Anas nivalis -, . 467
,, obscura . . xxxviii
„ perspicillata . , 449
,, (Rkynchaspis) c/ypeata . 439
5, rubida . • 455
„ spectabilis . xxxviii, 447
,, sponsa . . 446
,, vallisneriana . . 4 5 1
Anatidæ . . . 435
Analidee . xxi, xxx, xxxv, 497
Anatinæ . . . 436
Anatinoe, 435,437,439,440,445,446,460,
Andropadus . . . . 485
Annoochkeenoepeequoeshew . 55
Anseeawmo . . . 446
Anser . .. 466,467, 468, 469, 470
Anser albifrons . xxxii, xl, 466
Anser albifrons . • xxxii, 439, 466,467
Anser bernicla . . 469
Anser bernicla, xxxii, xxxvi, xxxviii, xl,
339, 469, 470
Anser Canadensis - . , 468
Anser .Canadensis, xxxii, xxxvi, 439, 468
Anser H utchinsii.
. 470
Anser Hutchinsii <
xxxii, 439
Anser hyberboreus
Anser hyperboreus .
„ leucopsis . ■
,, segetum
Anserinæ - .
Anserinoe, 464, 465, 466) 467, 468, 469
Ant thrushes . 124, 160, 161,164
xxxii, 439, 467
439, 470, 471
„ American . .■ '■’-'160
Anthi, short-clawed . . 203
Anthreptes ■ .
Anthreptes .
Anthus .
Anthus aquaticus
Anthus aquaticus
Anthus spinoletta -
,, sordidus .
Antient auk .
Apeestoekoeoo .
Apeestehsheep . •
Apisteeskeesh ,
Apternus . .
Aquatic accentor
Aquila albicilla -
Aquila chrysaeta
Aquila chrysaeta
Aquila (H aliæetub) leucocepha
Aquila ( Haliæëtus') leucocepkala,xsii, xxxix
,, haliæëtus . - .
Aquila (P andion) H a l iæ e t a
Aquila (Pandion) haliæeta, xxxvi, xxxix
Arctic bird ■
Arctic blue-bird
» ground-finch -
n„ joawgler
203, 231, 243
XXIV, xx xvi, XXXIX
. ' . 231
. 490
. . 231
* r 23, 25
. 443
. 15
. 12
.xxii, xxxix
430, 433
. 260
Arctic silvery gull ,
,, tern . ■ v
Arctic three-toed woodpecker
Ardea . . -.
Ardea (Botaurus) minor
,, Canadensis
Ardea herodias
Ardea herodias . xxviii.
,, — Hudsonias
Ardea lentioinosa
Ardea lentiginosa . xxviii
Slellaris, var.
Ash-coloured buzzard .
„ sandpiper
Aslrapia gularis . .
Astur pa/umbarius ..
A theeneetoo-omeesew.
Attickew-sheesheeshew . .
Auk, ancient . .
crested . .
dusky . . •
little . . - .
perroquet ■ .
pigmy . .
tufted. . .
Australian honey-suckers .
„ pigeons •.
vangee •
‘' - „ - warblers
,, plovers • .
Autour a bee sineux
Avicula lutea vertice rubro
Avis canuti . .
Avocetta recurvirostra
Avoset, American
Avoset, American
Awkiscow . •
Backbakiri, le •
Bald eagle .
Bald eagle ,
s % head , •
Baltimore bird - .
Baltimore hangnest-
Baltimore oriole
Bank swallow . ■ .
Barita . • ■
Barn swallow • .
Barnacle . . •
„ goose, Hutchins's
Barred owl • .
Bartram’s greenlet •
Barlram's sandpiper
Bartram’s tatler
Bay falcon .
- „ white-rumped
Bay-winged finch
, 417
, 414
373, 374
. 374
' . 373
. 373
. 373
xxxvii, 373
. 373
xxxvii, 374
: 374
27, 30, 47
. 39
■ . 373
Bay-winged bunting .
Beaver owl ,
Beccasseau brunnette .
„ canut 1
,, échasses .
Beccasseau maubeche
,,. ponctuée .
Bee-eater . .
Belted king-fisher
Belted king-fisher
„ warbler
Bering goose
Bewick's swan -.
Big-headed mocking-bird
Bird, winter . .
Bittern, .
Bittern, American . .
Bittern, European . __.
,,. Hudson's Bay
Black and spotted heath-cock
Black and white dobchick
Black and white 'spotted woodpt
Black-bellied plover .
Black bird . . .
_:,, bunting
Black-capped hawk
Black-cap titmouse
Black-cupped titmouse
„ -cheeked eagle .
,, cock, European
,, -crowned bunting
„ duck
Black finch .
Black Greenland dove
Black guillemot . -
Black guillemot ,
• “headed warbler
Black-poll warbler •
Black-poll warbler . .
,, snipe
Black tern . .
Black tern
Black-throated diver
Black-throated diver
Black vulture
Black vulture . .
Boatswain . . ,
Boat-tail, common purple
Boat-tail gr-akles
Boat-tails . 276,2
Bohemian wax-wing
. 398
. 382
. 339
xvi, 216
/ 216
. 374
• 218
■ 4, 5
Boubycilla Americana
Bombycilla Americana
,, Bohemica
„ Curolinensis
7, 280, 286
lx, 233, 237,.239
. 239
, xxxvi
B ombycilla garrula .
Bombycilla garrula, xxiv,
Bombycivora garrula
Bonaparte’s gnat-catcher
Bonapartean gull
Boschas .
,, major. .
Botaurus_. •
Botaurus Freti Hudsonis .
. . . 237
xxxvii, xxxix,
239, 240, 270
232, 237,500
. 237
. .225
. .425
442, 443, 444
. 442
.. 374
. 374
Brachypodinoe, 152,157, 158, :159, .163,
166,167,193,195, 196, 198,199,208,
B&ACIIYPPS . .- . .485
Brachypus . 152,153, 157, 193,195
ÿ-;: dispar . > .v 153,485
;; ; ; „ malabaricus 195
Brant, . . . * ■ ; 469,471
Brazil snipe . : -- ^ 400
Brent goose • . \ . 469
Brent goose; ■ «. 469
British linnets . • . 243
Broad-billed fiy-eatchers ... 241
Broad-shafted humming-birds . 322
Bronze-winged pigeons . ,363
Brown and, ash-coloured crane . 373
Brown and spotted heath-cock 346
Brown crane . » . , . 373
Brown crane . 372,373
., lark . • .. 231
. „ snipe . 398
, „ thrush ■ • • • . ,;,189
Brunnich’s guillemot 477
Brunoir . • • . 157
Bucconinee . . • • 299
Buceridte - • 241 242, 289
Buceros . • • 360
Buffel duck . - • ' . 458
• : „ -headed duck . 458
Bullfinch, greatest . . . . 262
Bullfinch, pine 262
Bullfinches . . 243
Bunting, Lapland 245
„ rusty . . •. . 257
; •„ . Unalaskka. . • . .xvi
„ .white-crowned . . . 255
. ; . ,y ■ bay-winged 254
; ., . black. . . •. . 259
Bantling,, clay-coloured . . 251
Bunt lingcow . . 275
Buntling, Lapland . 248
Buntling larks . . . - •• ' . * 243
Buntling, painted ..25C
• „ . snow • • . 246
■ M tree • - * 252
Buntlings 243, 275
Buphaga . . 274, 299
Burgomaster gull . • . 416
Busard-bariole 5É
Buse gantée . 52
Bush-shrikes ■ • 124, 149, 168, 289
Bustard • • . 468
Bustards. . - - • . -, 341
■ £t „ , Norton Sound . xvi
Buteo Americanus. . . .55
BuTEO BOREALIS s,.., . 50
Buteo borealis xxii, xxxv, 40, 48
einer eus .. J :,. ■ 27
B uteo (C ircus) cyanbus . . . .55;
Buteo ( Circ.) cyaneus, xxii, xxxvi, xxxix,7 0
B uteo hyemalis ■ . „. 66
Buteo hyemails . . 66
Buteo lagopus . . - . ,.52
Buteo .lagopus.. xxii, xxxv xxxix, 9, 52
1 , „ pter.ocles .. . 10
„ Sancti Johannis . . 66
B uteo Sancti J ohannis . 66
Buteo vulgaris . xxii, xxxix, 9, 47, 66
Butor . . •’ 374
Buzzard 1
,, American 50
„ ash-coloured 27,30)47
Buzzard, common 47
Buzzard falcon . 66
„ moor 52
Buzzard, red-tailed ,:;,>..;ï.5QBuzzardet
. . 66
Buzzards . 55
Çaccawee . . 438, 460
Calandra . . . 244
,, lark . ’ 244
Calendre lark . • . 244
Calidris -366
Calidris arenaria . 366
Calidris arenaria, xxviii, xxxvi, xxxviii, xl,
Californian vulture
• 366
Californian vulture 5
Calyptomina . 492
Calyptura 491
Calumet eagle - . 12 Campylopterus _ . ; , 322
Canada goose . ’ 468
Canada goose . 439, 467, 468,. 470, 471
%;i »■ jay •• 295,297
„ . tanager . , 273
Canadian jay . . v xvii, 226
Canard à collier . , . 459
„ à tête grise . 447
„ à longue queue 441
, ; chipeau . • .440
„ de miclon . . 460
•. „■ garrot , . .456
i'.' 'j>' '. rider . 448
r.'îjj marchand. . , . 449
. ,, milouin. • . 452
,, sauvage . . 442
• i suchet . . . 439
Cänvas-back duck. . ' . 451
Canvas-back duck ... . 4 5 1
Caprimulgidoe, xxviii, xxxvii, xxxviii, 326,
336, 496
Caprimulginee , • • 336,337
Caprimulgus . ■ ». 336,337,496
Caprimulgus Americanus, xxxvii,337,496
Caprimulgus (Chordbiles) Vir-
ginianus . . • 337
Caprimulgus (Chordeiles) Virgin, xxviii,
,, Virginianus . . 337
„ vociferus . 336,337
Caprimulgus vociferus . 336
Caprimulgus vociferus xxviii, xxxvii
Carbo. * . ... 473
■ „ cormoranus . 473
. „ ■ cristatus . 473
1 j, graculus . . . 473
pygmoeus 473
Cardinal de Canada- . . •. 273
Carduelis . 266, 269,494
Carduelis Americana . . 266
Carduelis Amepicana xxiv, xxvi, 266
ïf'Sl jj> totta 494
Carolina rail . 403
Carolina wren 207
Carrion crow, .. . 291
Carrion crow . 6
Cascade duck . . ‘. 459
Cashmorkynckus . 233,288,492
Cassiculus . . , V.; .276
Cassicus . 360
Cataptrophorus. 388
Cat-bird. . . 192
Cat-bird 192
„ flycatcher . . 192
Caterpillar-catchers 130
Caterpillar- catchers , 136, 164, 289
Cathartes atratus . 6
Cathartes .atratus . . . xxii
C a t h a r t e s aura 4
Cathartes. aura . xxii, xxxvi
Californianus . ' . 1
. ,, vulturinus . - 1
Cathcatew-woewoeoo 467
Ceblepyrinæ . . 108, 128,136,483
Ceblepyrinoe 128,130 134,.149,164, 168,
m , 197) 199, 2.70, 289, 483, 498
Ceblepyris . 108,128,129,483
Cedar bird . . . . ‘ . 239
Centrocercus . . . 496
Centrócercus .342, 358, 361
„ urophasianus 342,497
Cephalopterus . . ■ 500
Cerorhinca occidentalis . . xvi
Certhiadoe, xxvi, xxxvi, xxxvii, 207, 208,
298, 299, 316, 318, 322
Çhoechiscooawseesh . • 381
Choeckiskaseesh • • 394
Chaetops . » • 486
Chaëtops lxii