After the autumn moult the male resembles the female. The darker hue of the breeding
dress is produced by the pale margins of the plumage dropping off.
D im en sio n s
Of the male.
Inch. Lin. Inch. Lin. Length total . 6 8 Length of bill from rictus Inch. Lin. 0 61 Length of middle nail . 0 2* „ of tail . 2 9 ,, of tarsus . 0 10 ,, of hind toe. . 0 4* ,, of folded wing . 3 9 of middle toe 0 7 ,, of its nail . . 0 5
„ .of bill above . . 0 6
Several males, killed at Carlton, were about half an inch shorter than the preceding.
167•] 3. E mberiza (P lectrophanes) picta. (Swainson.) Painted
Ge n u s , Emberiza, L in n . Sub-genus, Plectrophanes, M e t e r .
Ch . Sp . E m b e r iz a (Plectrophanes) p ic t a , oapite nigro, lined superciliari et macula nucha auricularibusque et
tectricibus alarum intermediis albis, corpore subtus et torque ochreis.
Sp . Ch . P a in t e d B u n t l in g , head black ; a line passing over the eye, a small spot on the nape, another on the
ears, and a large patch on the wing, white ; collar and the whole under plumage brownish buff-yellow.
P late x l ix .
This species was observed associating with the Lapland Buntlings on the
banks of the Saskatchewan, but no information was received respecting its
breeding quarters. Only one specimen was obtained.
Of a specimen, killed at Carlton House, April, 1827-'
C o l o u r .—Head and sides velvet-black, with vestiges of a brownish-white fringe, indicating
the autumnal plumage. Three distinct stripes of pure white on the sides of the head,
one bordering the chin, another on the ear, and a third above the eye: a less distinct
spot on the middle of the nape. The neck above wood-brown; the dorsal plumage and
lowest rows of wing coverts blackish-brown, broadly edged with light greyish-brown: the
C T I O T P H M E 8 W C T A .
.London, Bm ktcLjvrJohn, M u rra y, BooJ^c