Frondoso and torroatrial iioronniala, fru-nishod bcnoatli with imbi-icatin-
colorad soalos, and nmnorous tubular radicels tuberculato wilhiu ; rocoi>ta°
cío raised on a jiodiuudo si>ringing Irom tho apox o f tho frond (also from
th e bade, in No. 12), oapitato o r radiate, bearing (Voin tlio mi.lcr .side pend
en t calyptrate capsules win d , open varionsly, b u t a re not regularly
4-valved ; d a te ra with two spiral libres. °
5 . M A 1 S C H Á 1 V T I A , L. Buook-Eivbkwüiít. (Tab. VI.)
Eortilo ix'cepfado radiateil. Involucres nlternnto with tlio rays o .^ivcd
lacorato; enclosing 3 - 6 ouo-fnilted 4-.5-deft pcriantlis. Calyptra opening ni
tho apex, persistent. Capsulo globular, pendulous, exsertly pcdiecllcd, deliisei.,.r
at tho apex by several rovoluto segments. Spores smooth. Elaters lone- slender,
aud attenuated at caeh end. lunoresccnco dioecious. Sterile rccqitaclo
peduncled, shield-like, lobed or rayed, papillose on tho upper surface by tho ,sum-
nnts of tho inuuersod antheridia. Lentil-shaped gemma) in cnp-liko receptacles
on the back of tl.o frond. Frond e.xpandcd, forking, with a broad diffused mid-
rib. (Named after J\¿c/iolas Marchant, a Erench botanist.)
1. M . p o l y m ó i - p l i a , 1 . Fertile receptado deeply divided in a star-like
nmniier; tho rays 8 -1 0 , terete. — Shaded and moist places; very common.
(Tab. VI.) (Eu.)
2. M . d i s jT i n c t a , Sulliv. (Mem. Amer. Acad. I. c. p. G3, t. 3 ) Fertile
receptacle î-circniar, radiately 7-9-lobcd; the lobes cuneafe, crenulate on tho
outer margin; sterile receptacle digitately lobed: about the size of No 1 —
Springy places, banks of the Alabama Eiver, near Clairboumc : fruiting in May.
6 . P R E Í S S I A , Nees. (Tab. VI.)
Fertüe receptacle hemispherical, 2-4-lobed, with as many rib-lilce rays alternating
with and shorter than the lobes. Involucres attached to the under side of
tlie lobes, 1 -3-fruited, opening beneath by an irregular lino. Perianth obcoiiic-
campanulate, angular, unequally 4 -5-lobed. Calyptra persistent, opening obliquely.
Capsule large, pedicelled, dehiscing by 4 - 5 revolute segments. Spores
tuberculate. Elaters short. Inflorescence dioecious, rarely monoecious. Antheridia
immersed in a peduncled peltate receptacle. Frond sparingly forked
increasing by joints from the apex. (Named for L. Preiss, a German botanist, )
1. P . c o m im i t à t a , Nees. Fertile receptacle somewhat angled by the
prominent keel-Uke rays; capsale conspicuous, dark purple. — Shaded, moist
places, Niagara Falls (Cizrcy), Lake Superior (ion'ny), &c. (Tab. V I.) (Eu.)
7. D T J 3 I O R T I È R A , Nees. H a i e y L i v e e w o e t . (T a b . V I . )
Fertile receptacle convex, 2-8-Iobed. Involucre l-fruited, opposite to and
connate with the lower surface of tho lobes, horizontal, oblong, opening by a
vertical sHt at the outer extremity. Perianth none. Calyptra obovate, rupturing
at tlio apex; porsistcnt. Capflulo obIoni:^-i^loboRC, dcbiBcing by 4 - b irraguhi
valves; podieel sliorfc. Spores muriculate. Elaters very long, attenuateil at
each end. Aritljeridla immersed in short-pedurxclcd disk-liko receptacles.
(Named for Ji. C. Duniorlier, a Belgian Ixxtanist.)
I. I>. I i i r s u t a , Nees. Dkecious; frond 4 '-G ' long, G"-IO"wide, forking,
thin, deep green; fertile receptacle and involucres and margin of the male
disk hairy; peduncles chaffy at the apex. — Eaces of rocks, Southern States.
The largest of our Marcliantiece: fruit rare. (Tab. VI.)
8 . F E G A T K F F A , Raddi. G r b a t L i y e r w o r t . (Tab. VI.)
Fertile receptacle conical-mitriform, membranaceous. Involucres 5 - 8 , tubular,
l-fruitcd, suspended from the apex of the peduncle, coherent with the interior
surface of the receptacle, and with each other, opening a t the lower end by
a slit. Perianth none. Calyptra persistent, bell-shaped, 2 - 4 lobed at the apex.
Capsule oblong-pyriform, dehiscing by 5 - 8 revolute segments, deciduous w’ith
its short pedicel. Spores muriculate. Elaters short and thick. Inflorescenoe
dioecious. Antheridia immersed in sessde oval disks, near the apex of the frond.
Erond forking, conspicuously reticulated, with a narrow distinct midrib. (A
personal name.)
1. F * c ó n i c a , Corda. Fronds 3 ' - 6 ' long, 5 " - 9 " wide. — Springy places.
Among the largest of our Hepaticæ : seldom seen in fruit. (Tab. VI.) (Eu.)
9 . R E B O Ù E I A , Eaddi, (Tab. VI.)
Fertile receptacle conic-hemispherical or flattened, 4 -5-lobed. Involucres
4 - 5 , 1-fruited, opposite to and coherent with the lobes on the under side, 2-
valved. Perianth none. Calyptra minute, lacerate, persistent at the base of the
capsule. Capsule globose, nearly sessile, rupturing irregularly at the apex.
Spores muricate. Elaters moderately long. Infiorescence monoecious. Antheridia
immersed in sessile crescent-shaped disks. Frond rigid ; the midrib broad,
strong, and distinct. (Named for E . Reboul, an Italian botanist.)
1. R . I i e m i s p h oe r i c a , Raddi. Erond forking, and increasing by joints
from the extremities, green above, purple beneath; the peduncle bearded at its
base and apex ; fertile receptacle papillose on the summit. — Hilly districts, in
shady moist places. (Tab. VI.) (Eu.)
2. R . m i c r o c e p l i a l a , Taylor. Distinguished from the preceding (of
which, it may be a form) by the more delicate texture of the frond, and by the
smaller size of all its parts, except the peduncle, which is very long ( 3 '-4 ') ,
with broader paleæ at its base and apex. — Pennsylvania, Lesquxreux.
1 0 . G R I M A F D Ï A , Raddi. (Tab. VH.)
Fertile receptacle hemispberical or conoidal, 3-4-lobed. Involucres 3 -4 ,
each a distention of an entire lobe of the receptacle, and opening by a cleft
below, 1-fruited. Perianth none. Capsule globose, filling the involucre, dehiscing
by a circumcissile lino near the middle. Calyptra persistent at the base of
the capsule. Spores rugose, with a transparent border. Monoecious or dice