32. l ï . o c l i r ù c e i im , Turaov. (Musc. Bor.-Amer. No. 305.) Dioecious;
stems aud branches extended; leaves varying from ovatc-lanceolato to
elongated oblong-lanceolate, more or less contoited, concave, falcate, striated ;
costa single or forked, cxtemliug to tlic middle ; capsule annulate, oval, incurved,
ivitli a short crcct collum. (H. caulescens, SuUiv. Lesqx. ined.) —Mountains
of New England, Oakes, Eaton, Frost, James. (Eu.)
33. 51. iiioiitrilllllll, Wils. in James, Euiim. 1. c. (Muse. Bor.-Amer.
No. 306.) Not unlike tho last in general aspect; but a smaller species, with
monoecious inflorescence ; differing from H. palustre by its broad annulus ; and
from II. alpesti-e by its leaves longer and more suddenly acuminated from a
broad-ovate base, subsquarrose, more or less flilcate-sccund, with rcflexed and distinctly
serrate margins, a shorter costa, and a looser reticulation. (II. rivulo-
mm, Sulliv. Lesqx. ined.) — 'Wliite Mountains, New Hampshire, Oakes, James.
§ 11. CALLIÉRGON, Sulliv. — Stems erect, ascending ; the divisions few, simple
or suhpinnately branched, terete, turgid: leaves more or less closely imbricating,
ovate and oblong, obtuse, deeply concave, not striate; membranous, shining ; cellules
minute, linear; costa vandble: capsule ohiong, unequal, horizontal: ope^'culum
convex-conic : rather large species, mostly found in wet places.
34. M . CUSpidàtimi, L. Dioecious; stems 5 ' - 7 ' long; main divisions
simply pinnate, and, like the branchlets, cuspidate ; leaves pale yellowish-green,
ohlong-ovate or oblong, obtusely pointed, shortly bicostate ; cellules at the basal
angles large, subquadrate and pellucid ; capsule gradually tapering into tho
pedicel, shortly operculate, and broadly annulate. — Grassy marshy places. (Eu.)
35. H . S c l i r è l> e r i , Willd. Dioecious ; mucli like the preceding, but
easily known by its bright red stems, visible through the pale green or fulvous
foliage, obtuse branches, perichætial leaves not striate, and the absence of an
annulus. — On the ground, in moist woods. (Eu.)
36. II. coixlifolilim, Hedw. Monoecious ; stems 6 '- 8 ' long ; divisions
simple or very sparingly branched ; leaves large, rather distant, spreading, ovate-
oblong, obtuse, costate nearly to the apex, decnrrent ; basal cellules lai'ge, pellucid;
capsule gibbous, oblong, exannulate. — Swamps. (Eu.)
37. II. SCOrpioicleSy L. Dioecious; stems robust, 7 '- 1 0 ' long, flexu-
ous-erect or decumbent; tbe divisions remotely and irregularly ramulose;
branchlets more or less falcate a t the ap ex ; leaves dark green or purplish-
bro^m, broadly ovate, obtuse, flaccid, ecostate; the margins above usually
inflexed. — Bogs and springy places, (Eu.)
38. II. stramiiienm, Dickson. Dioecious; stems 6 '- 8 ' long, very
slender, erect, mostly simple ; leaves straw-colored, ovate-oblong, obtuse, not
crowded, costate beyond the middle ; annulus absent. — Sphagnous swamps,
New England. (Eu.)
39. II. trifarium, Web. & Mohr. Dioecious ; closely resembling the
last, bnt a larger species, very brittle when dry ; leaves brownish-green, somewhat
3-ranked, more closely imbricated, not so long, broader and more obtuse,
and only semicostate ; capsule more turgid, and broadly annulate. — Cranberry
marshes. Northern Ohio. (Eu.)
^ 12. HARPÍDIUM, Sulliv. — Stems rootless, ascending, fastigiately dividid; divisions
long, suhpinnately branched; branches more or less hooked-curved; leaves
filiformly attenuated, falcate-secund, subcontinuously costate ; texture membranaceous,
f irm ; areolation minute, linear: capsule oblong, cylindrical, erect-cemuous :
pedicels long : operculum short, convex-conic : mostly marsh-spedes.
40. I I . i i i i c i n à t i i i i i f Hedw. Monoecious; stems 2 ' - 4 ' long, somewhat
rigid ; leaves crowded, gradually lanceolate-subulate from a broad base, plicate-
striate, serrulate, costato beyond the middle ; capsule cylindrical, erect-cemuous ;
annulus broad. — Rocks and decayed logs, iu moist places, White Mountains of
New Hampshire, Oakes. — Forms large, loose, pale yellomsh-green turfs. (Eu.)
41. Ï Ï . i 'e v ó l v e n s , Swartz. Monoecious; distinguished from the preceding
by its softer, dark purple, larger, more linear leaves, when dry rather tortuous,
not plicate, with a shorter costa ; and by its somewhat incurved oblong
capsule. — Marshes and bogs. Northern Ohio. (Eu.)
42. If, flùitailS, L. Monoecious ; stems longer than in tho last two species
; stem-leaves elongated-lanceolate, remote, flaccid, often not falcate-secund,
costate nearly to the point ; capsule turgid-oblong; incurved-horizontal, with a
distinct erect collum ; annulus absent. — Swamps and stagnant water. — Color
usually dark green. (Eu.)
43. 11, a t l ú n c n m , Hedw, Dioecious ; typical form slenderer than iu
tho three species above ; leaves broadly ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, with a short
compressed costa reacliing nearly to the point, and a somewhat rectangular arc-
olation ; alar cellules large, inflated, pellucid ; capsule turgid, incurved-ohlong.
— Swamps and bogs. — Var. g r a c i lê s c e n s , Bryol. Europ. Stems more delicate;
leaves shorter, with a looser areolation. —Limestone springs, Penn., Lesquereux.
~ Y o x . ? GIGÁNTEUM, Bryol. Europ. “ Ethans Pond,” Willey Mountain,
New Hampshire, James. St. Paul, Minnesota, Lesquereux. (Eu.)
^13. CEATONEÛRON, Sulliv.— prostrate or ascending, villous and
demdtj radiculose ; the divisions few , interruptedly pinnate : leaves lanceolate or
lanceolate-attenuated from a cordate base, spreading or falcate-secund; areolation
dense, oblong ; costa stout, subcontinuous : capsule cylindrical, cernuous : operculum
short-conic. — Mostly in wet places, on calcareous soil.
44. Ï Ï . f i i i c i l i u m , L. Dioecious ; leaves evenly eoncave ; aiinulus simple.—
Wet places, on dripping rocks, Ohio.— II. commutatum, Eedw., a
closely related species found in British America, is a somewhat larger plant ;
having the leaves softer, longer-attenuated, plicate, aud more falcate, with a
shorter costa, and a large compound annulus. (Eu. )
4 14. PTÍLIUM, Sulliv. — Stems erect, large, rigid, rootless, villous, simple or
dichotomous, with one or two short innovations, densely cristate-pinnate, frond-like :
leaves ovate-lanceolate, attenuated, circinnate-secund, obsoletely bicostate, sulcate;
areolation minute, linear ; capsule cylindrical, incurved-horizontal : operculum convex
conic ; pedicels long.
45. I I . C r i s t a - C a s t r é n s i s , L. Dioecious ; leaves yellowish or fulvous,
s h in in g .-O n tho ground in mountainous districts; a striking, showy
species, sometimes fonning deep spongy beds, many rods in extent. (Eu.)