tcnuated at both cuds, with two spiral fibres. Spores large, rather angular.
Iiiflorescciicc dioecious. Antheridia iu tho saccate base of closely imbricated 2-
lobed perigonial leaves. Stem-leaves deeply and unequally 2-lobed. Amphigastria
lai-ge, decuiTcnt. (Name formed of pabos, bald, and capsule; tho
elaters foiling away from the valves.)
1. M . p l a t y p l i y l l a , Dumort. Stems in*egularly 2-pinnate or nearly so ;
dorsal lobe of the leaf roundisli-ovatc, tlie basal margin more or less undulate ;
the ventral lobe smaller, oblique, heart-oval, margins reflexed; amphigastria
round-obovate with reflexed margins ; mouth of perianth nearly entire. — Trees
and rocks, common; a lai-ge and variable species. (Tab. V III.) (Eu.)
2. p o l ’é l l a , Nees. Stems 2-3-pinnatc ( 2 '- 4 ' long), the forked
branches divergent; leaves distantly placed; the dorsal lobe oblong-ovate, obtuse
; the ventral much smaller, appressed to the stem, oblong, flat ; amphigastria
quadrate ; mouth of the perianth crenulate. — Stones and roots of trees
subject to inundation. (Eu.)
3. M . W a t a i s g é i i s i s , (n. sp.) Much like No. 2, but a smaller and
more delicate species, with fascicles of rootlets springing from the base of the
amphigastiia, and the dorsal lobe of the leaf slightly repand-dentatc ; foliage
light yellowish-brown : no fruit seen. — Closely adhering to decayed logs ;
banks of the Watauga River, North Carolina. (M. porella, var. ? Muse.
Alleglmn. No. 265.)
3 2 . B A D I T F A , Nees. (Tab. VIII.J
Eructification terminal on short branches, or in a fork. Involucral leaves 2,
deeply 2-lobed. Perianth compressed or nearly terete; the mouth dilated. Calyptra
pear-shaped, persistent, opening below the apex. Capsule oval. Elaters
attenuated at both ends, with two spiral fibres. Spores large, globose. Inflorescence
monoecious. Antheridia in the ventricose base of niimite perigonial
leaves. Stem-leaves 2-lobed, the small inflexed ventral lobe producing rootlets.
Amphigastria none. (Name from paôaXos, pliant, because these are mostly
flaccid plants.)
1. K . c o m p l a n a t a , Dumortier. Stems flat, irregularly and somewhat
pinnately branched, flaccid ; leaves imbricated ; dorsal lobe roundish ; the ventral
much smaller, triangular-ovate, appressed; perianth oblong, compressed,
tlie mouth tmncate and entire. — A large pale-green species; growing in orbicular
patches on the bark of trees, &c. (Eu.)
2. K . o l> c 6 n i c a , Sulliv. Stems indeterminately branched; leaves distantly
placed ; dorsal lobe obovate-roundish, convex ; perianth clavate-obconic,
the mouth obliquely ti-uncate and entire. (R. complanata, var. ? Muse. Allcghan.
No. 260.) — Trees, Cedar swamps, Ohio. — Much smaller than the last; well
marked by the shape of its perianth. (Tab. VIII.)
3. B . p illlC llS y Nees. Stems rigid, divaricately fork-branched ; leaves
imbricated ; dorsal lobe roundish, decuiTent, the ventral lobe with an inflexed
apex ; perianth elongated funnel-form, the mouth entire. — Old logs, &c., Alleghany
33. PTIEiDITJIW, Nccs. I 'h i n g e b S c a le -M o s s . (Tab. VIII.)
Fnictification termmal on short branches. Involucral leaves 2 - 4 , fom-cleft.
Perianth terete, obovate; the mouth connivent, plaited, denticulate. Calyptra
pear-shaped, coriaceous. Capsule ovate. Elaters with two spiral fibres. Inflorescence
dicecious. Antheridia covered by closely imbricated perigonial
leaves. Stem-leaves complicate-2-lobod, each lobe divided. Amphigastria 4 -
5-lohed. (Name a diminutive of rtTiKov, a downy feather; from the cut-fringcd
1. P . c i l i a i ’C, Nees. Stems crowded, somewhat pinnate ; leaves (4-clcft)
and amphigastria both lacerately ciliate, tho fringe long and setaceous. — Rotten
logs, in woods. (Tab. V III.) (Eu.)
34. S E N D T N F B A , Endl. (Tab. VIII.)
Eructification terminal. Involucral leaves numerous, incised, free or connate
at tho base. Perianth tubular, deeply many-cleft. Calyptra chartaceous. Capsule
globular. Elaters free, with two spiral fibres. Antheridia upon proper
branches in the axils of ventricose perigonial loaves. Stem-leaves 2 - 5-clcft or
entire. Amphigastria 2 -many-cleft. (Named for 0. Sendtner, a German bot-
1 S j u i i i p e r i n a , Nees. Stems erect, nearly simple, slender, elo n g a ted ;
leaves and amphigastria almost alike, oblong, curved and one-sided, 2-cleft to
tho middle, the lobes lanceolate. — High mountains.—Plant rigid, reddish-
brown. (Tab. V III.) (Eu.)
3 5 . X B I C H O C O F E A , Nees. D ow n y S c a le -M o s s . (Tab. VIII.)
Eructiflcation situated in a fork. Involucral leaves numerous, coalescent into
an ohiong and truncate coriaceous hairy tube, concrete with the calyptra. l en-
anth none. Capsule oblong. Elaters with two spiral fibres, free. Anthcrid'a
on the upper side of the stem in the axil of leaves. Leaves palmately divided ;
tho divisions laciniate. Amphigastria present. (Name composed of 5pig, hair,
and KoXeot, a sheath; from the hairy involucre.)
1 . T . X o m e n t e l l a , Nees. Stems forked, 2 - 3-pinnately branched;
divisions of the 4 - 5-divided leaves capillary-many-cleft; amphigastria scta-
ccoiisly many-cleft. -M o i s t places, in large patches. -E o lia g e pale green, soft-
hairy. (Tab. VIII.) (Eu.)
3 6 B I A S X I G O B B Y E M , Nees. G k e a t S c a le -M o s s .
(Tab. VIII.)
Eructification terminal, on short proper branches, arising from the axils of tho
amphigastria. Involucral leaves small, narrow, acutely incised at the apex.
Perianth elongated, 3-angular, the mouth 3-toothed. Calyptra membranaceous.
Capsule globose. Elaters with two spiral fibres. Antheridia on short branches
from the axils of the amphigastria, two in the axil of cadi perigonial leaf. Stem-