2 1 . D E SM A TO DO N , Brid. (Tab, II.)
Calyptra cuculliform. Operculum conic, obtusely rostrate. Capsule oval-
oblong or cyliiulrical, annulate, long-pcdicellate. Peristomo single: tooth IG,
subulate, 2 -3-cleft, united by a biisilar membrane. luilorcsccnco monoecious
or dioecious. — Plants of rather low stature, growing on the ground or on rooks,
in general luabit, rimiiflcation, and structm-e of leaves having mueli in common
with Trichostomum and Barbula. — (Name from Séa-pa, -arov, a band, and oSwy,
a tooth, in allusion to tho membrane uniting the teeth.)
1. D. ai'C T iiicCU S, Sulliv. & lc sq x . (Muse. Bor.-Amer., No. 93.)
Stems 2« - 3 " high, gregarious ; leaves ohiong, linguoeform, very obtuse, slightly
denticulate at the apex ; apiculate by the excurrent costa ; capsule cylindrical,
tapering into the pedicel (4 " -5 " long) ; annulus simple, persistent; teeth of tho
peristome 2-clcft, straight, white. — Sandstone rocks, Ohio. — Near D. flavicans.
2. D. pliiitlioliilis, Sulliv. & Lesqx. (Muse. Bor.-Amer., No. 94.)
Stems 2 " - 5 " high, fastigiatcly branched; leaves erect, elongated-oblong, very
obtuse, carinate-concavc, narrowly rcflexed on the margins ; areolation minute,
opaque, dot-like above, larger oblong and pellucid below ; costa excurrent into
a smooth white hair-point nearly as long as the loaf; capsido elliptic-cylmdrical,
its mouth orange-red; operculum J the length of the capsule; teeth of the peristome
pale yellow, more or less cloven along the medial lino; annulus large:
dioecious. (Barbula mur.alis, James ; not of Hedw. ) — Grows in hoary or pale-
grccn and dense patches, on brick pavements. Charleston, S. Carolina, Eavenel :
on tlie walls of the College at Nashville, Tennessee, Lesquereux. (Tab. II.)
22. D ID YM O DO N , Br. & Sch. (Tab. II.)
Calyptra cuculliform. Opercnlum conic, shortly and obtusely rostrate. Capsule
subcylindrical, annulate, long-pedicellate. Peristome single : teeth 16,
linear-lanceolate, entire, or more or less bifid, rather short, fugacious, and without
a basilar membrane. Inflorescence various. — Very nearly allied to the last
genus ; and it is questionable if either is entitled to rank higher than as a section
of Trichostomum. (Name from twin, and oàau, a tooth.) (Tab. II.)
T D. r i l b e l l i i s , Br. & Sch. Stems j ' - 1 'high, loosely cæspitose; leaves
spreading, oblong-lanceolate, recurved on tho margins, costate to the apex, the
upper ones dull-green, the lower reddish ; annulus simple ; antheridia naked in
the axils of the poriohætial leaves. — Pennsylvania, on the ground ; rare.
(Tab. n . ) (Eu.)
2. D. l ù r i d u s , Ilornsch. Rather smaller than tho la st; leaves Inrid-
grecn, rigid, ovate-lanceolate, with a reddish-brown costa, ceasing at tho apex ;
peristome minute, irregular ; male flower terminal on a separate plant. — Falls
of Niagara, Drummond. (Eu.)
T k ib e V in . D I S T I C H Î E Æ .
23. D IS T ÎC I I IU M , Br. & Sch. (Tab. II.)
Calyptra cucnlliform, long-rostrate. Operculum conic, short. Capsule ovaloblong
or cylindrical, annulate, long-pedicellate. Peristome single: teeth 16,
lincar-lanccolatc, more or less cloven and perforated. Inflorescence monoecious.
— Alpine species, growing upon moist rocks ; stems densely cæspitose, dlchoto-
moirsly branched, with distichous and subulate-setaceous costate leaves, of an
areolation dense roundish above, enlarged diaphanous below. (Name from
blartxos, two-ranked, referring to the leaves.)
1. D. c a p i l l à c c u m , Br. & Sch. Stems l ' - 2 ' high; leaves abruptly
long-subulate from a dilated sheathing base, spreading, flexuose, the costa per-
cmTont ; capsule subcylindrical, erect ; antheridia axillary, naked. — Northern
shore of Lake Superior, Agassiz. (Tab. II.) (Eu.)
2. D. i n c l i n ù t i im , Br. & Sch. Not so tall as the last ; leaves more
crowded and narrower, the perichætial ones 3-rankod ; capsule cemuous, oval ;
antheridia with perigonial leaves. — Northern shore of Lake Superior, Agassiz.
24. E U S T iC I I IUM , Bryol. Europ. (Tab. II.)
1. E. N o r v e g i c n m , Bryol. Europ. Stems frond-like, flat, mostly simple
(about P long and 1" broad), rooting only at tho bulb-like base; leaves 2-
ranked, complicate, closely imbricating, erect ; those on the middle of the stem
elongated-oblong, obliquely truncate, shortly acuminate, increasing in size as
they ascend ; the perichætial leaves attenuated into a long and linear, flexuous,
pellucid, flat, equitant, and slightly serrulate point longer than the lamina ; aro-
olation above subrotund, below oblong, that of the point of the perichætial
leaves linear ; costa percurrent, its upper part narrowly winged : dioecious ; flowers
of both kinds terminal: fruit unknown.—Pendent on the perpendicular
faces of sandstone rocks, six miles south of Lancaster, Fairfield County, Ohio.
— The only other certain habitat recorded for this very interesting Moss is Iceland.
That of Norway is apparently a mistake. — I t is probably closely allied
to Fissidens. (SuUiv. in Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 3. p. 5 7 .1.1.) (Tab. II.)
T k ib e IX . P O T T I È Æ .
25. P O T T IA , Ehrh. (Tab. II.)
Calyptra cuculliform. Operculum dcprcssed-conic, more or less rostrate.
Capsule obovate-truncato or oval-oblong, exserted or immersed. Peristome
none. Inflorescence monoecious : male flower axillary. — Small annn.al or
bioniiial plimts, growing on newly exposed soil, W'itli entire ovate-oblong or
obovatc-lanceolate and rather broadly costatc leaves, of a quadrate or rectangular
areolation, enlarged at tho base. (Named in memory of Professor J. F.
Pott, a German botanist.)
1. P. t r u i i c à t a , Br. & Sch. Stems 2" - 4" high, gregarious, simple or
branched ; leaves obovate-lauccolate, mucromato by the excurrent costa ; capsule
obovate, truncate; operculum obliquely rostrate. — (P. eustoma, Ehrh. Gyin-
nostomum trnncatulura, Hedw.) — On the ground. New England and Pennsylvania.
(Tab. II.) (Eu.)