A rtific ia l A n a ly s is o f th e G e n e ra .
I, A C R O C A K P I . P n iit terminal.
A . Capsule -without a deciduous operculum.
» Capsule dehiscing by irregular ruptures.
3. AUCIIIDIUM. Calyptra tom. irregularly a t the middle.
5. HiTJCIIIA. Calyptra circumcissile a t the base. Capsule apophysate.
4. PHASCUM. Calyptra circumcissile a t the base. Capsule not apophysate.
* * Capsule deliiscing by 4 longitudinal slits.
2. ANDRiEA, Capsule sessile on a pedicellate vaginula.
B . Capsule dehiscing by a deciduous operculum.
* Mouth of the capsule naked,
t - Capsule sessile on a pedicellate vaginula.
1. SPHAGNUM. Calyptra irregularly torn, persistent.
-t- -t- Capsule on a proper pedicel: vaginula not pedicellate.
6. GYMNOSTOMUAI. Calyptra cuculliform. Antheridia terminal.
25. POTTIA. Calyptra cuculliform. Antheridia axillary.
56. APIIANORHEGMA. Calyptra mitriform. Antheridia axillary.
55. PIEYSCOMITPvIUM. Calyptra mitriform. Antheridia terminal.
40. IIED'WIGIA. Calyptra conic. Antheridia axillary.
* * Mouth of the capsule furnished "with teeth.
Peristome single,
w Teeth of the peristome 4.
26. TETRAPHIS. Calyptra mitriform. Plants -with a conspicuous stem.
27. TETRODONTIUM. Calyptra dimidiate-mitriform. Almost stcmlcss plants.
Teeth of the peristome 16. Calyptra mitriform.
a. Calyptra plicate.
35. PTYCIIOMITRIUM. Teeth deeply bifid; their segments adherent.
38. COSCINODON. Teeth cribrose.
b. Calyptra not plicate.
37. GRDDIIA. Teeth entire, cribrose o r 2 - 3 cleft a t the apex.
86. SCIIISTIDIUM. Teeth as in No. 87. Columella adherent to the operculum,
39. RACOMITRIUM. Teeth filiform, 2-3-cleft to the base.
57. SPLACHNUM. Teeth in pairs, reflexed -when dry.
18. CONOMITRIUM. Teeth truncate, very short, more or less perforated.
++ ++ ++ Teeth of the peristome 16. Calyptra cuculliform.
a. Leaves 2-ranked.
17. FISSIDENS. Teeth cloven half-way into two unequal segments.
24. EUSTICHIUM. Fruit unknown.
23. DISTICmUM. Teeth usuaRy entire ; if cloven, their segments equal.
b. Leaves spreading every -way.
1. Capsule cemuous-iuclined, unequal.
14. DICRANUM. Teeth as in Fissidens. Leaves furnished with a costa.
16. LEUCOBRYUM. Teeth as in Fissidens. Leaves destitute of a costa,
15. CERATODON. Teeth deeply bifid. Capsule with a short struma.
12. TREMATODON. Teeth cleft below. Capsule with a long and linear apophysis.
52. CONOSTOMUM. Teeth united a t the apex. Capsule ribbed.
2. Capsule somewhat pendulous on an arcuate pedicel, equal.
13. CAMPYLOPUS. Teeth deeply bifid. Calyptra fringed a t the base.
11. DICRANODONTIUM. Teeth deeply bifid. Calyptra not fringed a t the base.
3. Capsule erect, oval or somewhat pyriform.
9. SELIGERIA. Teeth lanceolate, obtuse. Capsule globose-pyriform.
7. IV'ETSIA. Teeth lanceolate, acute. Capsule oval, smooth.
8. RIIABDOWEISIA. Teeth subulate. Capsule oval, striated.
10. ARCTOA. Teeth split half-way down. Capsule somewhat turbinate, striated,
31. DRUMMONDIA. Teeth truncate, erect. Capsule globose-oval.
04. ENTOSTHODON, Teeth lanceolate, horizontal. Capsule globose-pyriform.
4. Capsule erect, oblong o r cylindrical.
21. DESMATODON. Teeth deeply bifid, erect. Operculum elongated-conic, obtuse.
29. SYRRIIOPODON. Teeth entire, horizontal. Operculum subulate-rostrate.
58. TETRAPLODON. Teeth in fours, reflexcd when dry. Operculum conico-convex.
w w. H+ Teeth of the peristome 32. Calyptra cuculliform.
19. TRICnOSTOMUM. Teeth more or less united in pairs, with a narrow basilar membrane.
22. DIDYMODON. Teeth as in the last, b u t without any basilar membrane.
20. BAKBULA. Teeth very long, once or twice twisted around the columella.
43. ATlllCUUM. Teeth adherent by their points to the flattened top of the columella. Calyptra
spinulose a t the apex.
44. POGONATUM. Teeth as in the last. Calyptra densely hairy.
^ -'•I- Teeth of the peristome 64. Calyptra cuculliform.
45. POMTKICUUM. Teeth adherent as in No. 43. Caljptra densely hairy.
•*- Peristome double ; its teeth 16.
•H- Capsule symmetrical, erect : inner peristome of 16 cilia.
33. MACROMITRIUM. Teeth when dry erect. Calyptra campanulate, plicate.
28. ENCALYPTA. Teeth when dry erect. Calyptra campanulate, not plicate.
14. SCULOTHEnilA. Teeth when dry revolute. Calyptra campanulate, not plicate.
;2. ORTUOTRICIIUM. Teeth when dry rcflexed. Calyptra campanulate, plicate,
to . ZYGODON. Teeth when d iy reflexed. Calyptra cuculliform.
•H- -t-i- Capsule unsymmetrical and inclined to one side.
= Inner peristome a plaited cone.
Capsule gibbous, ovate, plano-convex, pediceUate.
Capsule gibbous, ovate, not plano-convex, sessile.
= = Inne r peristome a membrane cu t into 16 cilia.
Capsule globose, ribbed when dry.
47. AULACOMNION. Capsule oblong, ribbed when dry.
49. MNIUM. Capsule oblong : male flower discoid.
48. BRYUM. Capsule elongated-pyriform : male flower gemmiform.
50. MEESIA. Capsule elongated-pyriform. The outer peristome the shortest
53. FUNARIA. Capsule short-pyriform. Teeth oblique, united a t the apex.
= = = Inne r peristome a membrane cu t into 64 cilia.
46. TLMMIA. Capsule obovate-oblong. Cilia united a t their apex in fours.
II. P L E U E O C A R P I . Fruit lateral (with operculum and peristome).
A. Calyptra cuculliform.
* Peristome single : teeth 16.
67. OLASMATODON. Teeth irregular twiee or thriee diyided to the base. Annuius large, im-
70. I-ABRONIA. Teeth regular, apprordmated m pairs. Annulus wanting.
. * Peristome deuWe : the outer of 16 teeth ; the inner of 16 ciUa, with or without ciliohe ; or
an irregular membrane,
t - Capsule erect, equal.
a. Leaves papillose.
66 M s X “ r - r T " ^ glaucous-groen.
66. M&KEA. Ciha from a broad base rem o to none, Poliage dark-gleen.