1. W E I S I A , Hedw. (Tab. I.)
Calyptra cuculliform. Operculum, rostrate. Capsale oval, annulate, exseit-
ed. Peristome single, of 16 linear-lanceolate articulated teetli, entire or pcifo-
ratecl, without a medial line. Inflorescence moncecious or dioecious. — Small
species, growing on the ground; stems more or less fiistigiatcly branched; leaves
lincar-lanccolato, costate, of a dense and somewhat quadrate areolation. —
(Named after F. TP. Weis, a German cryptogamic botanist.)
1. W . v iffK lllla y Brid. Leaves very much involute on the margins,
crisped wlicii d ry ; costa slightly excurrcnt. — Old fields, meadows, &c.: very
common and variable. (Tab. I.) (Eu.)
8 . K I I A B B O W E I S I A , Br. & Sob. (Tab. I.)
Calyptra cuculliform. Operculum with a long oblique rostnim. Capsule
short-oval, 8-striated, annulate, exserted. Peristome single, of 16 subulate or
lanceolate teeth, without a medial line. Inflorescence moncecious: male flower
terminal, gemmiform. — Size and aspect of the species vciy much as in the last
genus, from which it is separated by the striated capsule (hence its name, from
pd^dos, a stria, and Weisia).
1. K . i ’u g 'a x , Br. & Sch. Leaves linear-lanceolate, carinate, costate to
the apex, nearly entire on the margins, crisped when dry, more or less papillose;
the areolation dense and quadrate above, larger, looser, and oblong below; teeth
of tjio peristome subulate, fugacious. — White Mountains, New Hampshire,
Oakes; rare. (Tab. I.) (Eu.)
2. K . ( l e n t i c i i i a t a , Br. & Sch. Very near the last, but rather larger;
leaves linear-lanceolate, approaching to lingulate, coarsely serrate at tho ap e x ;
ai’eolation larger; teeth of the peristome lanceolate, not fugacious. — Crcnces
of rocks, on high peaks of the Alleghany Mountains; not uncommon. (Eu.)
T r ib e H I. S E L I G E E I E ^ .
9 . S E E I G E K I A , Br. & Sch. (Tab.I.)
Calyptra cuculliform. Operculum large, obliquely rostrate. Capsule glo-
boso-pyriform, exanmilate, exserted. Peristome single; teeth 16, lanceolate,
obtuse, without a medial line. Inflorescence monmcions : male flower gemmifonn,
terminal. — Very small, almost stemless mosses, growing on rocks; leaves
lanceolate-subulate, with a stout oxcurrent costa; tbe areolation dense, except at
the base. (A personal name.)
1. S . tristiclia, Br. & Sch. Stems 2 " - 3 " high, 3-ranked, obtuse at
the apex. — (Weisia calcarea, Muse. AUeghan., No. 142.) — Limestone rocks, in
shaded ravines. Central Ohio. (T a b .I.) (En.)
2. S . reciirvata, Br. & Sch. Kcsombles the last (and grows with it),
somewhat la rg er; loaves not 3-ranked, acute; capsule not so globose, pendulous
on a longer curved pedicel, erect when dry. (Eu.)
T k ib e IV . D I C E lU E i E .
1 0 . A K C T O A , Br. &Sch. (T a b .I.)
Calyptra cucullifoi-m, inflated. Operculum large, obliquely rostrate. Capsule
oval or somewhat turbinate, ribbed when dry, erect or indined, annulate,
exsorted. Peristome single : teeth 16, lanceolate-subulate, cloven half-way,
the divisions unequal. Inflorescence moncecious : male flower gemmiform.__
Densely cajsintose alpine species, growing on rocks, with long lanceolate-setaceous
falcate-secund costatc leaves, of an oblong and compact areolation. (Name
from apKTos, north; found only ill Northern latitudes.)
1. A . fM lv e lls i, Br. & Sch. Leaves fulvous, with a strong continuous
costa denticulate at tbe ap ex ; pericliffitial leaves large, sheathing, overtopping
the capsule. — White Mountains, New Hampshire, Oakes. (Tab. I.) (Eu.)
H . C A M . P Y E G P E S , Brid. (T a b .I.)
Calyiitra cuculliform, fringed at the base. Operculum conic-rostrate. Capsule
oval, regular or gibbous, anuulate, ribbed when dry, on a decurvcd pedicel.
Peristome s in g le: tcctli 16, linear-lanceolate, deeply bifid; segments unequal.
Inflorescence dicecious : male flower terminal. — Stems densely cmspitose, dichot-
omously branched; leaves rigid, lanceolate-setaceous, with a broad excun-ent
costa; areolation large, oblong or rhomboid at tbe base, elsewhere much smaller
and subquadrate. (Named from KafnrvXos, curved, and ttovs, a foot, in allusion
to tho cm-vcd pedicel.) (T a b .I.)
1. C . flexMOSUS, Brid. Stems l ' - 2 ' high, radiculose; leaves erect-patent
or falcatc-seound; capsules aggregated at tlie apex of the stem, regular or gibbous.—
Shaded rocks. Grandfather Mountain, N. Carolina. (T a b .I.) (Eu.)
2. C . I c n c d t r i c I lM S , Sulliv. & Lesqx. (Muse. Bor.-Amer., No. 73.)
Stems densely leaved above, claviforin; loaves erect-patent, linear-lanceolate,
with a long hyaline and denticulate hair-point; costa very broad, strongly lamel-
lose on the back. — On rocks, di-y woods, Eaccoon Mts., Alabama, Lesquereux.
3. C . E e a s iM S , Sulliv. Stems fastigiatcly branched; the branches terminated
by dense beads of minute oblong bodies (probably abortive leaves); leaves
lanceolate-subulate, erect, rather secund, the costa occupying nearly all the leaf.
— Ohio and Pennsylvania : not ra re ; on vci-y much decayed stumps and logs.
Eesembles the young growth of Dicramun flagellare.
1 2. B I C R A W O B O W T I E M , Br. & Sch. (T ab .I.)
Calyptra cncullifoi-m, not fringed at the base. Operculum conic-subulate.
Capsule elliptic-oblong, annulate, smootli, pendulous from an arcuate pedicel.
Peristome single : teeth 16, linear-lanceolate, cloven to tbe base; their divisions
unequal. Inflorescence dicecious: male flower gemmiform, terminal.—Habit
and aspect nearly as in the. last genus. (Name from biKpavos, forked, and
obav, a tooth.)