 252. Siggee-aree-areeoo, E squimaux.
This bird breeds abundantly on Melville Peninsula and the shores of Hudson’s
Bay. Its eggs are pyriform, 16-1 lines long, and an inch across at their greatest
breadth. Their colour is yellowish-grey, interspersed with small irregular spots
of pale hair-brown, crowded at the obtuse end, and rare at the other.
Of a male, killed before moulting, July 29, 1822, at Hudson’s Bay.
Colour.— Upper plumage mostly purplish black, bordered with ferruginous on the top of
the head and scapulars ; the latter tipped with brownish-white; lateral tail feathers pale,
brownish-grey; their shafts, narrow edgings, and the broad borders of the lateral pair of
tail coverts, white. Wings clove-brown; the coverts fringed with grey; the quills, after the
fifth, more and more broadly edged with white, the posterior lesser ones being almost entirely
white, as are also all the quill shafts. Neck, above and below, greyish; belly and under
tail coverts white, all more or less broadly striped in the centres with blackish-brown.
Breast and flanks blackish-brown, broadly barred on the tips with greyish-white. Bill
blackish, tinged with yellow at the base. Legs yellowish.—Young birds have the dorsal
plumage edged with white, which changes, as the season advances, to reddish.
Form.—Bill longer than the head ; ridge straight, narrow, and slightly wider at the tip;
outline of the lower mandible sinuated near the point, giving a slight appearance of curvature
to the bill. Wings as long as the moderately rounded tail. Thighs feathered low down.
Tarsi stout; toes bordered by a thick fold of skin.
sli*g hWtlyi lbsoenn ts; tabtuest hhei sa dbdisr,d thtoa tb ien dsiivxi diunaclhs evsa rloiendg g arenadt ltyw ienl vseiz ein, soemxtee nbte ionfg w sicnagrc, ewlyi tfhi vae ibniclhl easn a inndc ha lhoanlgf ,i na nlden'vgetrhy,
while others measured seven, and had bills upwards of an inch long.
Inch. Lin* Length,,- ittfof -t.tadli l . . . .82 0 -3 . ’ , .ooff wbiilnl,,g a bo•v e . .14 92
The female is a little larger,
more than that of the male.
Of the male.
Length of bill to rictus .
,, iof tarsus .
of .middle .toe .«
Lin.- ' -, Inch, Lin. 1011 Len„g th ooff hminiddd;lteo ne aainld. nail . 00 2If
10 J- Extent of wing -. • 17 0
and her bill, on an average, measures a quarter of an inch
£1513 ’ - 5. T r in g a alpina. (Pennant.)' The American Dunlin. HBUBMI ■ IRB n°- 391-sranmer- RPeudr-rbea {cTkreidn gSaa ncdipncipluesr )(, TIrdinegma, ap.l p4i7n5a,) ,N Wo. i3l9s0o. n,U tnoi.t pe.r .25, pi. so, • ■
BTehcea sPseuarure b (rTunrinnegttae cinclus), !dem, pi. 57,1; 8- Tringa variabilis i Mml var iSaablbe. ,( TSunpnpgl.a P caarnrayb’,d Pu)e,n Tt Pemopm .p, . ƒcc. S ab. (■ J.), Pp traannUU. JJoouurrnn.. , Vp. 686.
R ichardson, Append. Parry's Second Pop, p. d5d.
STereinkegea- aarlapkinsiao,o B. oEnar., Cat., No. 248. squimaux.
This bird, which breeds plentifully on the Arctic coasts of America was
killed by us on the Saskatchewan plain in its passage northwards and in autumn
on the shores of Hudson’s Bay. Its eggs are oil-green, marked with irregular
soots of liver-brown, of different sizes and shades, confluent at the obtuseend.
Sey are 15% lines long, and lli across where broadest, the ends differing
greatly in size.
-Of a specimen killed on the Saskatchewan.
Pmnnd of the upper plumage, front of the neck and sides of the -breast dark « B H l a M E m | *•—■-> I H H blotches of ydllowish-brown and ferruginous on the-scapulars and back , a
bm adtey borders on the lower part of the neck and aides of the bmast. Rump and te l
/fnftch black, very slightly fringed with ferruginous. Central pair of tad fearers
I g f J H lateral ones pale broccoli-brown or brownish-grey, all-with -narrow whitish
T l , m ugs hair-brown; centres of the lesser coverts, the greater coverts, and q«.l ,
Wg V h brown lesser quills and greater coverts narrowly tipped with-white-; greater quills
f ^dtowards’the base with the same, and the shaft of the outer primary, and ofseveral
tfth e posterior ones, white. Belly, flanks, under tail coverts, inner wing coverts, and thigh