[215.] 1. C l a n g u l a v d l g a r is . (Leach.) The Common Golden Eye.
Sub-family, Fuligulinae, Swains. Genus, Clangula, Bole, Leach.
Anas clangula. Forster. Phil. Trans., lxii., p. 417* No. 48.
Morillon (Anas glauciori). P enn. Arct. Zooi., ii., p. 573. F. Young.
Golden Eye (Anas clangula). Idem, p. 557, No. 486. Wils., viii., p. 62, pi. 67, f. 6, male.
Canard garrot {Anas clangula). T emm., ii., p. 870.
Fuligula clangula. Bonap. Syn., p.393, No. 342.
Meesheh-pesqua-pewew. Cree Indians.
Of a male, killed on the Saskatchewan, May, 1827*
C olour.—Head and two inches of the neck brilliant duck-green; fore-head and chin
blackish-brown. Back, long scapulars, coverts bordering the wing, primaries, four outer
secondaries, and the tertiaries pitch-black. A round patch beneath the lores, lower part of
the neck, shoulders, outer scapulars, intermediate and greater coverts, seven posterior
secondaries, and the whole under plumage, pure white, except the deep black edges of the
long flank feathers, and the spaces round the thighs, which, with the tail, are broccoli-
brown. Bill black. Feet orange, hides golden yellow.
F orm.—Bill high at the base, narrowed towards the point; the laminae resembling those of
Fuligula valisneria. Nostrils nearer to the tip than to the base. Head large; forehead high;
occipital plumage lengthened. Wings moderately long, acute, two inches and a half shorter
than the tail. First and second quills sub-equal and longest. Tail long (among the Anatidce)
graduated, the shafts slightly projecting. Toes long.
The female resembles that of the following species, differing only in the form of the bill.
Of the male.
Inch. Lin. -
Inch. 'Liu. Inch. Lin. Length, total . . 22 6 Length of bill above . 1 6 J
„ of tail . . 4 6 ,, of bill to upper angle 2 0
„ of wing . . 9 0 ,, of bill to rictus . 2 4 —R.
Length of tarsus . . 1 6l
,, of middle toe . 2 6
„ of outer toe . 2 7
[216.] 2. C l a n g u l a b a r r o v ii. (N obis.) Roc/cy Mountain Garrot.
P late lxx.
Genus, Clangula.
Ch . Sp. Clangula Barrovii, capite collogue superiori violaceis ; pone rostrum utrinque crescenti alba, speculo
, et fascia transverse) alee albis fascia nigra separatis.
Sp. Ch . Rocky Mountain Garrot. Head and upper part of the neck pansy-purple, with a large crescentic
white mark before each eye. White speculum separated from the band on the coverts by a black stripe.
P late lx v ii.
Notwithstanding the general similarity in the form and markings of this bird
and the Common Golden Eye, the difference in their bills evidently points them
out to be distinct species. Exclusive of the specific characters, above noted,