and their coverts are unspotted, the posterior ones edged at the tip with white : shaft of the
first quill white; Tail broccoli-brown, with nine blackish-brown1 bars. Chin and both eyelids
brownish-white; UndeT plumage wood-brown j the neck and sides of the head thickly striped
with liver-brown* j breast and flanks marked with arrow-headed spots; of the same, which
exist on the: belly also, though smaller and more scattered. Inner wing coverts; pale reddish-
orange, irregularly barred with liver-brown. B ill brownish-black; flesh-red at the base
beneath. Legs- dark bluish-grey.
F orm.—Bill comparatively short and very slender, slightly arched ; nasal groove extending
two-thirds its length. Wings much pointed, equal to the square tail. Toes short and stout,
connected by shorter webs than those of Numenivs Hudsonicus. Middle nail entire. Hind
toe-short; its:nail curved inwards.
Inch'. Lin. Lin. - Inch. Lin.
Length, total . 14 0 Length of bill above 2 3 Length of middle nail . 0 3%
„ ’excluding bill . 12 0 „ of bill to rictus . 2 7£ ,, of hind toe . . 0 3£
0f tail . . 3 9 - „ of tarsus ’ . 1 ' 10 „ of hind nail . 0 ” 0f--^ing . . 8 9 „ of middle toe . 1 0 Extent of wing . . 2 8 0
[147.] 1. T r i n g a D o u g l a s i i . ' (Swainson.)^; Douglas’s Sandpiper.
Ge n u s , Tringa, B n tss,
Ch . Sp . T r in g a D o u g l a s ii, pedibus semipalmalis, rostro twrsisque elongatis, caudâ leviter trifwrcillatâ ; rectri- cibus mediis ferrugineo fasciatis, auricviaribus castanets, uropygio albo nigro fasciato.
Sp . Ch. D ouglas’s Sa n d p ip e r , foré toes connected by short webs ; bill and tarsi long, the former dilated at the
point ; tail slightly doubly-notched ; ear feathers chestnut-coloured ; rump banded with black and white,
and the middle tail feathers with ferruginous.
P late lxvi.
This species is not uncommon in the fur-countries up to the sixtieth parallel,
and perhaps still farther north. It has the usual habits of the genus, frequents
the interior in the breeding season, and resorts to the flat shores of Hudson’s
Bay in the autumn, previous to taking its departure for the south. We have
not had an opportunity of comparing it with an authenticated example of the
TV. himantopus of the Prince of Musignano j but the latter is described as a
smaller bird, with rather longèr thighs and legs, an even grey tail, the central
pair of feathers alone longer than the others and not banded with ferruginous ;
no mention is made of the colour of the ear feathers.
Of a specimen, killed on tlie Saskatchewan, in June, 1827.
Colour.—Top of the head, the scapulars, interscapulars, and tertiaries, blackish-brown,
3 C 2