6 7 , C E A S M A T O D O N , Hook. & Wils. (Tab. V.)
Calyptra cuculliform. Operculum conic-rostellate. Capsule oval, erect, pedicellate.
Peristome single : teetli 16, short, 1 - 2-divided into irregular segments,
remotely articulated. Annulus large, impoifect, somewhat persistent. Spores
large. Inflorescence monoecious. — Very small species, with creeping, entangled,
in-egularly branched stems, and broadly ovate-acuminate scmi-costate
loaves, of an oval-elliptical areolation. — (Name from Kkáa-pa, a fragment, and
odáv, tooth, descriptive of the peristome.)
1. C . p ú r v u l u s , (Hampo,) Hook. & Wils. Leaves concave, patent,
reflexed on the margins below, acute or obtuse ; areolation of the hasal angles
quadrate; mouth of the capsule small; operculum variable in the length of tho
rostnim. — (Pterigonium maiginatum, Schweinitz (not Michaux). Leskea párvula,
Hampe. L. Sullivantii, Bryol. Europ. ? Anisodon teuuii'ostris, Bryol.
Europ. Clasmatodon pusillus, Ho o k .^ H77s.) — On the hark of trees, in diy
places, or on their roots in localities subject to inundations : very common in the
Southern States. — A variable species. (Tab. V.)
T r ib e X X V IH . T H E L I È Æ .
6 8 . T H È U I A , SiiUiv.
Calypb-a cuculliform, naiTow. Operculum conic, rostrate. Capsule ovate-
cylindrical, erect, pedicellate. Peristome double; the exterior 16 long, lincar-
subiilatc, white, granulated, distantly ailiculated teeth; the interior a carinate
membrane extending to ^ the length of the teeth, with or without rudimentary
cilia. — Growing in compact glaucous- or yellowish-grccn mats ; stems villous,
with a radicular tomentum, creeping, throwing up densely crowded short and
terete branches, clothed with deeply concave closely imbricating deltoid-ovate
slenderly pointed leaves, composed of pellucid elliptical and conspicuously uni-
papillate cellules. (Name from 6fKr\., a papilla, refening to the prominent pa-
pillæ of the leaf.)
1. T* l i i r t e l l a , (Hedw.) SuUiv.—Leaves inclining to a dark yellowish-
green, obsoletely semi-costate, ciliate-dentate on the margins, strongly papillose
on the back, the papillæ elongated, curved, simple ; pcrichætial leaves fringed.
(Ptcrigynandrum hirtcllum, Hedw.)—Roots and trunks of trees in woods;
2. T . a s p r c l l a .9 (Schimp.) Sulliv. — Growing with No. 1, foiTnerly confounded
with it ; distinguished by the glaucous-green color of its leaves, their
papillæ 2-lobed at the apex ; and by the narrower, longer, and nodose teeth of
the peristome, and smaller sporules. — (Leskea asprella, W. P . Sch.) — Northern
and Middle States, and westwai'd.
3. T . E e s c ù r ì i , Sulliv. (Muse. Bor.-Amer., No. 249.) Near the last
species ; ramification more fasciculate, not so condensed ; the branches longer ;
leaves glaucous-green, with a bluish tinge, shorter, broader, not so acuminate,
the areolation much smaller, not so pellucid, the papillæ 3-lobed at the apex ;
pedicel twice as long ; capsule longer, often slightly cunæd, the mouth with a
broad reddish rim ; teeth of the peristome not nodose ; inner peristome better
developed, the short carinate cilia quite evident ; perichætial leaves yellowish.
— Dry, sandy and hilly ground, in thin woods, never on trees. — Southern
States, Lesquei'eux.
6 9 . Ï Ï I A Ï J B É E E A , Bryol. Europ. (Tab. V.)
Cal}q)tra cuculliform, naiTow. Operculum convex-conic, obtuse, large. Capsule
oval or obovatc-oval, with a short and tumid erect collum, pedicellate, annulate.
Peristome large, constructed as in Hypnum ; tho ciliolæ, however, very
short, often absent. Inflorescence dioecious. — Small, subalpine, glaucous green,
densely tufted species ; with erect, sparingly divided, julaceous, stoloniferous
stems ; and closely imbricating, suhrotund, ecostate, more or less papillose leaves,
composed of pellncid rhombic cellnles.
1. M . C a r e y à i i a , Sulliv. Stems slender, branched by innovations;
loaves very concave, with a short filiform point, strongly papillose on the back,
and ciliate-dontato on the margins ; perichætia orange-red, leaves smooth, narrowly
lanceolate, filiformly acuminate, the margins at tho upper end of the lamina
fringed. — High mountain-tops, New England, J. Carey: Pennsylvania, Lesquereux:
North Carolina (Negro Mountain), Gray ^ SuUivant. — The two other
species of this genus, M. julacea and M. apiculata, were collected in British
America by Drummond. (Tab. V.)
T r ib e XXIX. F A B l ^ O N I È Æ .
7 0 . F A B R O N I A , Baddi. (Tab. IV.)
Calyptra ouculliform. Operculum conic, acuminate. Capsule pyriform, erect,
pedicellate ; its mouth wide. Peristome single (in No. 4 absent) ; the exterior 16
linear-lanceolate teeth approximated in pairs, when dry rcflexed. Inflorescence
moncecious. — Minute species, uniform in habit and size, with prostrate stems,
and erect crowded subfasciculate branches; leaves shining, ovate-lanceolate,
filiformly acuminate, dentate or ciliate, semi-costate ; tho areolation lax, pelln-
cicl, the cellules at tho basal angles quadrate, elsewhere larger and rhomboidal,
with conspicuous primordial utricles : reticulation of the capsule-waU quadrate,
flexuous. (Named after Fabroni, an Italian botanist.)
1. F . "W r i s l l t i i ) Sulliv. (Muse. Bor.-Amer., No. 251.) Capsule oblong-
pyriform ; operculum conic-rostellate ; teeth of the peristome light golden-yellow
; tho vaginula concealed by the gradually acuminated perichætial leaves. —
San Marcos, Texas, IFnp/ii. — Near the European P . octohlepharis ; but that
species has a mamellato operculum, dark brownish-red peristomial teeth, leaves
with more numerous quadrate alar cellules, and an emergent vaginula.
2. F . R a v e n e l i i , Sulliv. (Muse. Bor.-Amer., No. 252.) leaves of a
clear deep-green color, closely imbricating, entire on tho margins, or occasionally
with a few teeth; costa distinct, extending beyond the middle; perichætial
loaves numerous, dentate, gradually acuminate ; vaginula as iu No. 1 ; tooth of
the peristome rather short, dusky yellow ; sporules large. — On dry rocks, South
Carolina, Ravenel. (Tab. IV.)