3. F . €aroliiiiù.iia, Siilliv. & Lesqx. (Musc. Bor.-Amcr., No. 253.)
Capsule, operculum, peristome, and pcrichoetiiun nearly as in the last species ;
leaves yellowish-green, dentate on tho margin, with a less conspicuous costa ;
sporules smaller. — On decayed logs, near the Santee Canal, South Carolina,
4. F. g'yiniidstoiua, Sulliv. & Lesqx. {Muse. Bor.-Amer., No. 254.)
Leaves whitish-green, elliptical-lanceolate, dentate-ciliate ; costa reaching halfway
or obsolete ; perichætial leaves few, short, obovate, suddenly subulate-acuminate
; capsule broad-oval, shortly apophysated ; peristome none. — Santa E6,
Now Mexico, Fendler.
7 1 . A I V A C A M F T O B O N , Brid. (Tab. IV.)
Calypti'a conic-cuculliform. Operculum conic-subrostcllate. Capsule oval,
erect, pediceUate. Beristome double ; the exterior 16 narrowly lanceolate teeth,
smooth on both surfaces, approximated in pairs, when dry reflexcd (hence tho
name) ; the interior 16 slender cilia, without a basilar membrane. Iuflorescenco
monoecious.— Low, cæspitosc, with irregularly branched stems, and spreading
ovate-lanceolate semi-costate leaves, of a ratlier loose and pellucid rhombic areolation.
(Name from amKa/iTrro), to bend bach, and o6coi/, a tooth.)
1. A . Si>laclinoitfles, Brid. Cilia of the inner peristome always erect;
capsule when dry much constricted below the mouth; foliage deep green. —In
tlie forks and open hollow knots of partly decayed trees : rare, though its range
is extensive. (Tab. IV.) (Eu.)
T k ib e X X X . P Y L A I S Æ È Æ .
7 2 . P Y U A i S Æ A , Bryol. Europ. (Tab. IV.)
Calyptra cuculliform, rostrate. Operculum conic, more or less rostellate.
Capsule oblong, erect, pedicellate. Annulus narrow, sbnple. Peristome double :
the exterior 16 linear-lanceolate teeth inserted below the mouth of tho capsule;
the interior as in Leskea, but with the cilia more or less ruptured along their keel,
or a membrane adherent to and bordering the teeth ; cUiolæ rudimentary or
none. Inflorescence monoecious : male flower gemmiform, axillary. — Small
species, fruiting abundantly, with glossy, concave, elongated, closely linear-
areolated and ecostate leaves ; their alar cellules numerous, small, quadrate, and
opaque. (Named for B . de la Pylaie, a Erench botanist.)
1. P. denticnlàta, W. P . Sch. Grows in closely entangled mats ;
branches crowded, short, ascending ; leaves lanceolate, acuminate, slightly denticulate
at the apex ; capsule ohlong-oylindrical; pedicels 3 " - 5 " high; operculum
with a rostrum about as long as the conic base ; inner peristome firm, yellow,
much as in Leskea, the cilia or processes often split along the keel, the
basilar membrane broad ; sporules bright yellow, smooth, about 505 of a line in
diameter. — Bark of trees, Columbus, Ohio ; very rare.
2. P . intricàta, Bryol. Europ. Size and mode of growth much as iu
the last ; branches short, recurved ; leaves ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, nearly
entire, more or less secund; capsule oval or ovate-oblong, its mouth small;
pedicels 5 " - 7 " high; operculum conic, scarcely rostoUate; inner peristome a
granulated grayish membrane, adherent to and bordering tho lower half of each
tooth, free above, and spht into two liuear-lanceolato divergent segments, as in
Bartramia; sporules light greenish-yellow, their diameter one half greater than
in No. 1. — (Pterigynandmm intricatum, ÆJw.) — Trees and logs; common.
(Tab. IV.)
3. P, veliitina, "W. P. Sch. Exceedingly like and formerly confounded
with No. 2 ; leaves with fewer quadrate alar cells ; capsule cylindrical, its mouth
larger; operculum decidedly rostcUate; teeth of the peristome more closely articulated,
uaiTowly bordered their whole length by the adherent inner peristome ;
sporules dark yoUowish-green, granulated, with a diameter twice as great as in
the first species. —Bark of trees, Columbus, Ohio.
(P. POLTlKTHA, a common European species, and found in British America
by Drummond, has the peristome of No. 1, with the capsule and short-conic
Operculum of No. 2.)
7 3 . I S O M A E O T Ï Ï E C 1 1 1 M , B 170I. Europ. (partly.) (Tab. V.)
Calyptra cuculliform, hairy. Operculum conic, subrostellate. Capsule ovate-
cylindrical, regular and erect, or oblique and incurved, pedicellate, annulate.
Peristome double; the exterior 16 linear-lanceolate teeth, with close articulations
conspicuous on the margins ; the interior 16 short cilia from a plicate base ;
or a membrane linmg the teeth. Inflorescence monoecious or dioecious. Stems
prostrate, closely and pinnately branched; leaves shining, costate, serrulate,
with an oblong-rhomboidal areolation. — (Name from opaXos, equal, and 6Î]kti,
a capsule; applicable to the type of the genus, Leskea sericea, Hedw.)
1. M . subcapillàtuin. Bryol. Europ. Monoecious; leaves elliptical
or obovate-elliptical, suddenly acuminated, not striate, serrulate ; costa single or
forked, extending half-way; pedicel rough ; capsule iaclined, slightly incurved ;
teeth of the peristome dark-red, with a broad peUucid central stripe marked by
a delicate zigzag medial lino; inner peristome a membrane lining the teeth.—
(Pterigonium ascendens, Schwoegr. Suppl. t. 243. Ft. decumbens, Schwoegr. I. c.
t. 110. Ptcrigynandrum brachychadon, Brid. Bryol. Univ. 2. p . 185.) — A small
species resembling Pylaisæa intricata, aud growing with it on trees : common
(Tab. V.)
7 4 . P U A X Y G A r I U M , Bryol. Enrop. (Tab. V.)
Calyptra cuculliform, elongated, slightly spiral. Operculum couic, short-rostrate.
Capsule ovtil-oblong, erect, pedicellate. Peristome double ; the exterior
16 linear-lanceolate broadly margined teeth; the interior 16 filiform cUia, the
basilar membrane obsolete. Annulus very large. Liflorescence dioecious.__
Rather small species, with prostrate closely entangled subpinnate stems ; and
ohlong-lanceolate ecostate leaves, with a linear areolation. — (Name composed
of irXarvs, large, and yvpos, ring, referring to tho annulus.)
1. P . rèpeiis, Bryol. Em'op, Branches short, rather julaceous, ascendlL