we are more disposed to view this bird and Seiurus aurocapillus as entering in
the circle of Accentor, than to place them within the confines of the Motacillince. If this eventually proves to be their real station in nature, Seiurus becomes, of
course, a sub-genus. Do they, in fact, possess the same analogical relations ?
WTeh sius spbeircdt wnoats. —seSewn . only at Carlton House, where it frequented the moist and
thickly-wooded points of the river. It arrived in May, and disappeared after a
few days, probably going farther north to breed.
. Of a specimen, killed at Carlton. House, lat. 53°, May, 1827-
C olour.—Whole upper plumage a remarkably uniform and very deep hair-brown'. Eye-
stripe, chin, and whole under surface very pale primrose-yellow; throat, breast, and flanks
marked at the tips with wedge-shaped spots of the colour of the upper plumage. Inner
wing coverts yellowish-grey, spotted with brown near the edges of the wing. Bill dark
umber-brown above, paler beneath. Legs brownish.
F orm, &c .—Bill rather wider than high at the base ; upper mandible somewhat suddenly
narrowed in the middle; tip slender and minutely notched. Three first quills equal; the
rest diminish in succession, the greatest interval occurring between the fourth and fifth. Tail
square, or very slightly rounded; its feathers obliquely truncated on their inner webs, which
are broader than those of S. aurocapillus. Tarsus slender and considerably longer than
the middle toe : first phalanx of the outer toe adherent to the middle one: lateral toes nearly
equal. Nails very small: they are more curved, and the hind one is longer than in 5. auro-
fiapUlus; but the structure of the feet is otherwise alike in both.
Length total ,. • >; it1
,, of tail • • 2
„ of folded wing . 3
,, of bill above • • 0
9 Length of bill from rictus 0 8 Length of nail .
i inca* cm
. 0 2
4 . „ of tarsus . 0 10* --- of hind toe. - . 0 . 3
0 ,, of middle toe 0 6* „ of hind nail . . 0 2i 5