23. Sub-genus, PARISOMA. (Generis Pari.)
Rostrum breve, basi latum, lateribus valde
compressis, culmine b basi arcuato, apice
emarginata. Nares magnee, fere nudce. Vibrissas
mastacales. Alae breves, rotundatce.
Cauda gradata. Tarsi elongati. Digiti laterals
cequales; hallux validus, digito medio
Bill short, the base wide, the sides much
compressed, culmen arched from the base,
the tip notched. Nostrils large, nearly naked.
Rictus bristled. Wings short, rounded. Tail
graduated. Tarsi lengthened. Lateral toes
equal; hinder toe strong, shorter than the
middle toe.
Type.—Le Grignet, Le Vaill., Ois. d’J/r., Hi., pi. 126, f. 1.
24. Genus, LESSONIA.
Rostrum breve, depressum, triangulare,
apice aduncâ, culmine recto. Vibrissae mastacales.
Alae longee, acuminates, remigibus
quatuor prioribus eequalibus. Cauda oequalis.
Tarsi longissimi, graciles. Digiti latérales
oequales. Ungues vix curvati, posticus lon-
Bill short, depressed, triangular, the tip
abruptly hooked, culmen straight. Rictus
bristled. Wings long, pointed; the first four
quills of nearly equal length. Tail even.
Tarsi very long, slender. The lateral toes
equal. Claws very slightly curved ; hind
claw very long.
Type.—Anthus sordidus, Lesson. Chili. Mus. Nost.
Obs.—-I may be allowed to mention the discovery of this highly interesting bird as a singular corroboration of the
opinions expressed at p. 203 and 230. It is unquestionably the fissirostral type of the Motacillince, and seems to render the
rank, of Seiurus, as a sub-genus of Accentor, no longer doubtful. By the kindness of M. Lesson, I am possessed of a
specimen from the coast of Chili; and as I see no reason why botanists only should be commemorated by generic names
I trust I may be allowed to designate this new genus after the enterprising Zoologist by whom it was discovered.
Family, AMPELID2E.
Sub-family, LEIOTRICHANGE. Nob.
Pedes magni, validi, syndactyli. Tarsi Feet large, strong, syndactyle. Tarsi ele-
elevati. Hallux digito externo longior. Un- vated. Hinder toe longer than the outer,
gues valde curvati. Claws much curved.
25. Genus, LEIOTHRIX.
Rostrum breve, valde compressum, culmine Bill short, much compressed, the culmen
gradatim arcuato, emarginatum. Nares gradually curved, notched. Nostrils large,
magnee, membranacea, foramine lineari, late- membranaceous ; aperture linear, lateral.
rali. Alae breves, maxime rotundatce. Cauda Wings short, much rounded. Tail moderate,
mediocris, forficata. deeply forked.
Type.—Parus fwredtus, Temm. PI. Col. India.
26. Genus, PTERUTHIUS*.
Rostrum breve, compressum, crassum; apice Bill short, compressed, thick; the tip shrikelanii
formee, curvata altlque emarginatd ; cul- like, hooked and deeply notched; culmen con-
men valde arcuatum ; gonys ascendens. Nares siderably arched; gonys ascending. Nostrils
basales, foramineovatorotundjatove. Rictusal- basal, the aperture ovate or round. Rictus
tus, vibrissis paucis. Alae brevissimee, rotun- slightly bristled, wide. Wings very short,
dates. Cauda brevis, lata, rotundata, apicibus rounded. Tail short, broad, rounded ; the
rectricum obtusissimis. Tarsi leeves, pallidi. tips very obtuse. Tarsi smooth, pale.
Type.—Lanius erythropterus, Gould’s Century. Nepaul.
Sub-family, PIPRINiE.
27. Sub-genus, CALYPTURA +.’^Generis Piprse.)
Rostrum Pardaloti. Alae rotundatce, rend- Bill as in Pardalotus. Wings rounded,
gibus duobus prioribus sub-gradatis. Cauda the first and second quills slightly graduated.
brevissima, divaricata, fere occulta. Tarsi Tail very short, divaricated, almost concealed.
elongati, gracillimi. Pedes syndactyli. Tarsi long, very slender. Feet syndactyle.
Type.—Pardalotus cristatus, Vie il l.
28. Sub-genus, METOPIA$.
Rostrum Pipree; plumes capistri antrorsum
extensi recumbentes. Alse mediocres rotundatce
; remigibus tribus prioribus gradatis.
Cauda elongata, lata, rotundata. Pedes syndactyli,
validiusculi. Scutulas anticce distinctly
tarsum circumcingentes.
(Generis Piprse.)
Bill as in Pipra ; frontal feathers advancing,
and directed forwards. Wings moderate,
rounded; the three first quills graduated.
Tail lengthened, rounded, broad. Feet syndactyle,
rather strong. Anterior scales divided,
enveloping the tarsus.
Type.—Pipra galeata, Lich. Brazil.
Rostrum Pipree. Alse brevissimee, con- Bill as in Pipra. Wings very short, convex
«; remiges primaries, rigidee, angustee; vex; the primary quills stiff, narrow, the
tres priores (Equates, quarta brevis, difformis. three first equal, the fourth short and distorted.
Cauda lata, cequalis, rectricibus truncatis. Tail broad, even, the feathers truncate. Feet
Pedes syndactyli; tarsis intus plumatis. syndactyle; the tarsus feathered on the inner
Types,—], p, carnifex.^Ampelis camifex, Linn.) 2.P. nigricollis, Sw. {Amp. camifex, Spix .) 3. P. militarist?'),
S\v. (Cotinga rouge, Le Vaill., pi. 25.)
* Th. tflspov ala, et tgviietu sum ruber. -{* Th. xetXvtr]# velo, et ou/>a cauda.
I Th. fcvrutfuts, fronto (beetle-browed).