(Name from kóokivov, a sieve, and oSmî», a tooth, in allusion to tho perforated
teeth of the peristome.)
1. C . W r i g l j t i i , Sulliv. Monoecious; tufts compact, lio a rj; stems 3 " -
4" high, chívate ; leaves closely imbricating (the lower smaller, oval, the upper
larger, obovate), very concave, seiTate above, suddenly produced into a long
hyaline denticulate hair-point, costate half-way; areolæ at the base oblong,
those near the apex oval, both pellucid, the central ones roundish and chloro-
pliyllose ; capsule oblong-oval, truncate at the base, on a very short cuiwcd
pedicel; operculum conic-acute; annulus lai’gc, compound. — Rocks, near San
Marcos, Texas, Wi'igM. — C. pulvinatus, its only congener, has a straight and
longer pedicel, obovate capsule, lanceolate leaves, and is dicecious. (Tab. IV.)
3 9 . R A C O M Í T B t I U M , Br. & Sch. (Tab. H.)
Calyptra conic-mitriform, subulately rostrate, solid and papillose at the apex,
membranous and multifid at the base. Operculum conic, with a short or long
subulate rostrum. Capsule elliptical, nearly cylindrical or ovate-oblong, erect,
smooth, long-pedicellate. Peristome single: teeth 16, 2 -3-fid, the segments
free or somewhat cohering. Inflorescence dicecious. — Tall, striking species, tho
lai-gcst among tho Grimmioid Mosses ; stems dichotomously or irregularly
branched; leaves oblong-lanceolate, with or without a diaphanous hair-point,
costate-carinatc ; areolæ above mostly quadrate, below enlarged, linear, with a
sinuous outline. (Name from paKos, a shred, and pirpíov, a veil, refening to tho
lacerate base of the calyptra.)
§ 1. DRYPTODON, Br. & Sch. — Ramification dichotomous; the innovations
simple, fastigiate.
1. K . a c i c i i i r a r o , Brid. Loosely coespitose, dull green; stems procumbent
and leafless below, ascending, 1^-3' long; leaves crowded, spreading every
way or secund, ovate-oblong, the costa vanisMng below tho toothed or cnthe
obtuse point; capsule clliptic-oblong, its mouth small; teeth of peristome deeply
2 -3-fid; operculum long, subulate-rostrate. — On wet rocks, Alleghany
Mountains. (Eu.)
2. B . § U 4 l é t i c i im , Br. & Sch. Patches loose, grayish or lurid ; stems
as in the last ; leaves from an erect base, spreading, recurved or incurved, lincar-
lanccolate, with a rather short denticulate pellucid hair-point; capsule small,
oval or elliptic-oblong on a short erect or curved pedicel ; operculum shortly
rosti'ate. — Exposed rocks, Alleghany Mountains. (Eu.)
§ 2 . RAÇOATTTRTTTM P r o p e r . — Ramification irregular; branches ramulose;
the innovations not fastigiate.
3. K . i ’a s c i c u l à .t t ’C, Brid. Patches loose, of a light green color ; stems
V - 2 ’ long, assurgent, branched; branches ■with numerous fasciculate short
branchlets; leaves crowded, spreading, linear-lanceolate, tapering, without a
pellucid hair-point, margins reflexed, the areolæ above and below elongated and
sinuous ; capsule elliptical ; rostnim of the calyptra strongly papillose its whole
length ; teeth of the peristome bifid to the base, slender, nodulose. — Moist rocks,
Alleghany Mountains. (T a b .II.) (Eu.)
4. B . Miicrocilrpuin, Brid. Tufts r a t e compact; stems slender,
fasciculately branched, with numerous short branchlets ; leaves yellowish, spreading,
recurved or falcate-secund, lanceolate, tapering, with a short diaphanous remotely
serrated hah'-point ; areolæ everywhere elongated and sinuous ; capsule
small, ohiong; teeth of the peristome short. — D ry rocks, AUegliany Mountains.
5. B . laimg'inosuill, Brid. Patches loose, extensive, hoary; stems
much elongated (4 '-1 0 '), slender, flexuose, fragile, with fasciculate branches;
leaves crowded, erect-patent, rather flexuous, linear-lanceolate, tapermg into a
long diaphanous crose-dentate hair-point ; areolæ elongated and sinuous ; capsule
small, ovate-oval, on a short scabrous pedicel ; teeth of peristome very long,
2-cleft, filiform. — Eocks, White Mountains, Now Hampshire, Oahes. (Eu. )
6. B . cancsccns, Brid. Patches loose, largo, yellowish-green or hoary ;
stems 2 '- 4 ' long, more or loss fasciculately branched; leaves spreading, recurved,
ovate-lanceolate, with a short eroso-denticiilato hair-point, papillose on
both surfaces, the margins recurved; areolation as in No. 5; capsule ovate-
oblong, on a long smooth pedicel ; teeth of the peristome as long as the capsule,
very slender, 2-parted, nodulose. — With the last, Oalces. (Eu.)
T k ib e X V I. H E D W IG I È Æ .
4 0 . l ï E B W Î G I A , Ehrh. (T a b .II.)
Calyptra small, conic, smooth, sometimes hairy. Operculum plano-convex,
with or without a central papilla. Capsule globose, erect, enth'cly immersed,
very short-pedicellate. Peristome none. Inflorescence moncecious : male flower
gemmiform, ax illa ry .-H a h it and m o d e of growth like Schistidium : stems dichotomously
or irregularly branched; leaves spreading, ovate-lanceolate, papillose.
not costate, the apex diaphanous, orose-dcnticulate or fringed on the
margils ; cellules at the central base elongated and siibflexuons, elsewhere smaU
and quadi'ato- (Dedicated to the distinguished cryptogamist, J. G. Eedwig.)
1. I I . C i l i à t a , Ehrh. Stems l ' - 4 ' long, rooting at the base only ; leaves
sometimes s e c u n d , w i t h a longer or shorter diaphanous point. — On rocks and
bowlders ; very common, forming largo and hoary glaucous-grcen patches.
(Tab. II.) (Eu.)
T k ib e X V II. B U X B A U M IÈ Æ .
4 1 . B l I X B A t lM I A , Haller. (Tab. IH.)
Calyptra eylindrieal-campanulate, small, covering the operculum only. Operculum
small, conic, obtuse. Capsule large, elongated-ovate, oblique flat on the
unper side, convex and gibbons underneath, apophysate, long-pod.eellate, Pen-
stome double (?) ; the exterior an iiTCgularly incised membrane, composed of
3 or 4 layers of elongated cellular tissue, or 16 Unear moniliform papillose teeth ;
the interior a whitish and conic plaited membrane. Inflorescence monoecious :
male flower gemmiform; antheridium solitary, ro u n d ish .-M in u te annuals or
biennials ; stems scarcely any, partly buried in the soil ; leaves few (5 or 6), scale