21. P l iE F K Á N T I IE , ïa y l. (Tab. VII.)
Fructification lateral. Involucral leaves 3, minute, scale-liliC, 2-3-clcft.
Iteriantli elongated-fusiform, arising from the lower side of tlio stem, fleshy,
solid and rooting at the base, membranaceous above ; tho mouth compressed
or triquetrous, 2 -3-cleft, lacerate. Calyptra concrete with the perianth, except
at its apex. Capsule oval. Elaters with 2 spiral fibres. Antheridia unknown.
Leaves 2-lobed or emarginate. Amphigastria lanceolate, entire. (Name from
TrXeupa, the side, and àvôos, a flowe¡'; the perianth being lateral.)
1. P . o l i v á c e a , Tayl. Groivs in close olive-green mats; stems creeping,
2 " - 3 " long, mostly simple, rooting profusely; leaves rotund-oblong, upwardly
scciiud; pedicel 4 " - 5 " high; a small species, the perianth disproportionately
large. — North America, Drummond. (Tab. VII.)
22. tO P H O C O F E A , Nees. (Tab. VII.)
Fnictification terminal on the main stem or primary branches. Involucral
leaves 2 - 4 , large. Perianth tubular below, acutely 3-angular above, 3-lobod ;
the lobes tooth-crested. Calyptra short, membrauaceous, circumcissile at tho
base, or rupturing irregularly at the apex. Capsule oblong. Elaters with
hvo spiral fibres. Antheridia in the saccate bases of perigonial leaves. Stem-
leaves decmxent on the dorsal side of the stem, fiaccid, 2 - several-cleft at the
apex. Amphigastria 2 - 4-divided ; the divisions more or less incised. (Name
composed of Xó(¡>os, a crest, and koXcós, a sheath; from the crested calyptra.)
1. I i . t o i d e n t à t a , Nees. Stems ( 1 ' - 2' long) prostrate, sparsely branched ;
leaves pale green, ovate-triangular, spreading, 2-tootlied at the apex ; the teeth
oblique, acute, with a crescent-like sinus ; amphigastria minute, about 4-clcft,
tbe segments entire. — Moist places, among Mosses. (Eu.)
2. Id. l i e t e i 'O p l i y l l a , Nees. Stems much branched, ascending; leaves
ovate, subquadrate, semi-vertical, entire, retuse, and bidentato on the same stem ;
amphigastria large, 2-cleft, tbe segments slightly dentate. — On decayed logs,
and among Mosses. (Tab. VII.) (Eu.)
23. S PH A G NOE C E X IS , Nees. P e a t S c a l e -M o s s . (Tab. V III.)
Fructificatiou terminal, upon a short proper branch arising from the vcnti'al
side of the stem. Involucral leaves small, few, incised. Perianth ascending,
terete, 3-angled at the apex ; the mouth denticulate. Calyptra membranaceous.
Capsule oblong. Elaters with two spiral fibres. Inflorescence moncecious ;
antheridia in the axil of the minute perigonial leaves of pendent proper branches.
Stem leaves orbicular. Gemmæ collected iu heads upon the attenuated tips of
the branches. Amphigastria none, except upon the gemmiferous branches.
Stems furnished with runner-like rootlets. (Name composed of Scpayvos, Peai-
Moss, and koitÍs, a little bed; from its place of growth.)
1. S. commiliiis, Nees. Stems creeping; leaves elliptical-orbicular,
entire, ascending. (Jungermannia Sphagni o f authors.) — V pon moss and decayed
wood. (Tab. VIII.) (Eu.)
24. J E N G E K M À N 1 V I A , L. S o a l e -M o s s . (Tab. VIII.)
Fructification terminal on the main stem, or on a short branch. Involucral
loaves free, like or unlike the stem-leaves. Perianth tubular, more or less angled;
the mouth laciniate. Calyptra included, rarely projecting. Capsule
globose or oval. Elaters with two spiral fibres. Antheridia in the base of inflated
perigonial leaves. Stem-leaves entire, or 2-many-lobed. (Dedicated to
Jungerniann, a German botanist of the lYth century.)
If: Leaves and amphigastria alike, 2 - 4-partcd.
1. 3. t r i c l i o p l i y l l a , L. Stems flaccid, branched; leaves and amphigastria
3 -4-parted; the divisions straight, spreading, bristle-form, each composed
of a single row of tubular cells ; fruit-hearing branch lengthened ; perianth
nearly cylindrical, contracted and toothed at the mouth.—Decayed wood, &c.
— A minute, palc-colorod species. (Eu.)
2. J . s e t à c e a , Weber. Leaves and amphigastria 2 -3-cleft; the divisions
incurved, each composed of two rows of ceUs ; fruit-bearing branch short ;
mouth of perianth ciliate. — On the ground, &c. — Smaller than No. 1, brownish-
colored. (Eu.)
* * Leaves 2-clefl or (from Ah. 7 -1 1 ) 2-6-cZe/i; amphigastria rone, except in
No. 7 and 8.
3. J . c o n n i v e i i s , Dickson. Stems creeping, flexuous; leaves nearly
orbicular, with a broad deeurrent base, distant, a little wider than tbe stem, 2-
clcft to i or J of their length, the sinus obtuse; segments acute, connivent;
areolation large; involucral leaves 3 -5-cleft; perianth slender, the mouth
laceratc-ciliate. — On rotten wood. (Tab. V II.) (Eu.)
4. J . c u i 'v i f ò l i a , Dickson. Eruibbearing branch short; stems creeping
; leaves imbricated, ascending, nearly orbicular, inflated at tbe ventral base,
lunatoly 2-cleft; the segments long-linear, inflexed; involucral leaves erect,
2 -3-cleft, serrate; perianth naiTow, plaited-triangular, the mouth denticulate.—
Rotten logs, &c. (Bn.)
5. J . l ) i c i i s p i d à t a , L. Eruit-bearing branch short; stems loose, procumhent
; leaves distant or crowded, half vertical, ovate, a little wider than the
stem, 2-cleft to the middle, the sinus obtuse; segments acute; involucral leaves
spreading at the apex, 2 -5-cleft, repand-serrulate; perianth elongated, the
mouth denticulate. — A small and common species. (Eu.)
6. J . o i v a i ' i c à t a , Engl. Bot. Fruit-hearing branch elongated; stems
prostrate, rigid, thick ; leaves distant, spreading, rather fleshy, equnllmg the
stem in diameter, oblong, the sinus and segments acute; involucral leaves numerous,
imbricated, 2 -3-cleft, serrulate; perianth oval, plaited above; the
mouth membranaceous, denticulate. ( J . byssacea o f authors. ) — Among Mosses
and on decayed woods. — A minute, dark green species. (Eu.)
7. J . s c t i f ó r m l s , Ebrhart. Stems erect or ascending, and, with the
leaves, toreto-sulcato; leaves toothed at the base, 3 -4-cleft; the lobes clum-
ncllcd, ovato-ohlong, acute; amphigastria ciliate-toothed at the base, deeply
2-clcft’ with lanceolate segments; perianth oval, plaited. — Alpine regions of
the White Mountains, Oakes. (Eu.)