I N D E X .
[The references to groups or species, whose characters or descriptions are given, are in small capitals, if in Latin.
Synonymes, and groups or species accidentally referred to, are in Italics.']
Aberrant division - . . lx
; :,, . insessorial circles • * 2 9 8
Acadian owl • - » ' . 97
Acanlhonotus . . 168
Accentor, 2 0 3 , 2 0 4 , 2 0 6 , 2 2 3 , 2 2 4 , 228,
2 3 0 ,4 9 0
„• aquatic "l 'V -."') 2 2 9
„ golden-crowned . 22 7
Accipiter ■ . - i • . 3 9 ,4 4
A c c ip it e r (A s t u r ) p a l u m b a r iu s 39
Accipiter (Astur) palumbarius, x x ii, xx xiv, XXXV, x x x ix , 68
Accipiter Cooperii v . 66
; - „ . fringilloides • 4 4 , 45
; ,, Mexican us , . 45
,, . paludarius « 56
A c c ip it e r . P e n n sy lv a n ic u s, x x ii, xxxv,
Accummee-sheeshick. . 4 0 6
African Drongos . 134
• ,, emberizee , 27 5
, „ . thrushes » % 191
A g e l a in æ . . . • . 275
Agelaince, 2 7 4 , 27 5, 27 8, 280, 2 8 1 , 2 8 2
. r ,,, American , . 27 5
Agelaius . . . 2 8 0 ,2 8 1
„ pecoris . - - , 27 7
A g e l a iu s phgbnic eus 28 0
Agelaius pkceniceus, xx vi, xxxvi 2 8 0 ,2 8 2 ,
’ 28 7
A g el a iu s x a n t h o c e p h a l u s . 281
Agelaius xanthocephalus x x v i
A ip u n em ia • .. 48 8
Akeseykoeask . . • . 42 5
Akkaidiggoeuch 351
Alauda . •' 203 2 4 4 , 245
„ alpestris 24 5, 24 9
calandra xxiv, xxxix, .
compta xxiv, xxxvi, xxxix, !
. magna ■ * ■
Pennsylvaniea • • » ‘
Alca alle
243, 244, 245, 246
- xxxviii, 479
Alca anctica . . xxxviii
„ impennis . xxxviii
„ torda . . xxxvii, xxxviii, xl
Alcadce .. .. . XXXV
Alcedo. . . . 339
Alcedo alcyon . 339
Alcedo alcyon . . xxviii, xxxvii, 339
Aldiggeeareeoo . 460
Alwagrim plover . . . 369
Ambulatory flycatchers , - 200
American ant-thrushes . . 160
,, avoset . . . . 375
American bittern . . . 374
American bittern . . . 374,375
„ buzzard , » 50
American coot ., •- , . 404
. ,,. dipper , 173
.. ; ,, dunlin . . * . , 383
American flycatchers . 130, 131
r >■ fuligulee . , 452
„ godwit B * 395
American goldfinch . . , 266
American goshawk , , 40
American grey, shrike . , 115
„ hawk-owl 92
. ,,. hen harrier . . • . 55
American mocking-bird . 150,165
,, phalarope . 405
American ring-plover 367
„ . scoter , 450
,, sparrow-owl . . , 97
American sparrow-hawk . 31
,, starlings . . . 274
,, . sturnidee . 236
American swallow . . , 328
teal_ . 443
. : » vidgeon , t 445
Ammish-oko . , < 72
AM PEL ID iE. . . . 232
Ampelidee, xxiv, xxxvi, xxxvii, xxxix, 103,
104, 170j 197, 199, 270, 289,490,500
/ M typical , 289,500
AmfeLINÆ - , . , 492
Ampelinee . . • . 232,233
Ampelis . . 233,492
■ „ _ Americana - 239
Ampelis camifex . . .4 9 1
,, garrulus , . . 237
,, ‘pompadour a . .1 1 9 .
Analcipus. . . • 482
Analcipus . . . 1 2 8 , 130
Anas, 436, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 444,
„ : albeola
„ Americana
„ hernicla .
» » ß.
i ';„ boschas , . xxxviii, 442, 444
Anas (Boschas) crecca . 443
Anas (.Boschas) crecca . xxxii, xxxvi
Anas (Boschas) discors . 444
Anas (Boschas) discors, xxxii, xxxvii, 436
Anas (Boschas) domestic a , 442
Anas (Boschas) domestica, xxx, xxxvi, 436
- ■ ,, bucpphala , , . 458
„ Canadensis . . . 470, ,471
Anas (Chauliodus) strepera . 440
Anas (Chay.liodus) strepera, xxx, xxxvi,
xl, 436, 440
„ clangula . . xxxviii, 456
Anas clyp.eata . . . 439
Anas clypeata, xxx, xxxvi, xl, 436, 439
„ crecca . . . . 445
; ,, „ vaj. . . ; 443
,, cygnufi . . . xxxviii
Anas (Dafila) caudacUta - . . 441
Anas ( Dafila) caiidaputa, xxx, xxxvi, xl,
„ discors
,, glacialis
,, glaucion
„ fyistrionica
,, hyemalis
„ hyperborea
,, Labradora
„ marila
„ mollissima
, xxxvii, 444
. . 452
, . -450
xxxviii, 211, 460
. xxxviii, .459
xxxviii, 460
, xl, 467
. xxxvii
. . 453
xxxyiii, 448
■ . 450