like, broiid-ovatc, deeply cut and long-ciliated on tho margins, not costatc, I
ly reticulated. (Named after J. C. Buxhaum, an em’Iy German botanist.)
1. B . a p h y l l a , Haller. Stem and leaves having the appcai-ance of a
miimto hairy bulb, many times smaller than the capsule with its short cylindrical
apophysis; pedicel rather stout, 7 " -1 0 " high, tubcrculatc.—New England
and New York; rare. (Tab. III.) (Eu.)
4 2 . D I P H l ^ S C I U M , Weber & Mohr. (Tab. III.)
Cal}q)tra small, conic, entire at the base, scarcely covering the clongated-conic
operculum. Capsule large, ovate, oblique, gibbous, subsessile, immersed. Peristome
double (?) ; the exterior a very narrow slightly dentate ring, quite rudimentary;
tho interior as in Buxbaumia. Inflorescence dioecious : male flower
terminal, gemmiform; antheridia numerous, paraphysatcd. — Small bulb-like
mosses, annual or biennial, the sessile capsule forming the principal part; stem
very short, its leaves lingulate, s'prcading, entire, costate, thick and fleshy ; the
perichætial leaves much lai-ger, membranous, erect, lanceolate, ciliatc-laccratc at
tho point, the costa excun'ent into a long serrulate a'wn. (Name from ô/y,
tioice, and (pvcnctov, a vesicle; the wide separation of the thecal and sporangial
membranes giving the appearance of one vesicle within another.)
1. D . Î o liô S l ïM l, Web. & Mohr. Whole plant 3 " - 4 " high. — Clayey or
barren soil ; not uufrequent in hilly districts. (Tab. III.) (Eu.)
T k ib e XVIII. P O L Y T R Î C H E Æ .
4 3 . A T R I C H U M , Beauv. (Tab, III.)
Calyptra narrowly cuculliform, naked, spinulose at the apex. Operculum
hemispherical at the base, with a long slender rostrum. Capsule cylindrical or
oblong, nearly erect, slightly arcuate, long-pedicellate. Peristome single : teeth
32, short, ligulate, obtuse, incurved and adhering by their summits to the margin
of the disk-like apex of the columella. Inflorescence monoecious or dioecious :
male flower cup-shaped. — Intcnnediate in habit between Polytrichum and
Mnium ; the flowering stems erect, simple or branched, from a creeping rhizoma ;
leaves small below, much larger and elongated above, crisped when dry, of a
minute firm hexagonal areolation, the percurrent costa beai'ing on its upper surface
2 or 3 narrow lamellæ. — (Name from a privative, and Tpixos, a hair,
in allusion to the naked calyptra.)
1. A. un4lula,tlllll9 Beauv. Stems erect, mostly simple; leaves long
ligulate-lanceolate, undulate, spinulose-toothed, narrowly margined, the costa
with 2 - 4 narrow lamellæ. (Catherinea undulata, iBric?.) — Moist clay-banks,
in hilly districts ; rare. — Monoecious: fertile flower terminal on a prolongation
of the axis of the sterile flowers. (Eu.)
2. A. ang^listàtum, Beauv. More slender than the preceding; leaves
narrower, more densely reticulated, not denticulate below the middle, the costa
with more numerous and broader lamellæ. — Shady woods, and margins of
swamps; common. — Dioecious; male flower terminal. (Tab. III.) (Eu.)
3. A. c r S s p l im , T. B. James. More robust thau either of tho foregoing ;
stems simple, lower leaves small, somewhat spatuhito ; the upper much larger,
ohlong-laiiceolato, inolming to spatulatc, slightly undulate, with a thickened dentate
border, the costa percurrent, scarcely lameUato ; areolæ rather large, hexagonal
rotund ; capsule obovate-oblong, ereot-cernuous, its mouth ample ; teeth of
tho peristome very short, somewhat irregular ; pedicel stout, red : dioecious. —
Banks of small streams. New Jersey, James. — A very distinct species.
44. PO GON A TUM , Beauv. IIair -cap Moss. (Tab. HI.)
Calyptra cuculliform, very hairy ; the hairs forming a dense mat, covering the
wliole capsule. Operculum rostellate from a convex base. Inflorescence dioecious
: male flower cup-shaped. — Mode of growth as in Atrichum ; leaves more
rigid, spreading from a sheathing base, lanceolate, the costa below narrow, above
very broad and covered with numerous crowded lamellæ. — (Name from Trwyam,
a heard; from the hairy calyptra.)
* Steins extremely short.
1. P. b r e v i c a ù l e , Brid. Stems 2 " - 3 " h ig h ; leaves few, erecbap-
prossed, the lower ovate-acute, the upper narrowly lanceolate from a broad base,
crose-denticulate above ; capsale cylindrical, erect ; operculum shortly rostellate ;
calyptra whitish. — Moist clayey hanks, Eastern States and westward. — Tho
ground around is always covered by a green stratum of confervoid filaments.
2. P. iH’a c h y p l i y l l u i n , Michx. Much like the last; stems shorter;
leaves oval-oblong, obtuse, entire ; capsule oblong, cemuous ; calyptta brownish.
— Ou the ground, road-sides, &c.. Southern States.
* * Stems elongated. (Alpine species.)
3. P. n r n j g e r i im , Brid. Stems divided above ; leaves lanceolate from
a short sheathing base, pointed, serrate, the lamellæ of the costa abruptly thickened
on their borders; capsale cylindrical, the surface granulated, — Wbito
Mountains, New Hampsbhe. — Plant 2 '- 4 ' high. (Tab. III.) (Eu.)
4. P . c a p iH à r e , Brid. Veiy like the preceding, but a smaller plant ;
leaves oblong, approacliing to spatulatc, pointed, more loosely placed on tlic
stem ; pedicels more slender ; rostrum of tbe operculum rather flexuous ; teeth
of the peristome more linear, their basal membrane conspicuously emergent. —
Wliite Mountains, New Hampshire.
5. P. alpillUlll, Brid. Stems much elongated, fastigiatcly branched
above ; leaves linear-lanceolate from a long sheathing base, serrate ; lamellæ of
tho costa gradually thickened a t their margins; capsule erect or obHque, oval-
ohlong, the surface smooth. — White Mountains, New Hampshire. — Larger
than any of the above. (Eu.)
45. PO U Ÿ T K IC H UM , Brid. H air-oap Moss. (Tab. HI.)
Calyptra and operculum as in the last. Capsule 4 - 6-sided, ohiong or ovate,
with a discoid apophysis, erect (when diy horizontal), long-pedicellate. Peristome
single : teeth 64 : — otherwise as in Atrichum ; with tlie iuflorescenco and
mode of growth of Pogonatum. — Tall showy Mosses, among the laigest of the