with soiled-white, and is crossed by five narrow bars of the same colour, of which the subterminal
one is the most perfect. Under surface. The throat is white. The; cheeks, sides
of the neck, and breast, are brownish-white, streaked longitudinally with dark liver-brown.
The belly and thighs are white, with yellowish-brown streaks on the shafts. The flanks and
wing linings are yellowish-brown, with oval white marks. The quill feathers are barred alternately
on the inside with broccoli-brown and wine-yellow. The under tail coverts are white,
and the under surface of the tail is slate-coloured, crossed by white bars. Bill bluish-black.
Claws black.
F o rm .— Shape of the bill much like that of F. sparverius. The cutting margin of the
upper mandible has a strong tooth near its tip, and is somewhat sinuated farther back. Lores
covered with white hair-like feathers, disposed in a stelliform manner. The tips of the folded
wings reach within two inches of the end of the tail. The scapularies are short* The ter-
tiaries, or the. posterior secondaries, are longer than the six preceding ones, and are equal to
the seventh or eighth primary. The wings have a pointed form : the second and third quill
feathers are the longest; the first is about half an inch shorter than these, and is scarcely equal
to the fourth ; the succeeding ones, to the eleventh, are successively shorter by half an inch
each. The outer webs ©f the second and third are rather suddenly narrowed near their tips,
and the inner webs of the first and second are more decidedly sinuated. The tail is square.
The outside thigh feathers reach only half way down the tarsus. The tarsus is covered
anteriorly with feathers for nearly half an inch below the joint: it is protected at its base by
four transverse shield-shaped scales, and is reticulated elsewhere. The toes are long and
slender, particularly the middle one, and there is a roundish pad under each joint. The hind
toe is the shortest, but has the longest claw ; the inner fore toe comes next to it in length
and in the size of its claw. The bases of the middle and outer toes are connected by a
short web.
Of the female.
Length from the tip of the bill to the end ofInches. Lin«. Length of the bill along its ridge . 0 the tail . . . . . 14 9 0 ,, of the: tarsus . 1 5
„ of the tail . . . . 6 0 „ of the middle toe . 1 5
„ of the longest quill feather 7 6 ,, of its claw . . . 0 6
„ of the bill, from the angle of the ,, of the hind toe . . 0 6
month . . . . . 0 9 ,, of its daw 0 6J
I have had no opportunity of taking a description of an American male specimen.