[i i leaves usually 3-tootlicil at the apex. Stems flagelliferous (whence the name,
from judoTi^, a ivlup or lash, and ^pvov, Moss).
1. HI. t i 'i l o k a t l l l l l , Nees. Leaves ovate, autrorsely gihhous at the dorsal
base, broad and acutely 3-toothed at the ap e x ; amphigastria 4 - 6-toothcd,
tho teeth denticulate. — On the damp ground, Alleghany Motmtains and northward.
Stems 3 '- 5 ' long; the foliage firm, varying from olive-green to hrown-
ish-yellow. (Tab. V III.) (Eu.)
2. HI. t r i d e i i t i c u l i i t u m , Lindenb. Scarcely distinct from the preceding
: described as having oblong, obtuse, shorter, less oblique, and less con.
cave lc.aves, with minute and often obsolete teeth : its habitat (swamps of tho
Southern States) is different.
3. HI. c le fleXM Ill, Nees. Leaves ovate or ovate-ohlong, the dorsal margin
arched, the narrow apex 2 - 3-toothed or entire; amphigastria 2-clcft, crenate
or entire. — Eocky places. — Variable; much smaller than the last, fragile, of a
dark brownish hue. — M. deniidatum and M. amhiguum, G. L. Sp N. Synop.
Hepat., are probably forms of this species. (Eu.)
ti: üi
37. E E P ID O Z IA , Nees. C r e e p i n g S c a l e -M o s s . (T a b .V III.)
Fructification terminal, on short proper branches arising from the under side
of the stem. Involucral leaves numerous, small, broad, 2 - 4-toothcd at tho
apex. Perianth elongated, obtusely 3-plaited, tho mouth denticulate. Calyptra
membranaceous. Capsule globose. Elaters with two spiral fibres. Antheridia
on short spike-like branches, arising from tho under side of the stem, singly
lodged in tho base of conduplicate 2 -3-cleft perigonial leaves. Stcm-lcaves
4-toothed or 4-parted. Amphigastria present. (Name from XemSda, to cover
with scales; in allusion to the scale-like foliage.)
1. E. reptans, Nees. Stems creeping, pinnately compound or decompound;
leaves decurved, quadrate, acutely 3 -4-tootlied; amphigastria 3 -4 -
cleft. — Hilly districts, on the ground. (Tab. VIII.) (Eu.)
38. C A E Y PO G E IA , Eaddi. (Tab. VIII.)
Perianth none. Involucre oblong, saccate, truncate, fleshy, hairy, attached
by one side of its mouth to the stem, pendent. Calyptra membranaceous, partly
connate with the involucre. Capsule oblong, twisted; tho valves narrow and
contorted. Elaters with two spiral fibres. Antheridia on short lateral capitate
branches, one in each of the scale-like perigonial loaves. Stem-leaves entire or
2-toothed. Amphigastria 2-oloft. (Name compounded of ko\ v( , Jlower-cup,
VITO, under, and ■yma, the ground; from the position of the fructification.)
1. C. Xricliomanis, Corda. Leaves roundish-ovate, obtuse, spreading,
imbricated; perianths imbedded in the soil. - Moist or springy places, on
tho ground.—Eoliage delicate, pale glaucous-green. (Tab. VIII.) (Eu.)
Page 12.
8. Splmgniim scdoidcs, Brid. — Tho form mentioned under this
species has been found by Mr. James, in Ethan Pond, WiUey Mountain, New
Page 19.
4. Cailipilopus vil’idiS, Sulliv. & Lesqx. (Muse. Bor.-Amer.,
No. 72.) Closely cæspitose ; stems ascending, mostly simple ; leaves erect-
patent (when dry tortuous), lanceolate-subulate, very fragile. — In woods, on
decavcd logs, New England to O h i o . — A dark-green species, resembling Di-
craniim interruptum, remarkable for its fragile leaves, which are seldom found
Page 24.
3. Fissidens cxignus, Sulliv. — Of this species, No. 39, Fissidens
bryoidcs, and No. 40, Fissidens bryoides, var., of Drummond’s 2d Coll. of
American Mosses, are probably large forms. The bordering of its leaf is
3t. Fissidens synoicus (n. sp.). — Hermaphrodite'; stems simple,
inclined, 3 " - 6 " lo n g ; leaves 1 2 -1 4 , oblong-lanceolate, oblique, shortly acuminate,
bordered except a t the denticulate apex, the blade shorter than the
duplicature, the dorsal wing vanishing above the base ; costa continuous ; capsule
terminal, oval-ohlong, erect ; opercnlum rather long-rostrate. — San Marcos,
Texas, Wright. — A small species, distinct by its whitish-green leaves with
a close areolation, regular erect capsule, and hermaphrodite inflorescence.
Page 31.
2. SyiTliopodon X ex_i_i_n__u__s_ ( n. sp.). Stems about 1 'high, simple;
upper kAVs’p ak g re e n , serrated, ligulate, straight (tortuous when dry), spreading
from a suhciliato-dentate sheathing base, canaliculate, surrounded except
near their point by a narrow pellucid border of linear ceUulcs; areolation of