ceding and Mowing species, covered before and behind with a scale, in which no divisions
can be perceived. Hind toe and inner one equal in length. - Nails much compressed
slightly carved ; the hind one the largest.
this tail . v v
„ of the tail
,, of the folded wing
„ of the bill, from t!
ifInches, linen
Length of the bill on the ridge RI nchoes. . i
7 6 9 55 of the tarsus . H . 2 9 . 55 of the middle toe 3 6i 55 of its daw 0 i f e.
0 10
55 of the hind toe .
55 of its daw . 0 . 0
That the history of the small North American Thrushes may be rendered as ™mnW0 ___ . , M '
detailed description of the Merula silens, particularly as it seems intermediate between M I p S l 1 ® ? ? ! f S p " *
having the rufous tail of the to t, and the greyish oWe brown upper“ “ o f , t Z o l “ 4 *
Mebula s i l e n s . (Swainson.) . Silent Thrush.
Merula silens. Swain’s. Syfa. Mex., Birds, No. 31.
Ch.S p. Merula silen s, olivaceoJrennescenswitus altescem, wttoletjt.etoreque mamlis fulignm notatis
u n ^ Z v T . mar9i’Mm
Sp. Ch . Sil en t Thrush gr^ish-qlive, beneath whitish; throat and breast marked with dusky snots • tail and
X d "" i edges of the quills pale, the second and sixth nearly e U ; c la ^ M y
Of a specimen in Mr. Swainson’s museum, killed five leagues to the west of Mexico
coverts present a nearly uniform tint of yellowish-brown, verging towards oran^e-hmwn X ru S rn m f- i P W S P
towards their bases, are cream.yehow, having less colour than those of M. solifarin hut mme P“ 1C"I?rly
die other small Thrushes noticed in this work Bill dark.brown, lower p“ ,s °f
Forsi &c— B,ll more slender than that of the other small Thrushes described in the text. T ie 9 1 ^ 1 .
ta p s t, th e ^ r d L t f tf S te r y ^ L l^ n a l,I4 ef'k tto dxth “ “ l“11 an ,he 4 « ‘Bj which fathe
outer webs of the second, th ird ,Id W h a ^
the tail . . . '
t, $ of the tail
55 of the folded wing
m55o utho f .the bill from tl
d ofInches, Lines.
Length of the bill on the ridge ; . . nr
. 73 30 55 of the tarsus . . . . i 3 9 55 of the middle toe 0 the 55 of the middle claw • . 0 . 5»r of the hind toe • 0 0 9* 55 of the hind claw . 0