tomium non illo maxilla occultum. Alse rotun- having the margin hid by that of the upper
data. Cauda aqualis. Digitus internus ex- mandible. .Wings rounded. Tail even. Inferno
brevior. ner toe shorter than the external toe.
Type.—Cynniris Javanica. Zool. I lltjstr., iii, pi. 121.
43. Sub-genus*
Statura parva. Rostrum subulatum, rec-
tissimum. Plumse colli elongata. Alae breves,
debiles, remigibus—angustatis aliquandoque
acutis. Cauda mediocris, gradata, rectricibus
apicem versus attenuatis, mucronatis.
Types.—1. S.rufus, Nob. 2. T.chalybeus, Temm.
Stature small. Bill subulate and very
straight. Feathers of the neck elongated.
Wings short, feeble, the quills narrowed and
sometimes pointed. Tail moderate, graduated,
the feathers attenuated towards the end,
their tips mucronate.
3. T. ornatus, Atjct. 4. T. platycercus, Sw. (Syn. 95), &c.
44. Sub-genus, CHORDEILES. (Generis Caprimulgi.)'-'
Rostrum Caprimulgi. Rictus lemis. Alae Bill as in Caprimulgus. Rictus smooth.
caudam aqua-rites ; remiges trnmes integerrimce. Wings as long as the tail, all the quill feathers
Cauda forjkata. Digitus extemus intemo entire. Tail forked. Outer toe shorter than
brevior. Unguis rnedirn serratus. the inner; the middle claw serrated.
Type.—Chordeiles Virginianus {Caprimulgus Amencanus, Wxls.)
45. Sub-genus, CENTROCERCUS. (Generis Tetraonis.)
Rostrum compressum, culmine verticem ver- Bill compressed, the base of the culmen
sus prolongato capistrum intersecante. Alse prolonged towards the crown of the head and
brevissima; remigibus minoribus mucronatis. dividing the frontal feathers. Wings very
Cauda rotundata, rectricibus lanceolatis, acu- short; lesser quills mucronated at their tips.
minatis. Digiti laterales inaquales ,* posticus Tail rounded, the feathers lanceolate and
mediocris ungue ejus longior, ; pointed. Lateral toes unequal; hind-toe
moderate, longer than the claw.
Type__Centrocercus urophasianus, Nob. p. 359.
46. Sub-genus, LYRURUS.
Cauda, lyra forma, h.e. altius hifurca, rec- Tail lyrate, i.e. considerably forked, the
tricibus lateralibus extus curvatis. Plumse exterior feathers curved outwards. Plumage
lucida. Alse mediocres, remige tertid longis- glossy. Wings moderate, the third quill
simd. Digiti nudi; laterales aquales. longest. Toes naked ; the lateral ones equal.
Type.—Lyrurus teirix, Sw. (Tetrao tetrix, A u cT.)
Family, ANATIDiE.
Caput cristatum. Rostrum basi aquealtum Head crested. Bill as high at the base as
ac latum, apicem versus angustatum contrac- it is bfoad; towards the tip narrow and con-
tumque. Nares sub-media. Parapterum pul- tracted. Nostrils placed towards the middle
chre coloratum. Pedes Anatidis. of the bill. Tertial feathers ornamented.
Feet as in Anas.
Type.—JO. galericulala (Chinese Teal, Edwards,‘pi. 102;)
Obs.—This is obviously the rasorial type of the Anatina. The D. sponsa, by the lateral advancement of the bill
towards the eye, is a more aberrant species, and shows the connection of the group to Somateria. The fissirostral type
inhabits India, and is in our Museum. As we have lately illustrated the genus Anas *, it seems unnecessary to repeat
its characters in this place.—Sw.
On the Typical Perfection of the Family of Anatidæ.”—Journal of the Royal Institution, No. 4.