7. B . r a d iC i iU s , Beauv. Moncecious; stems short; leaveslinoar-lancéo-
late, erect, cuspidate by tho long-cxcurrcnt scabrotts costa ; male flower gemmiform,
close to tho female. — Wet clay-banks, Ohio and southward.
5 2 . C O N Ó S X O B I U M , Stvartz. (Tab. in.)
Calyptra eueullifonn. Operculum conic-rostellate. Capsule globular, ccr-
nuous, exannulate, with a long erect pedicel. Peristome single ; teeth 10, linear-
lanceolate, prominently articulated, ivith a medial line, united at their apices.
Inflorescence dioecious; male flower subdiscoid, with clavate paraphyses.—A
genus scarcely distinguishable from Bartramia, differing only in the structure of
tho peristome, the rostellate operculum, and tho larger and less fugacious calyptra.
(Name from kcovos, a cone, and urdjua, a mouth, in allusion to the cone-like
appearance of tho peristome.)
1. C. boreàle, Swartz. Stems compactly cæspitoso, ÿ - ÿ high, glaucous
green above, brownish below ; leaves erect, imbricated in 5 rows, lanceolate
acuminate, serrato, sharply carinate, mucronato by the cxcm-rent costa. —
On rocks, in bleak alpine situations, White Mountaius of Now Hampshire.
(Tab. m . ) (Eu.)
5 3 . P U N À K I A , Schreb. (Tab. HI.)
Calyptra cuculliform, inflated below, subulate above. Operculnm conic or
convex-obtuse. Capsule obliquely pyriform, rather ventricose, cernuous, with a
small obllqtie mouth, long-pediceUate. Peristome double : the exterior of 16
teeth, oblique, lanceolate-attenuated, aud connected at their apices by a small
reticulated disk ; the interior a membrane divided to the base into 16 lanceolate
cilia, opposite the teeth. Inflorescence monoecious : male flower subdiscoid,
its paraphyses much enlarged at their apex. — Annual or biennial gregarious
plants, growing on the ground ; stems at first simple, terminated by a male
flower, afterwards branched, the branches producing fertile flowers ; lower loaves
remote ; upper ones clustered, larger, broad-lanceolate, of a thin and loose texture
; the areolæ large, hexagonal-oblong ; costa loosely cellulai-, ceasing below
the apex. (Name from funis, a rope, from the twisted pedicel.)
1. F. liygroinétrica, Hedw. Stems 3 " - 1 0 " high; upper and perichætial
leaves connivent, crowded into a bud-like cluster, broadly ovate-lancco-
late, very concave, entire, costate nearly to the apex ; the perigonial leaves
serrate ; capsule fuiTowed when diw, the border of its mouth corrugated ; annulus
large, spirally unrolling ; pedicel (2 '- 3 ' long) arcuate and flexuons. — Var.
CALYÉ3CESS has the pedicel more elongated and straight, tho capsule more
slender, and almost erect. — Very common, on the ground (particularly when
lately burnt over), aud on walls ; the variety occurs mostly in the Southern
States. (Tab. in.) (Eu.)
2. F. l lA v i c a n S , Michx. In general appearance very much like the last ;
but the color paler ; leaves not so connivent and with a long cuspidate point, the
costa excun-ent; pedicels not arcuate nor so flexuous; capsule less obovate,
very slightly furrowed when dry ; mouth larger, not so oblique, and its border
smooth. — Southern States.
3. F. Mulilesibcrgii, Scbwægr. Very much smaller than No. 1 or 2;
stems l " - 3 " high ; upper leaves erect-patent, oblong-obovate, suddenly acuminate,
obtusely sen-ate, the costa cc.asing below the point ; capsule shortly pj-ri-
foi-m, not fm-rowed when dry ; operculum convex, apiculate ; annulus none ;
pedicels 6 " - 8 " high, rivisted to the right when dry; spores more than twice tho
diameter of those of No. 1, granular on tlie surface. — Pennsylvania. (Eu.)
4. F . s c r r i i t a , Beauv. Intermediate in size between Nos. 1 and 3 ; compared
with the last, the leaves are longer, spatulate-lauceolatc, distantly and
sharply serrated above, the costa excurrent ; operculum convex, not apiculate ;
tho pedicel I '- l J 'h i g h , when dry twisted to the left its whole length ; spores
larger.-—Pennsylvania and southward.
54. E N TO STH O D O N , Schwægr. (Tab. IV.)
Calyptra rostrate, cuculliform, inflated below. Operculum depressed-convex.
Capsule erect, pyriform, symmetrical, smooth, long-pedicellate. Peristome single
: teeth 16, short, somewhat fissile, linear-lanceolatc, inserted below the orifice
of the capsule, horizontal. — Inflorescence, ramification, and stracturc of leaves
as iu Puuaria. — (Name formed of hrocrÔev, from within, and òòóìv, tooth,
alluding to the insertion of the teeth.)
1. E. Bmiumóndìi, Sulliv. Stems l " - 2 " high; leaves connivent,
elliptic-oblong, rather obtuse, slightly crenate on the margin, concave, costatc to
the apex, areolation largo; capsule globose-pyriform, operculum flattish; pedicels
5" - 7" high ; calyptra erect, with a straight subulate rostrum as long as the
capsule. — (E. obtusifolius, Jloolc. ^ Wils. in Drum. 2d coll. No. 36 .)—Wet,
clayey soil, Southern States. — The short-pyrifonn capsule and the long-subulate
rostrum of the calyptra, readily distinguish this species from the nearly
allied E. Tcmpletoni, Schwægr. and E, obtusifoHus,Z>. Hook. (Tab. IV.)
55. PH ASCOTiH TRI trM, Brid. (Tab. IV.)
Calypti'a long-rostrate, mitrifonn and lobed at the base, or inflated-cuculliform.
Operculum flattish-convcx, with or without an apiculus. Capsule pyriform,
symmetrical, cxannulatc, its pedicel mostly erect. Peristome wanting.—Annual
and biennial plants, with the inflorescence, ramification, and structure of
leaves as in Eunaria. (Name from (¡ìvctkos, something infated, and pirpiov,
a little cap.)
1. P . p y r i f o r i n e , Br. & Sch. Stems 2 " -5 " high; leaves spatulatc-
lanceolate, serrate, spreading, the costa nearly percurrent, capsule globosc-pyri-
forra, on an erect exserted pedicel 5 " - 8 " long; calyptra mitriform, lobed.—
On tho ground ; extremely common. (Eu.)
2. P. ìn in ié l 'S U l i i , Sulliv. Leaves obovatc-lanceolate, serrate, the costa
percuiTcnt ; capsule immersed, hemispherical without the operculum, wliich is