T e ib e X X V . C E Y P H Æ E Æ .
61. C R Y P M Ì E A , Mohr. (Tab. V.)
Calyptra comc-miti'iform, papillose at the apex, small. Operculum conic.
Capsule immersed, orate-oblong, short-pedicellate, annulate. Peristome double ;
the exterior 16 lanceolate-subulate teeth remotely articulated, granulated; the
interior 16 subulate cilia, the basilar membrane nearly obsolete. Inflorescence
monoecious: antheridia OYal, with long pedicels and short paraphyses.
— Bather slender Mosses, growing on trees, with leafless creeping stems and
ascending or pendulous and subsimple densely leafy branches, bearing in lines
or clusters numerous perichætia enTcloping the capsule. (Name from Kpvcpaws,
hidden, iu allusion to the concealed capsule.)
1. C . g l o m e r s i t a , P. Sch. The ascending branches nearly simple,
I 'lo n g ; leaves crowded, when dry appressed, when moist recuiTed-spreading,
ovate-acnminate, minutely-serrulate at the apex, scmi-costate, with a minute oval
areolation; annulus broad; porichætial leaves obovato-oblong,.suddenly cuspidate.
— (Daltonia heteromalla, var. Hook. ^ Wils. in Drum. Muse. 2d coll. No.
99.) _ Southern States : common. — Larger than the European C. heteromalla,
Brid., tvith more crowded spreading leaves, much shorter peristome, and larger
spores. (Tab. V.)
2. C . n e r v ó s a , Hook & Wils. Has the aspect of No. 1 ; leaves when
dry erect, not appressed, with recmwed margins; costa extending to the point;
calypü-a split on one side ; annulus narrow ; perichætial leaves longer-lanceolate
and papillose on the back. — Grows with the last.
3. C . i n u n d à t a , Nees. (in Neuvied Trav.) Stems pendulous, loosely
pinnatoly-hranched; branclflets recurved at the apex; leaves distant, ohlong-
lanceolate, cannate, the lower ones complicate, oblique ; costa heavy, excurrent
capsules oval, unilateral on the stems, immersed in the Icng ecostate periohæ
tial leaves ; cilia of the interior peristome red, persistent, incurved at the apex
as long as the teeth. —Floating in water, and attached to the immersed branches
of trees, Wabash, Fox, and Black Elvers, Illinois. — Scarcely a Cryphæa :
very probably Dychelyma suhnlatum, or a closely allied species.
T e ib e X X V I. L E U C O D Ô N T E Æ .
6 2 . U E I J C O D O I V , Schwægr, (Tab. IV.)
Calyptra dimidiate, large, clasping tho pedicel. Operculum conic-rostratc.
Capsule broadly oval, its pedicel enclosed by the long sheathing perichæth. Peristome
double; the exterior 16 linear-acuininate, whitish,- granulated teeth more
or less perforated along the medial lino; the interior (when present) a simple
„uTmlar membrane extending J the length of the teeth. , Inflorescence dioecious.
— Species of moderate size, with a filiform and leafless creeping primary stem,
and numerous terete nearly simple branches, densely clothed with ovatc-acuminate
ecostate leaves. (Name composed of Xevxos, white, and òòàv, tooth, from
the color of the outer peristome.)
1. E . J u l à c e u s , Sulliv. Branches 8 " -1 0 " high ; leaves appressed, when
dry recurved, horizontal when moist, ecostate, revolute on the margins ; areolation
minute, oval-rotund ; perichætial leaves as long as the pedicel. — Trees,
Middle States, in districts not mountainous. (Tab. IV.)
2. E. Ibriicliypus, Brid. Very like the preceding ; branches more
elongated { l ÿ - 2 ' long), recurved; leaves longer, when dry secund; operculum
longer-rostrate ; pedicel shorter ; pcrichætial leaves overtopping the capsule. —
Alleghany Mountains.
63. E É P TO D O N , Mohr. (Tab. IV.)
Calyptra dimidiate, large, hairy. Opercnlum conic-rostellate. Capsule ovate-
oblong, its pedicel concealed by the large perichæth. Peristome double ; tho
exterior 16 linear acuminate whitish teeth, more or less fissile along tho medial
line; the interior a membrane lining and bordering the teeth. Inflorescence
dioecious. — Rather stiff Mosses, with prostrate filiform naked stems, and crowded
mostly simple and pinnated branches, densely clothed with oblong-ovate
leaves, having a dot-like areolation. (Name composed of kenTos, narrow, and
odcoy, a tooth.)
1. it* trieliomitrioii, Mohr. Main branches 1 ^ '-2 Aong; leaves when
moist erect-patent, ecostate, reflexed on the margins ; the pcrichætial leaves
long as the pedicel. — Iu woods ; forming elastic masses on the tranks of trees,
sometimes on rocks ; Northern and Middle States.
2. J j, im m é i ’S u m , Sulliv. & Lesqx. {Muse. Bor.-Amer., No. 234.)
Somewhat smaller than the preceding ; leaves not so crowded, more suddenly
acuminate ; capsule urceolate-oblong, its mouth larger ; articulations of the
tcctli of the peristome closer; pcrichætial leaves concealing (besides the pedicel)
the larger portion of tho capsule. — Trees, Southern States.
3. li. Olìioéiise^ Sulliv. Much like No. 1 ; but stems more slender and
elongated, less regularly pinnate ; leaves when moist spreading horizontally, tho
costa extending to the middle. — Trees, Central Ohio. (Tab. IV.)
64. A N T IT R ÎC I Ï IA , Brid. (Tab, IV.)
Calyptra cuculliform. Operculum conic. Capsule oval, exannulate, with a
lloxuosc-arcuate pedicel. Peristome double ; the exterior 16 lanceolate-subulate
teeth; the interior 16 subulate fugacious cilia. Spores large. Inflorescence
dioecious.—A large Moss with distantly subpinnate and flexuous ascending or
pendulous stems, and crowded broadly ovate-acuminate semi-costate leaves ; the
perichætial elongated aud sheathing. (Name from avri, opposite, and rpixLov,
a little hair, the cilia erroneously supposed to be opposite the teeth.)
1. A. curtipénduìa, Brid. Leaves ciliate-serrate at the apex, recurved
on the margins, plicate with 4 - 5 short costæ at the base, the central one extending
beyond the middle ; cellules minute, those at tho basal angles oval, disposed
in oblique lines, elsewhere oblong. — Summit of Black Mountain, North Carolina,
Lesquereux. (Tab. IV.) (Eu.)