in g ; pedicels high; leaves reflexed on the margins. — (Neckcra braeliyclada.
Mull. Synop. 2. p. 88.) — Old fences, logs, &c., forming dense broivnish-
ycUow patches. Fruits abundtiutly. (Tab. V.) (Eu.)
7 5 . C Y U I N D K O T H È C I U M , Bryol. Em-op. (Tab. V.)
Calyptra dimidiate, nalTO^y, elongated. Operculnm conic-rostellate. Capsule
cylindrical, crcct, pedicellate, annulate. Peristome double ; the exterior 16 linear
distantly articulated tcctli; tho interior 16 naiTow caidnato cilia, connected at
the base by a very naiTOW membrane. Columella usually exserted. Inflorescence
monoecious. — A very natiual genus, with prostrate and usually compressed
stems, and closely imbricating ecostate pohshcd leaves, with a minute linear ti-ans-
parent areolation. (Name from Kiikcvèpos, a cylinder, and Ôtjkt], a little case,
referring to the shape of the capsule.)
* Pedicels reddish.
1. C . c l a d o r r l i i z a n s , Bryol. Europ. Stems 2 '- 3 ' long; sparingly
and subpinnatcly branched ; leaves oblong-ovate, acute, slightly serrulate at the
apex, concave, indistinctly bicostate at the base ; operculum conic, vnth a tMck
obtuse rostrum. — Woods, on old bogs, in large mats. Conspicuous by the broad
flat branches, and greenish-yellow foliage, dashed with bright brown ; very common.
(Tab. V.) (Eu.)
2. C . s e d i i c t l 'i x , Bryol. Europ. Separated from No. 1 by its less compressed,
almost cylindrical stems and branches. (Emits much more abundantly,
and affects humid situations.) — Margins of swamps, on old logs and roots of
trees. — Its numerous dai'k-red pedicels give it a striking character.
3. C . e o m p r e s s u m , Bryol. Europ. Near No. 1, hut distinguished by
its smaller size ; more compressed branches ; the leaves loosely imbricating, more
concave, %\ith an obtuse entire apex, and a more lax areolation; shorter ovate-
oval capsule ; and substriate perichætial leaves. — (Leskea compressa, Hedw.) —
Tninks of trees, on river-banks, subject to inundation, Central Ohio : rare.
4. C , S u l l i v á n t i í , (C. Mull.) Bi-yol. Europ. A more slender species than
any of the preceding ; stems and branches elongated, narrow, and quite flat ;
leaves laxly imbricating, oblong-ovate, short-pointed ; annulus conspicuous ;
operculum with a slender acute rostmm. — (Neckera Sullivantii, Mull. Synop. 2.
p. 65, 1850. C. gracilescens, W. P . Schimper, Bryol. Europ. fasc. 46, 47, 1851.)
— On stones, near the surface of the ground ; banks of tho Erench Broad River,
North Carolina.
* * Pedicels yellowish.
5. C . l > r u m m ó i i d i í , W. P . Sch. About the size of No. 1, which it
much resembles ; but its stems and branches are more complánate ; leaves not
so closely imbricating ; teeth of the peristome perforated along the medial line,
more distantly articulated ; sporules half the size ; annulus nearly obsolete. —
(N. cladorrhizans, Hooh. ^ Wils. in Drum. 2d coll. No. 96. C. Rugelianum,
W. P . Sch.?) — North Carolm.^, Ravenel : Texas, Wright.
6. C , b r e v i s è t u m , Bryol. Europ. Ramification subfasciculate ; branches
nearly terete, acuminate ; leaves crowded, ovate and oblong-ovate, the point extended
and subsciTulate, the margins sliglitly reflexed ; annulus large ; inner
peristome abortive, or a membrane lining the teeth. — Dry places, on trees, &c..
Western and Southern States ; not common. Eruits sparingly.
T r ib e XXXLI. N E C K È R E Æ .
76. 1 V É C K E K A , Iledw. ; Bryol, Europ. (Tab, V.)
Calyptra cuculliform. Operculum conic, rostellate. Capsule oval, erect,
pediceUate, immersed or exserted. Peristome double ; the exterior 16 long Un-
ear-acuminatc teeth; the interior 16 subulate cilia, more or less developed, the
basilar membrane very narrow. Inflorescence monoecious or dioecious. — Rather
large species, conspicuous for their flat broad stems, and shining, complanate,
ovate-lanceolate, scarcely costato, and mostly rtansversely undulate leaves, of a
thin, smooth textui*e, and a minute clongated-rhomboidal areolation. (Named
for N. J. NecJcer.)
1. p c f im à t a , Iledw. Monoecious; branchlets obtuse; leaves acuminate
; capsule immersed in the long perichætial leaves ; ciUa of the inner peristome
obsolete or rudimentary. — Tmnks of rtees ; common iu mountainous
districts. (Tab. V.) (Eu.)
2. IV. complaiiàta, Bryol. Europ. Dioecious ; branches often attenuated,
flagelliform ; leaves ovatc-oblong, obtuse, apiculate, not undulate ; capsule
long-pedicelled, exserted ; peristome with cilia half as long as the teeth. — (Leskea
complanata, Hedw.) — On rocks. New England, Alleghany Mountains, and
Tennessee. (Eu.)
7 7 , O M À F Ï A , (Brid.) Bi-yol. Europ. (Tab. V.)
Calyprta cuculliform. Operculum conic, rostellate. Capsule oblong, erect,
or sliglitly cernuous, pedicellate. Peristome as in Hypnum. Inflorescence
monoecious. — Ramification iiTcgular; stems and branches flat, iuteiTuptcdly
leafy ; leaves complanate, ovate-oblong, semi-costate, obtuse, apiculate, sIiMng,
with a minute rhombic areolation. (Name from ópaXós, f a t , refening to tho
stems and branches.) (Tab. V.)
1. O . tricliom^noidos, (Brid.) Bryol. Europ. Main branches ascending,
arcuatc-incurvcd, irrcgulaily ramulose ; leaves often somewliat falciform,
lax, pale-green, semilate above ; capsule oval-ohlong ; ciliolæ of the inner peristome
radimcntaiy or absent. — On rocks, about Lake Superior, but rare. Drum-
mond. (Eu.)
2. O . J a u lC S i à u a , W. P. Sch. mss. Pound by Mr. Thomas P. James
on the White Mountains, New Hampshire, and on the Catskill Mountaius, New
York. — (Hypnum trichomanoidcs, James, Enum.) — We have seen no description
of this species, and our specimens are too imperfect (being without fruit) to
exhibit tho distinctive characters.
3. O. ? V A r íg lit ií, Sulliv. (Muse. Bor.-Amcr., No. 269.) Stems pros-