turc, composed of minute and somewhat quadrate cellules ; capsule rotund-oval,
its mouth small ; teeth of the peristome often divided to the base ; amudus largo,
unrolling. — (Muse. Allcghan., No. 135.) — On rocks, Pennsylvania and southward.
(Tab. n .)
2, P . B i 'i i u tU lA n d i i , Hook. & TOs. Somewhat larger than the preceding;
leaves line.ar-lauceolate, acute, crisped when d iy ; tcctli of the peristome
more or less peiforated, inserted below the mouth of tho ohlong-oval
capsule ; annulus none. — On toes. Southern States.
T r ib e X V. G E IM M IÈ Æ .
3 6 . S C H I S T Î B I U M , Br. & Sch. (T a b .II.)
Calypti-a small, not extending to the mouth of the capsule, conic-mitriform and
lacerate at the base, or cucuUiform and entire at the base. Operculum depressed-
convex, papillate or shortly rostellate, deciduous with the columella attached.
Capsule rotmdish-oval, oval-oblong, or obovate, wide-mouthed, immersed, with a
short erect pedicel. Peristome single: teeth 16, lanceolate, cribrose. Inflorescence
monoecious : male flower gemmiform. — Growing in circular more or less
compact tufts, on rocks (chiefly mountainous) ; stems simple, or dichotomously
branched and fastigiate; leaves of a rigid and rather brittle texture, crowded,
spreading, ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, concave below, channelled above, usually
reflexed on the mai-gins, continuously costate, mostly tipped with a pellucid hair-
point; areolæ minute and nearly quadi-ate, those at tho base larger, oblong and
diaphanous. — (Name from axiCoy, to split, the base of the caljqitra being la-
1. S . a p o c u r p i im , Br. & Sch. Loosely cæspitose ; stems U long,
upper leaves usuaUy with white points ; capsule elliptical, firm ; teeth of peristome
sometimes entire, pmqilish-red; annulus none; calyptra 5-lobed at the
base. — On rocks, very common. — Foliage blackish-green : subject to numerous
forms, dependent on locality. (Tab. II.) (Eu.)
2. S. n i a i ' i t i l im m , Br. & Sch. More robust than tho last, densely
. tufted; loaves longer, narrower, more rigid, never hair-pointed, the margins
plane, the costa stouter and shortly excurrent ; capsule obovate, truncate ; sporules
twice as large ; calyptra the same. — On rocks near the sea, Eastport,
Maine, J i L , Bussdl. (Eu.)
3. S. C O n f e r t l l i i i , Br. & Sch. Resembles No. 1 exceedingly ; tufts more
compact ; leaves less lurid, their margins not so recurved ; capsule oval or
roundish, of a thinner texture, paler-colored, almost pellucid ; teeth of the peristome
more cribrose and lacerated, and of an orange color ; calyptra the same. —
New England, Oakes.—A variety with obtuse leaves occurs on tho White
Mountains. (Eu.)
4. S . a m b l g u u m , Sulliv. Near the preceding, but has larger aud
elliptic-lanceolate perichætial leaves, with a long, flexuous, dentate, pellucid
hair-point; capsule oval-ohlong; calyptra cuculhform. — (illem. Amer. Acad.
Art. and S d . n. ser. 4, p. 170.) —Diy rocks, Santa Fé, N. Mexico, Fendler.
3 7 . G U i l t tM I A , Ehrh. (Tab. H.)
Calyptra as in Schistidium, but larger and extending below the mouth of the
capsule. Opercnlum conic-obtuse, or conic-rostrate, deciduous without the columella.
Capsule ovate, oval, or nearly cylindrical, with an erect and curved or
flexuons pedicel. Peristome single : teeth 16, lanceolate, cribrose, and 2 -3-fid
above. Inflorescence monoecious or dioecious. — Habit and mode of growth
strongly resembling Schistidium and Eaoomitrium. Habitat, on rocks.
(Named after Grimm, a German botanist.)
1. « . ICHCOpIlifea, Grey. Dioecious; stems 6»-1 0 " high, compactly
cæspitose; leaves widely spreading, ovate or ovatc-oblong, concave, plane on
the margins, suddenly tapering into a very long pellucid dentate liair-point ;
capsule oval or oblong, erect, exserted ; teeth of the peristome deeply 2 - 3-cIeft ;
annulus largo, unrolling; operculum short or long conic-rostellate; calyptra
mitriform, 5-lobed at tho base. — Sandstone rocks, S. Ohio. (Tab. II.) (Eu.)
2 « . o i n e y i , Sulliv. Dioecious; tufts loose, stems 5 " -1 0 " high, yel-
lowish-g’rcen, linear-lanceolate, gradually tapering into a long diaphanous serrated
hair-point; capsule oval or ovate-oval, not ribbed when dry, oblique or
horizontal on an exserted carved pedicel; teeth of the peristome perforated
above ■ annulus compound ; operculnm with a conic base and an oblique rostrum
-’calyptra cucullifoi-m, 2-3-fld at the b a s e .-E o c k s , Ehode Island, S. T.
Oiney. - Approaches closely to G. trichophylla, Greo. ; but that is a rather more
slender plant; its leaves longer and more flexuous, with a smooth hair-pomt;
capsule rc»-ularly and strongly ribbed when dry, pendulous on a longer and more
curved pedicel; teeth of the peristome bifid; rostrmn of the operculum straight;
calyptra mitriform ; annulus larger.
3 0 -. é P e ï î s i s y lv a ,i î i c a , Scliwægr. Dioecious ; loosely cæspitose ; stem
F o'r mire long ; leaved much as in No. 2, bnt dark gi'een, and with a stouter
costa; capsule immersed, erect on a short pedicel, oval-oblong smooth when
d ry ; opercnlum conic-rosteUate; calyptra mitriform, lobed. — On rocks, AUe-
ghany Mountains; common: fruit rare. — Larger than any of the preceding.
4 G . © o i i n i à n a , Smith. Monoecious ; tufts compact, small, hemi-
snhcrical hoary; stems 3 " - 4 " high; leaves linear-lanceolate, with a long and
rou-h hair-point, their margins plane; capsale oval-ohlong, shortly exserted on
anmectpediecl; annulus rather nan-ow ; operculum conic-obtuse ; cAyptra mitriform,
lo b e d .- (G . obtusa, & t e y r . ) - White Mountains of New Hampslurc,
Oahes. (Eu.)
3 8 . C O S C Î N O D O N , Spreng. (Tab. IV.)
Capsule large, campanulate, plic.ate, crenate at the base. Operculnm conic,
acute or shortly rostellate. Capsule obovate or oval-oblong, immereed, erect,
short-pedicellate, annulate. Fcristome single : teeth 16, equidistant, lanceolate,
very much cribrose, rcflexed when dry- Inflorescence monoecious or dioecious :
male flower gemmiform. - Combines the character of Orthotrichum and Gnm-
mia ; the habit and atracture of tho foliage being that of the last-named genus.