Oa decayed logs, in deep w o o d s.-V a rie s in the papilloseness of the leares and
the shape of the opercnlum. — Var. B avdnélii, which occurs in South Carolina
on brick walls, is smaller in size ; leaves more papillose ; capsule more
slender, and with a longer conic, acute opercidum, borne on a strikingly cygncus
pedicel ; perhaps a distinct species.
7. II. abictiniini, L. Dioecions ; stems erect, sparingly and dichotomously
divided, simply pinnate ; branchlets attenuated ; capsule cylindrical,
suberect, slightly incurved ; operculnm conic. — Mts. of New England. (Eu.) ’
§2. ELÒDIUM, Sidliv.—iSiems villous, ascending, I-2-divided, distantly pinnate
: branchlets subcompressed : leaves lanceolate, acuminate, not papillose, striate ;
areolation elongated-rlmmboidal : costa continuous: capsule oblong, cernuous : ope,’-
culum convex-conic.
8. II. palutlòsnm, Sulliv. Dioecious; stems 3 ' - 4 ' long; leaves yel-
lowish-grecn, with a cordatc-eoncavo base, the mai-gins recm-vod, entire.—
Swamps, Northern and Middle States.
}3. IIYLOCÒMITJM, Biyol. E u ro p .— Stems villous, arcuate-ascending; divisions
few, irregularly pinnate ; leaves broadly lanceolate, more or less acuminate,
squarrose or refexed, shortly bicostate; areolation linear: capsule short, turgid, horizontal,
annulate: operculum short-conic or conic-rostellate: large and robust species.
9. II. squarròsiim, L. Dioecious; leaves pale green, shining, long-
lanceolate from an ovate concave loosely imbricating base, acuminate, siibden-
ticulato; capsule ovate-globose; operculum convex-conic, apiculate. — Wet,
grassy places, woodlands of Pennsylvania. — Seldom fruits. (Eu. )
10. II, triqnètriïm, L, Dioecious ; divisions of the stem somewhat
festigiate ; the branchlets elongated, defloxed, acute ; leaves bright green, shining,
from a broadly triangnlar-lanceolato nan-ow base, silicato, sparsely papillu-
loso on the back, dentate at the apex ; capsule oval, gibbons ; operculum conic-
mammillato. — On the ground, in woods. — The largest of our Hypna. (Eu.)
11. II. bre-vivóstre, Ehrh. Dioecious; the branches subfasciciilatoly
arranged; stem-leaves broadly cordate, suddenly acuminate, dccurrent, sulcate;
branch-leaves ovate-lanceolate, not squarrose; capsule ventricose-ovato;
operculum conic-rostellate. — Socks, and base of trees, Alleghany Mountains.
— EoUage greenish-yellow : smaller than the last two species. (Eu.)
§ 4. PLEUEÒZIUM, Sulliv. — Stems villous, arcuate-prostrate, increasing by annual,
lateral, simple or 2 - 3-pinnate prolifcations : leaves concave, patent, broadly
ovate or oblong-ovate, more or less acuminate, membranous, shining, shortly bicostade,
or semicostate ; areolation linear-fexuous : capsule roundish-ovate : operculum conic,
or conic-acuminate.
12. II. splciidcns, Hedw. Dioecious; stems 3 '- 6 ' long, composed of
3 - S distinct, closely bipinnate, frond-like growths or innovations ; stem-leaves
broadly ovatc-oblong, cirrhose-acuminate, shortly 2-costatc, sen-ulate ; operculum
rostrate. — On the ground, in woods. (Eu.)
13. H. umbràtlini, Ehrh. Dioecious; stems fasciculately and bipin-
nately branched; branchlets incurved; leaves cordate, acuminate, plicate, bicos-
- Shaded tate at the base, serrate; operculum short-conic.- rocks ; Alleghany
Mountains. (Eu.)
14. II. Oaltèsii, Sulliv. (1848, and Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4, p.
173, t. 5.) Dioecious; stems with elongated, arcuate, subcomprcsscd, distantly
ramulose innovations; branchlets incurved; leaves ovate-oblong, acuminate
plicate, semicostate, the upper half sharply and irregularly dentate; capsulé
gibbose-ovate, drooping; operculum conical, acute; pedicels long. (II. fimbri-
atiim, Hartm.^ Slcand. Flora, 1849. H. Pyrenaicum, Sqmuce, in Ann. Nat. Hist.
1849.) — White Mountains of New Hampshire, Oa/oes.— Intermediate between
II. iimbratum and H. brevirostre; larger than either. (Eu.)
§5. THAMNIUM, Bryol. Europ. — Primary stems rhizoma-like; secondary ones
arcuate-erect, below leafless, above simple, flat-branched, sonwwhat dendroid: leaves
ovate-lanceolate; areolation minute, elliptical; costa stout, subcontinuous: capsule
turgid, suboval, unequal, cernuous: operculum rostrate: pedicels short, aggregated.
15. II. Allegbanicnse, C. Mull. Hermaphrodite; leaves dark green,
strongly serrated above, as is the costa on tho back. — Eocky margins of mouu-
tain rivulets.
4 6. ISOTHÈCIUM, Bryol. Fmop. — Main stem prostrate, small-leaved; the
principal branches ascending, below simple, above with an irregular fasciculate
ramification: leaves ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, semicostate; areolation minute,
linear, flexuous: capsule oblong, nearly erect, subequal: operculum rostrate.
16. II. myosm-oides, L. Dioecious; branchlets filiform, arcuate;
leaves ovate-acuminate, serrulate. — Trunks of trees, and rocks, in hilly districts
: rare. (Eu.)
4 7 . EUEHŸNCIIIUM, Bryol. Eu ro p .— Sems prostrate, extended, irregularly
subpmnately or fasaculatebj branched : leaves loose or imbricating, ovate or oblong,
acuminate, unicostate; areolation oval-rhomboidal or elongated: capsule oval, unequal,
cemuous: operculum conic, usually long-rostrate: pedicel s:nooth or scabrous.
^ Pedicel rough.
17. H . I l i a n s , Hedw. Dioecious; grows in thin loose patches; stems
prostrate, elongated, distantly pinnated ; branchlets short, subcompressed ;
leaves roundish-ovate, serrulate, spreading, loose ; costa suddenly ceasing more
than half-way. — On the ground, in woods.
18. II. SllUivilntil, Spruce. Dioecious; smaller thau the last, with a
condensed and subfasciculate mode of growth ; stems somewhat firm, stoloiiif-
erous; branches ascending, subterete; stcm-lcaves elongated-ovate, those of tbe
branches liuear-lauceolate, all loiig-acuminatc, dccuiTCnt, denticulate, more or
less papillose, costate beyond the middle, margins reflexed below ; rostram of the
operculum rather short. (II. graminicolor (Brid. ?), Wils. <Ç- Hook, in Drum. S.
Mosses, No. 133.) — Woods, ou the banks of rivulets, Ohio and Pennsylvania.
* * Pedicels smootli.
19. ï ï , s t r i g 'o s i i i i ] , Iloffm. Pseudo-moncecious ; stem creeping, stoloniferous
; main branches arcuate-ascending, distichously or subfasciculately ram-
iilose ; branchlets attenuated ; leaves crowded, spreading, cordate, oblong-ovatc.
' Â